Impact of QX serotype of infectious bronchitis virus on reproductive sysytem
Published:January 12, 2015
By:Reza Tavayef
Does anybody have any experience or scientific data about IBV QX serotype involvement of layers and breeders during rearing period and production period on reproductive system? Can QX infection in 10 weeks of age make negative effects on reproductive system (e.g. lower peak) in the production period?
Dear Dr. The new IB variants such as the QX like and Variant 2, are well known to cause serious problems on the reproductive tracts of layers and breeders when infected at young age or during the laying period.
pullets infected even after 5 weeks and older may have a serious reduction in the egg production peak and in some cases the typical oviduct cysts can be observed.
in order to control the damage caused by QX IB viruses you must use IB vaccines containing QX like virus or 973B like (233A or 4-91) these vaccines of 973 B group when applied at day one and 14 will provide protection to early infections even with the QX like viruses.
in order to get an acceptable protection against the QX like you have to apply the 973B vaccines twice (1 day and 14 days)
good luck
Dr.Beny P
undoubtedly it's a dreaded disease takes heavy toll and hit hard the production and the layers and breeders can be silent producer. I do believe the vaccine used way back on 14 day may not give a decent protection. For this same sake the vaccine after an interval of 4 week upto 14 weeks need to be practiced.
No doubt it is important and disease both by mortality & economic point of view. Variants for IB are different at different locations of world.
It is required that identification of type of IB virus prevlant through lab ( PCR etc) should be identified so that real relevant type of vaccine is given for proper protection. In addition strict biosecurity along with maintainance of air quality & quantity optimum through proper operation of ventilation. Here minimum ventilation is more important because for maintaining /conserving of house temperature ventilation is at least level. If not properly managed/ designed minimum ventilation, balance of ammonia, CO2, oxygen & other abnoxious gases shall not be maintained at appropriate /required level. It indirectly helps disease establishment.
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your comments. I want to know your idea about buying 15 weeks of age pullets which they have been involved with IB QX strain when they were 10 weeks of age? Can it make any problem in the production phase or it doesn't have any effects on reproductive system (pathogenicity of QX after 10 weeks of age on oviduct)?
Last year i experienced an IB breakout on a broiler house adjacent to Layer Farm (8 wk Age). Signs appeared just after administration of 4/91 IB Vacc. In broiler it caused about 6% mortality & same time Layer birds also showed respiratory signs but with little mortality .
Now that flock is at 38 wk Age but production is 83% with peak around 86%.
This indicates that variant (QX or 4/91) do have a impact on layer performance if it occurs in early stages.
I have a question,
After the outbreak of disease infectious bronchitis in the layer at the age of 8 weeks..
is it possible that now this time sufficient amount of recepters are present there for the QX serotype vaccine for protection against IB virus...?
and How you can say that the birds show good performance against 83 % egg production?
Thank you Dr Noor. I agree with you and I had an experience like as you but I couldn't confirm that drop in production is related to QX in the production phase (lower peak than normals). This is why I want to know if others in the world have seen such a problem in layers or not?
Dear Dr Farid, I think there must be IB receptors in oviduct all ages of the chicken, otherwise IB can't affect reproductive system in laying period and then can't decrease production rate. But most important point for protection is local immunity in upper respiratory system which is the first gate for entering IBV to the body (after multiplication there the virus can reach to the other organs). However IBV can be detected in GIT for long time after vaccination or infection.
Then anytime for immunity you can vaccinate birds preferably by eye drop or spray route with considering many items like as amount of ammonia gas in the house, dust, any respiratory signs, production percentage, temperature and humidity, immunity suppressors like as mycotoxins and stressors). With drinking water route also some of the viruses can reach to the URS through palatine and laryngeal clefts.
Hello Dear Friends a lot has been written about IBQX i will simply say that it has nothing to do with Ventilation /Management etc the first thing is good biosecurity of the farm and its premises ... Location of the Farm , for a Flock of 15 wks better to vaccinate it now if not done if done then ok /
in the area where it appears /signs or problem started then in the next flock vaccination should be consider in the program and it should be done before 8 wks and no late then 10 wks. IB 4/91 gives some cross protection for it and reduce its impact s .
for any other detailed information Please read more for it on the following links ...
Thanks and Regards
IB variants such as QX and Variant 2, are well known to cause serious problems on the reproductive tracts of layers and breeders when infected at young age or during the laying period.
dr tavayef aziz salam arz mikonam