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Fat in broiler nutrition

Usage of fat in broiler nutrition

Published: June 13, 2007
Poultry production is a business, which like any other enterprise seeks to generate profit. This is done by keeping production costs as low as possible. Wilson & Bayer (2000) found that feed cost is about 60 -70% of the total cost of production, and energy alone contributes about 70% of the feed cost (Saleh et al. 2004). Poultry were observed to eat the amount of feed that approximately meets th...
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Dr. R.K. Misra
Dr. R.K. Misra
25 de junio de 2007

This paper is helpful for a successful and profitable broiler industry.

Youssef Attia
17 de julio de 2008

Fats have been shown many nutritional benefits in dietary formulation for broilers and laying hens; the recent trend in fat nutrition is to manipulate the immune system using the n6:n3 ratio in parent stocks and broiler and layer nutrition.

Alabi Kehinde
Vetstock nig ltd.
18 de julio de 2008

This is good news to feed millers in order to produce excellent performing feed.

Olufemi Pius Olowu
20 de julio de 2008

This is an interesting scholarly article about fat in broiler nutrition, it will be of immense advantage to feed millers if the information could be used. 



Dr.Iftikhar Ahmad Mashhadi
10 de diciembre de 2009

Usage of fat in Broiler Nutrition by Bekezela Dube is a good recollection for nutritionists to reveiew as the term fat(Animal or plant) is used for synonym for lipid in human and animal nutrition.To use fats in poultry nutrition requires precise test for their quality with respect to free fatty acids,peroxide value,impurities.The main and utmost factor to use fat is to consider the presence of essential fatty acid profile critical for poultry i.e Linoleic and linolenic acid whose req has been published by NRC in Nutrient Requirement of Chicken,1994.Moreover the inclusion of fat in diets should be practised with care considering the age of bird because of the fact that lymphatic system of the bird is not well developed and the absorption route of lipid is through portal venous system.
Overall it is a good effort done by Bekezela Dube. I appreciate such a good scholarly approach to achieve maximum return from bird through nutrition inclusion such an expensive source of energy considering economics.

Dr.P.George Kunju John
15 de diciembre de 2009

The concept of adding fatty acids to broiler ration is practiced for a decade now. The collosal release of ATP while splitting fats into fatty acids in system is used for meat and egg production. The end product of acetic acid remov\l needs oxidation of glucose. Again the fatty acids become triglycerides and get into liver for the formation of VLDL. Eventually it increases the cholesterol in blood of the bird. The beneficial effect of omega acids fortification is indeed welcome however the need of such fats is only 1[percent]. Further the economics has to be seen. My recent work on sugar syrup which supplies dietary energy economically at the same time cheaper than oil too. The combination of this technology will certainly benefit. However there is no agency to help me in this research.

Arshaq Ramzee
15 de diciembre de 2009
I endorse the views of Dr. Iftikhar Mashadi.
Rodel Villaraza
28 de diciembre de 2009

The article is well informative also all the comments said by my fellow nutritionist. Using fat/oils will depend on the objective of the production and also the feed processes involves. I do used combination of oils and fat in my broiler diets. Limiting my fats in early stages due to the limited bile secretion. Please take consideration the use of surfactant or lecithin especially in layers to prevent fatty liver syndrome. Using omega 3 and 6 for nutritional benefits for human.

Dr. Sushil Chandra
Dr. Sushil Chandra
31 de diciembre de 2009

It is quite informative article about fat in broiler nutrition. Author needs to study and suggest inclusion level of best source of fat to meet optimumm body weight and effecient FCR 


Dr S Chandra

Mohamad Naeem Mahmoud
Mohamad Naeem Mahmoud
27 de enero de 2010
thanks alot for this usful article which will be helpful for feed millers to encourage them to use dry fat in there ration formulation
Dr. Mrinal Kumar Sharma
Jubilant Life Sciences Ltd.
28 de enero de 2010

One other benefit of fats is that fats as a source of energy is not available to pathogens. Most enteric pathogens depend on sugars and amino acids for their own needs. popular practice in some parts of India is to eat bioled rice and ghee (clarified butter 99[percent] fat) to get rid of mild diarrhoea. I am sure this traditional practice targets the use of fats as a prebiotic where the benefiting biosystem is that of the host itself.



