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Discussion created on January 9, 2023
Hi everybody! Does anybody have any review article, ppt or any material about avian or poultry pharmacology? Thank you in advance.
Discussion created on December 10, 2022
Does anybody have any experience or scientific data about IBV QX serotype involvement of layers and breeders during rearing period and production period on reproductive system? Can QX infection in 10 weeks of age make negative effects on reproductive system (e.g. lower peak) in the production period?
Discussion created on July 14, 2021
Hi friends. Does anybody know how long does it take to disappear red hock and red dot signs in the day old chicks (because of high temperature and low humidity in the hatchery) after hatching?
Discussion created on March 12, 2019
I faced on a flock that its production stopped about 65% production rate after molting (for about 3 weeks in this percentage). Birds breed are LSL, their first cycle performance was good (more than 90% till 52 weeks of age, FCR about 2.1 till 70 weeks, mortality rate is normal). Molting lasted about 2 months and it was done at 85 weeks of age (because of management decision). Now the flock seems n ...
Participation in Forum on January 28, 2015
Thank you Dr Noor. I agree with you and I had an experience like as you but I couldn't confirm that drop in production is related to QX in the production phase (lower peak than normals). This is why I want to know if others in the world have seen such a problem in layers or not? Dear Dr Farid, I think there must be IB receptors in oviduct all ages of the chicken, otherwise IB can't affect reproduc ...
Participation in Forum on January 18, 2015
Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your comments. I want to know your idea about buying 15 weeks of age pullets which they have been involved with IB QX strain when they were 10 weeks of age? Can it make any problem in the production phase or it doesn't have any effects on reproductive system (pathogenicity of QX after 10 weeks of age on oviduct)?
Participation in Forum on September 25, 2011
Thank you so much friends for your kind attention. As I understood, it takes 3 to 7 days for disappearing the signs. I wanted to know this issue as a indicator what happened for the chiks before arriving the farms. It is so important for vaccination program if because of high temp, immune system doesn't work well for some days (specially for spraying method which can make severe reactions).
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February 4, 2004
equalizer Statistics: Forums(7)
Location:Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Followers (11)