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Swine genetics and reproduction

The performance of pigs is the result of two influences: genetics and environment. Because the genetics of a pig plays an important role in its performance and meat quality, all pig producers should be familiar with the potential and application of genetic selection. The genetic potential of pigs can have a major influence on the productivity and profitability of a pig enterprise. It is the combination of genetics, nutrition, health, environment and management that influences such factors as litter size, growth rates and carcass quality. The reproductive herd is for the multiplication of maternal and paternal lines that are prized for economically valuable reproductive traits, or, traits that generate desirable offspring reliably. Typically, prized reproductive traits include litter size, particularly total number of pigs born, and pigs weaned, weight of the litter of piglets at birth and weaning, wean-to-estrus interval (WEI), and pigs per sow per year (PSY). In more recent years, length of time a sow remains productive in the herd (longevity or survivability) is increasing in priority for major genetic lines. These traits are prioritized due to the impact on value of the sow to the herd.
Well-known industry figure, Reg Joseph, has been appointed consultant to East Yorkshire-based international pig breeding company, ACMC Ltd. Working within both the UK and overseas, he will help develop new markets for the company, which has become renowned for the prolificacy of its breeding stock. Mr Joseph, who has held several senior management posts with pig genetics companies, said: "I find the ACMC approach refreshing. They have a well-motivated team and a science-based breeding...
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Following rapid growth of its business in Thailand, UK-based international pig-breeding company ACMC has appointed a new team to manage its Asian subsidiary, ACMC (Asia) Co, based at Ampur Muang, in Pathumthani Province in the Bangkok region of the country. It comprises Mrs Khamchan Kongthong, director of administration; Dr Boonsarng Prasithphol, executive manager; Mrs Kanjanart Sootthiluck, technical support manager and Dr Songwit Jeenawong, sales and marketing manager. Paradoxically,...
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Euribrid, the breeding division of Nutreco, has secured €700,000 funding from SenterNovem, an agency of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, to step up its DNA research programmes over the next three years. The cash boost is a major advance, says Dr. Gerard Albers, head of Euribrid’s Research and Development programmes, towards being able to fully mobilise the use of DNA-based technologies, for the further and more rapid advancement of Euribrid’s broiler, swine and turkey breeding...
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East Yorkshire pig breeding company ACMC has secured an order worth over £126,000 for 800 replacement gilts and boars for a 1,000 sow commercial herd in Italy. The Italian company Silos E Mangimi Martini Spa, has just taken the first of four deliveries to its farm at Telesino, Benevento, near Naples, despatched from one of ACMC's multiplier units at Brigham, near Driffield. "The AC1 gilts and Vantage FC boars which are replacing existing stock as part of an expansion...
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Researchers look at AI timing and semen preservation to investigate ways of improving swine breeding efficiency. Any breeder will say frozen swine semen most commonly used for artificial insemination (AI) is finicky, with a useful life of only a few hours once it’s thawed. To make matters worse, sows generally only conceive when inseminated at particular times, leaving a very small window for successful conception. That’s why University of Guelph Prof. Glen Cassar and graduate student...
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The first "Boar Semen Collection/Processing Workshop for Small Scale Farms" will be held at the University of Missouri Trowbridge Livestock Center, August 8-9, 2005. "We're talking small herds," said Tim Safranski, MU swine reproduction specialist. "That means herds with one or two boars." Methods to be taught by Safranski and Wayne Singleton of Purdue University are the same as taught to stud managers at the largest swine farms in the country. That is, the biology is the same. "We'll...
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The first "Boar Semen Collection/Processing Workshop for Small Scale Farms" will be held at the University of Missouri Trowbridge Livestock Center, August 8-9, 2005. "We're talking small herds," said Tim Safranski, MU swine reproduction specialist. "That means herds with one or two boars." Methods to be taught by Safranski and Wayne Singleton of Purdue University are the same as taught to stud managers at the largest swine farms in the country. That is, the biology is the same. "We'll...
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It's history in the making for the U.S. hog industry: For the first time ever, commercial swine herds in all 50 states are free of the dreaded Pseudorabies Virus, a disease that has haunted -- and shaped -- hog production the past 30 years. But the recent announcement made by the National Pseudorabies Control Board, which promises expanded export markets and dropped production costs, has been met with only limited enthusiasm in South Dakota. "I don't think South Dakota producers will be...
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Close co-operation between the British pig industry and the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has resulted in a revised protocol for veterinary supervision at Artificial Insemination (AI) stud farms. The farms have shown that, by reducing veterinary inspections to once a week, an experienced pig vet can attend the boars without having any contact with other pigs, thus reducing the risk of spreading disease. DEFRA is now satisfied that a suitable internal protocol is in place...
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A two-day intensive learning opportunity that concentrates on artificial insemination in swine production will be Thursday, Dec. 2 and Friday, Dec. 3 at the University of Minnesota's Southern Research and Outreach Center, Waseca. The course hours are noon to 9 p.m. on Thursday and 8 a.m. to noon or Friday. Registration deadline is Nov. 18. The course is designed for independent producers, unit managers and employees. AI in Swine Production is part of the Swine Training Program curriculum...
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Autumn infertility is an ill-defined problem in the pig breeding herd that is usually seen from mid-September to early November. It manifests itself as a rise in returns to service, abortions and delayed onset of oestrus. It is thought to be primarily associated with rapidly-declining day-length. Affecting younger sows to a greater extent than mature animals, the levels of infertility are usually greater following a summer of low light levels. In view of the weather conditions this year,...
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In October 2004, the 16th meeting of A.I. Vets will be held in Berlin, Germany. The German Cattle Breeders' Federation (ADR) and the Umbrella Association of German Pig Production (ZDS) have been assigned to organise this year’s congress. Artificial Insemination Veterinaries would like to ask you to mark this date in your book diary. The meeting will take place from 13th until 15th October 2004. The program will start on 13th October, 14:00 hrs, with meetings of the QualiVet-Groups for cattle...
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