Montajat Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.
28 de enero de 2010
There are fat emulsifiers available in the market, which can be fruitfully used in feed to indirectly supplement more fat from the feed to the bird, in highly absorbable forms. This alternatively creates scope of economy. One such product I came across in India is Volamel extra, from Nukamel- Belgium. In fact, now I am trying it in Saudi Arabia in some big farms which are highly organized.
Ganesh Kumar Dahal
Guybro Chemical
4 de febrero de 2010

The Article would help poultry farmers to look into the benefit of economical additive in poultry nutrition. The supplementary advice of Dr.I.A.Mashhadi regarding consequences of using oils in poultry feed should be noted.
Adding an antioxidant like OXIGON (Cocktail combination of synergistically formulated BHA, BHT, Ethoxiquin & Propylgallate with cheleates) will enhance the action of source of energy more particularly preventing oxidative damage of oils and other feed additive ingredients too.

Dr.P.George Kunju John
4 de febrero de 2010

Feeding boiled rice and ghee for human could not be compared with poultry nutrition. Feeding of fat to poultry would supply colossal amount of dietary energy. However, it leaves the triglycerides for the formation of VLDL causing increase in cholesterol contant in meat and egg. Therefore, we must use the feed technology to reduce the above menance for human health.

Dr.P.George K John,BVScMRur Sc (Ani.Nutrition)

Ibrahim doudin
16 de febrero de 2010
thanks alot for this usful article which will be helpful for feed millers to encourage them to use dry fat in there ration formulation
Amir Attar
Javaneh khorasan
20 de febrero de 2010
it might be a good idea to use vegtables and animals fat together. anyway in every poultry (broiler&layer) diet using oil about 1 persent of diet is very good and important.
Dr Syahrir Akil, S.pt.
Dr Syahrir Akil, S.pt.
6 de abril de 2010

In Poultry Feed Industry some Nutritionist have using fat in broiler feed, fat in poultry feed have ability to decrease heat increament , so the feed intake of chicken easily to reach.

Abideen Busari
15 de abril de 2010

it is a good article.It is elaborative in nature.groundnut cake and palm kernel cake are two major sources of fat in poultry feeds in nigeria.The major problem facing farmers using these ingredients is the formation of aflotoxin in the course of storage.the knowledge i gained from your article is the importance of usage of one source of fat in feed formation and in right quantity

Sudipto Haldar
4 de mayo de 2010
The main thing in formulating a dietary regimen is to facilitate an optimum partitioning of nutrients including that of fats. The author is absoultely right in saying that the broiler chickens are not capable of digesting the fats in an early age. Yes, they become able to digest fat only after an age of 50 days or so - means their life span is over by that time. So we need to think of making the fat digested. Saturated fats from animal origin are difficult to digest than the soft fat of vegetable origin. Use of an emulsifier is of utmost importance here, however, if the fat content in diet goes beyond 3 [percent] or so. Numerous supplementation strategies may be developed which will partition the energy towards productive purpose - more lean meat production than fat production. Reduction of stress is the other factor which should facilitate lean meat production indirectly by reducing corticosteroid secretion. One unique supplementation strategy is to fortify the diet with a fermented product - yeast or lactobacillus or with some mineral elements like chromium.
Hafiz Imran Shakoor
14 de mayo de 2010
We know dietary and added fats influence the lipid profile of products (meat and eggs). Careful selection of fats and oils based on fatty acid composition and stage of the birds. Use of suitable antioxidants that will work in feed as well as in animal system to prevent oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in feed and product to increase the shelf life of both.
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