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Udi Ashash talks about biosecurity and prevention of avian influenza

Published: July 11, 2017
Udi Ashash (Director of Global Technical Services, Phibro Vaccines) explained the effect of migratory birds, and gave recommendations on eradication and vaccination, during the Avian Influenza International Seminar 2017 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Zehava Uni
Maqsood Jaffery
16 de noviembre de 2018

Good guidance. I shall emphasize upon proper disposal of dead birds as it is a major threat for breach of biosecurity.

Dr. M.Mazhar Khan
28 de marzo de 2018
I have already discussed in above comment for all type of AI.
Dr. M.Mazhar Khan
28 de marzo de 2018
Thank You, I think Bio security is first line of defense as once the hit some area they have to maintain very high level of Bio-security round the year.As once you control the disease it does not mean that you are safe for ever.The virus is very dangerous it can survive in old liter,wild birds,pets,because 4'' under the liter it replicate very fast & have a stress of any kind take opportunity to become very virulent any time.So it is essential to maintain disinfection of farm very regularly without thinking disease is over & you will stop it.My dear it is very regular program to continue& please always keep in mind that Bio- security is first line of defense as the comprehensive vaccination is 2nd line of defense alone vaccination can not do any thing with out Bio Security ,than you can over come the problem which I have learnt with my own field experience. GOD Bless you all brothers.
Surender Reddy
31 de julio de 2017
Prevention of AI is only possible with strict and continuous biosecurity measures because most of the farms whenever their flock is affected with AI then they use disinfectants vigorously and once disease is subsided then they stop using, Most of the brolier flocks are being not vaccinated with AI vaccine or not much biosecurity measures are following,so virus can survive and spread through backyard poultry,wild birds,dogs,flies,vehicles etc like this there are many vectors which will transmit the AI, So strict biosecurity combined with suitable vaccines can reduce the incidences and transmit the disease some extent,but complete eradication is highly impossible in this juncture,because there are multiple oppurtunies for virus has got to survive ...
Mohammad Shaheen Shah
15 de agosto de 2017
Need to know what herbs are used to control AI from Nigeria's folk medicine and it will be helpful to develop remedy for AI
hon fatt ho
11 de agosto de 2017
Hello Mr Ayyangar, do you have any herbal remedies to suggest? I know in countries like Nigeria folk medicines are used in backyard poultry farms. But my understanding is that this Forum is about prevention and control of Avian Influenza in large-scale industrial poultry farms. Surely bosses of these farms are not going to gamble their huge investment on scientifically unproven folk medicines? DR HO BVSc (Q'ld) DVPH (Massey) MRCVS Singapore
Mohammad Shaheen Shah
11 de agosto de 2017

Phytogenic substance may also be helpful.

Sataluri Satagopa Raja Ayyangar
Synergy Biorefineries Pvt
10 de agosto de 2017

Why not search for herbal equivalent which is permanently echo free. There are cases of fail and side effects of vaccination for children and others. Synthetic drugs and other chemicals are all polluting Nature by developing super bugs. Scientific community should think with facts.

Mohammad Shaheen Shah
9 de agosto de 2017
Alpha monolaurin is suitable solution to prevent and control AI. Fra C12 contains alpha monolaurin.
hon fatt ho
9 de agosto de 2017
Hello Mr Surender Reddy, may I know what are the disinfectants commonly used in the prevention of avian influenza in India? Are they specifically recommended for prevention of avian influenza viruses? Thank you and with best regards. DR HO International Veterinary Consultant Singapore
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