Thanks for your article about a natural alternative to poultry growth promoters.
This is a start for all researchers.
This article about a natural alternative to poultry growth promoters is fantastic. The best option for farmers which is really keen in self-upgrading that could translate into cool revenue and very positive effects on his business. A big thanks to the author.
Good article about poultry growth promoters. I think this concept of the use of spices extracts and essential oils will continue for some time and I think this will be the concept of tomorrow. We were reviewing many scientific papers specially from collegues from India, China and Egypt in the past 15 years and I think this is the time to harvest the outcome of these papers and apply it in the industry. Good Luck.
Dr. Fathy F. Mohamed.
Professor of Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition
Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
Dear Sir,
Thank you so much for your article about a natural alternative to poultry growth promoters, it is a good effort from you.
I would like to inform you that herein Egypt, various studies were conducted on the effect of using the different materials (oregano, thyme, cinnamon) and spices (ginger, turmeric, pepper...) in the compound you mentioned to, and the researchers obtained a good results in this topic.
Thank you again.
Honestly this is wonderful this research about a natural alternative to poultry growth promoters, and I wish to congratulate you for the job well-done. However kindly ensure the availability of this product to farmers. We are using this media to tell you of our readiness to market this product in Nigeria.
Dear sir,
Good article about a natural alternative to poultry growth promoters. Please, I would like to hear about the availability of the product in India, and what are the natural sources of these essential oils which could have significant effect on the performance of broilers.
Scientific data based papers are always appreciated about poultry growth promoters, therefore work done with future planning will be highly admirable.
Interesting article about poultry growth promoters. Do essential oils really have an effect on optimising feed intake, especially at the level of the taste buds, since we know that chickens have very few taste buds?
Is there a significant increase in feed intake compared to a control group?
Thanks for your comments about poultry growth promoters.
To answer some question : yes we have results and stimaulation of feed intake in broilers and other species.
In India and in Nigeria, we have not actually Distributors !
Thanks for this informative article about a natural alternative to poultry growth promoters. Recently, in USA and other countries pressure on animal producers is increasing to reduce or even ban use of AGP in animal feeds. There are a number of alternative candidates in the market, and phytogenic products one of them.
We carried out a number of experiments in previous years using different phytogenic feed additives and also found some interesting results.
Present article is informative, however there is need to investigate the effects of phytogenic feed additives in more details, for examples their effects on digestibility of different nutrients, their synergistic as well as antagonistic effects on animal performance and their residual level in products should also be investigated.
we are looking forward for more research in this area.
thanks for your good & usefull informations about a natural alternative to poultry growth promoters. i have a question and i want to know if there is some bad & inhibitory effects of OLEOBIOTEC on PROBIOTICS.