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hon fatt ho
Participation in Forum on August 11, 2017
Hello Mr Ayyangar, do you have any herbal remedies to suggest? I know in countries like Nigeria folk medicines are used in backyard poultry farms. But my understanding is that this Forum is about prevention and control of Avian Influenza in large-scale industrial poultry farms. Surely bosses of these farms are not going to gamble their huge investment on scientifically unproven folk medicines? ...
Participation in Forum on August 9, 2017
Hello Mr Surender Reddy, may I know what are the disinfectants commonly used in the prevention of avian influenza in India? Are they specifically recommended for prevention of avian influenza viruses? Thank you and with best regards. DR HO International Veterinary Consultant Singapore
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Avian influenza is a global problem and the earlier it is treated with global attention the better. The most important issue now is for scientist to read science into herbal medicine. The only problem with herbal medicine is not the efficacy but the fact that such efficacy has not been scientifically proved. For how long do we continue like this. Even human viral diseases like HIV and HBV have her ...
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January 7, 2013
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Location:Singapore, Singapore
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Veterinary Doctor
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