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Swine genetics and reproduction

The performance of pigs is the result of two influences: genetics and environment. Because the genetics of a pig plays an important role in its performance and meat quality, all pig producers should be familiar with the potential and application of genetic selection. The genetic potential of pigs can have a major influence on the productivity and profitability of a pig enterprise. It is the combination of genetics, nutrition, health, environment and management that influences such factors as litter size, growth rates and carcass quality. The reproductive herd is for the multiplication of maternal and paternal lines that are prized for economically valuable reproductive traits, or, traits that generate desirable offspring reliably. Typically, prized reproductive traits include litter size, particularly total number of pigs born, and pigs weaned, weight of the litter of piglets at birth and weaning, wean-to-estrus interval (WEI), and pigs per sow per year (PSY). In more recent years, length of time a sow remains productive in the herd (longevity or survivability) is increasing in priority for major genetic lines. These traits are prioritized due to the impact on value of the sow to the herd.
Carlos Roudergue
Clemens Food Group
Clemens Food Group
Introduction: Farrowing is a critical period for the sow in which painful, inflammatory and infectious processes along with other systemic events cause postpartum stress and may trigger Postpartum Dysgalactia Syndrome (PPDS) which manifests itself either in clinical or subclinical presentation, both with negative impact on the sow and its litter regarding the development of suckling pigs. The objective of this study was to determine under field conditions the effect of...
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Model organisms provide a wealth of biological data that make them attractive to study as examples for other species, especially human, which are more difficult to study directly. For example, zebrafish is used as a classical developmental and embryological model for the unique combination of the optical clarity of the embryos and manipulability of embryology. C. elegans is chose to study the nervous system. It has the larger ascendance of showing the exact course of development at the level...
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Stelios Kouroupides
Kalorizou M. & Kouroupides S.O.E.
Introduction: Hoof lesions, which are very common in modern sows, were associated with high risk of early culling and compromised welfare of sows. Some hoof lesions were also associated with decreased litter weight, increased pre-weaning piglet mortality and higher odds of stillborn and crushed piglets. Evidently, if hoof lesions negatively affect not only sow longevity but also the important reproductive parameters which determine the utilisation of breeding herd’s...
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Introduction: Reducing non-productive days has always been an important part of improving gilt and sow productivity. The ability to assess your staff in their effectiveness to accurately identify heats in gilts and validate any replacement gilt hormonal protocols would be invaluable. The use of transcutaneous ultrasound on ovaries and uteri in gilts allows us to observe the puberty status of individual gilts and tailor specific and accurate interventions. It is not...
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Introduction: An effective insemination management is the basis for a successful piglet production. Hormonal stimulation and synchronization is common practice in farms, mostly using equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG). A FTI protocol is now available using Buserelin (Porceptal®, MSD Animal Health), a synthetic GnRH-analog compound. The main feature of this protocol is the requirement for only one insemination per sow. This study was conducted to compare the FTI with...
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Paulo Arruda
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Introduction: Congenital tremors is a disease of neonatal pigs characterized by action-related repetitive myoclonus. Despite early documentation (nearly 100 years ago) and worldwide distribution of the disease, the etiology of a majority of contemporary outbreaks remains a mystery but has been speculated to be an unidentified virus. This investigation describes the identification of a divergent lineage pestivirus in samples from piglets with congenital tremors and not unaffected...
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Introduction: Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a well-known cause of reproductive failure worldwide. It is known that PRRSV can induce apoptosis under in-vitro conditions, and is significantly associated with cell the occurrence of cell death in multiple infected tissues invivo. The mechanism of cell death occurring at the maternal-fetal interface during PRRSV infection, and the relationship of cell death to the cytopathic effect of the PRRSV and...
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Introduction: PRRS virus was identified in 1990' earlier and classified two groups in type 1 and type 2 genetically. PRRS virus has been discovered all over the world. PRRS modified live virus vaccines are introduced in many country to control PRRS. But these PRRS live virus vaccines didn’t defend against heterologous PRRS virus perfectly. This field case shows reproductive performance after type 1 modified live virus vaccination when it is infected with type 1...
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Introduction: The effects of the oral supplementation of probiotics on the performance (weight gain and feed intake) and intestinal histo-morphology of the duodenal, jejunal, and ileal mucosa (villus height, width, and perimeter and crypt depth) of two different genetic lines (purebred Large White or crossbred Large White x Landrace) of suckling piglets. Materials and Methods: The suckling piglets were evaluated between 2 and 19 days of age. In total, 276...
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Manuel Juarez
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Canada is one of the largest pork and beef exporters in the world. The volume and value of Canadian meat exports have increased to ~$9 billion/year, and the export markets have expanded significantly from the traditional buyers. However, the meat export landscape has evolved during the last years, becoming more competitive, with major players trying to access the same import markets. Quality assurance and meat differentiation based on quality attributes contribute to meeting domestic and...
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Laura Greiner
Laura Greiner and 1 more
Kimberly VanderWaal (University of Minnesota) comments on the use of sequence data by veterinarians, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Laura Greiner
Laura Greiner and 1 more
Kimberly VanderWaal (University of Minnesota) comments on RFLP types and differentiation of viruses, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Laura Greiner
Laura Greiner and 1 more
Kimberly VanderWaal (University of Minnesota) talks about genome sequencing and classification of viruses, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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In the U.S., consolidation and vertical integration of the swine industry has been associated with dramatic changes in breeding herd management. For example, the proportion of sows bred via artificial insemination increased from approximately 8% in 1991 (Burke, 2000) to nearly 70% in 2000 (Lawrence and Grimes, 2001). In a typical large-scale swine operation, semen is collected once or twice a week from boars located at off-site "boar studs". Studs usually house 200 or more boars....
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Don Giesting
Don Giesting and 1 more
Don Giesting (Cargill) discusses the characteristics of zearalenone and deoxynivalenol (DON), as well as their impact on reproduction and feed intake, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Don Giesting
Don Giesting and 1 more
Don Giesting (Cargill) comments on zearalenone effects on swine reproduction, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Fernando Cane
Fernando Cane and 1 more
1. Introduction Artificial insemination (AI) in modern pig reproduction requires liquid-stored extended-semen. Extenders provide sperm with nutrients to maintain metabolic processes (1), prevent cold shock (2), control osmotic pressure and pH (3), and antibiotics present in extender inhibit bacterial growth (4). Despite the substantial improvements made on extender formulations in recent years, the quality of stored sperm decreases over time primarily due to the increased...
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In this Engormix interview, Todd Thurman (Swine Insights International) explains how to keep the best balance between different goals: genetic progress and commercial production....
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Nick Gallina
Purdue University (USA)
Purdue University (USA)
Nick Gallina (Purdue University)      Background: Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains are the primary perpetrators of colibacillosis in piglets, resulting in mortality and agribusiness economic woes. ETEC expressing fimbrial antigens, F4 and F18, are the predominant contributors to colibacillosis. F4 is most prevalent in neonatal diarrhea. F18 is more common in post-weaning colibacillosis. Intestinal epithelial interaction and...
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Nick Gallina
Purdue University (USA)
Purdue University (USA)
Nick Gallina (Purdue University) speaks on serotypes of E. coli in pigs, and presents studies aimed at developing more effective mitigation measures using cell models, during the 11th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals in St. Louis, USA....
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