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Introduction.Maintaining drinking water quality for poultry is an important nutritional aspect as birds consume water at twice the level of feed. One prime factor that determines the wholesomeness of water is its microbial quality. Therefore, it should be of primary concern for production personnel and poultry producers to know the microbial quality of water supplies provided to their birds and co ...
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Cleaning, sanitation and disinfection are critical to the normal functioning of the poultry enterprise. I would like to add the controlled growth of a set of organisms you require. We use various live bacterial and viral vaccines. We also use live protozoa like Eimeria. What are we doing here? We are growing a set of organisms. We use organic acids in feed, water and use acidifiers to keep the ...
Participation in Forum on April 9, 2017
For countries that do not allow vaccination, eg Thailand, how do they keep the countries free from AI. Perhaps our colleagues from Thailand can share with us their valuable experience DR HO, International Freelance Veterinary & Livestock Consultant, Singapore
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December 7, 2016
equalizer Statistics: Forums(1)
Location:Singapore, Singapore
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine