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Mousa Mayah
Mousa Mayah likes the comment:
We have been examining vaccinated flocks by DIVA PCR and culture recently in Asia. Here we can not find the MG and MS live vaccines in flocks that have had anti-mycoplasmal antibiotics. We typically find field strains (we suspect they are resistant to antibiotics). The vaccine strains are sensitive to all anti-mycoplasmal antibiotics (even quinolones like enrofloxacin) even if local field strains ...
Participation in Forum on March 17, 2015
hello dear friends,i want to ask you how can you assess the HPAI according to HI test regarding of vaccination or without it?thanks for your respond
Participation in Forum on March 16, 2015
hello Dr,in incidence of HPAI How much does the titer elevate?what serumic level of its antibody is anticipitable?thanks
Participation in Forum on January 28, 2015
hello my teacher dr tavayef,in your view can,t QX virus impact urinary tract in laying period,subsequently it can,t decrease egg production?
Participation in Forum on January 25, 2015
hello Dr afaf,i,m dr mayyah from iran,i,m going to kuwait for work,i need to ur guidance,it,s my,please send me your e.mail
Participation in Forum on January 18, 2015
I know this virus usually causes bronchitis in layer and breeder but I believe it also does infection in broiler
Participation in Forum on January 17, 2015
hello dr,i have experience about QX virus incidence in broiler farm,whether is it possible or i might have mistaken?
This member had joined Engormix
December 14, 2013
equalizer Statistics: Forums(11)
Location:Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Veterinary Doctor
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