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Tufail Banday
Professor & Head
Involved in teaching research and extension
Professor & Head
Discussion created on January 9, 2015
How would a person calculate the dose rate of enzymes to be added to poultry rations? Please provide the information.
Participation in Forum on August 7, 2014
Can you suggest me one method for estimation of ammonia levels in the litter material which is easy ,accurate and involving simple equipments
Participation in Forum on June 30, 2014
Is there in improvement in broiler chicken when included in broiler rations
Article published the May 31, 2014
INTRODUCTION:Dl-Methionine is the critical amino-acid for poultry. Supplementation of DL-methionine in poultry ration is well established to improve growth and performance in broilers. (Swick, 1990). Methionine must be supplemented in the diet of chi9cken as the poultry birds are unable to synthesize it in the amounts necessary to sustain life and growth. Methionine is required at higher lev ...
remove_red_eye 1834
forum 9
Article published the November 30, 2012
Diseases are produced by micro-organisms which are universal and single organisms reproduce and multiply number of times. Disease incidences are higher in old and densely populated poultry farms.Bio-security is of immense help to reduce disease hazards and improve health and productivity of birds. Optimum and profitable poultry production can be achieved by reducing disease risk to minimum extent. ...
remove_red_eye 13587
forum 10
Article published the November 13, 2012
Breeding is defined as the crossing of the male and the female parents to get the off spring for the characters desired. The main breeding methods are:1) In Breeding2) Out BreedingThey are further classified as given in the chart below:(1) INBREEDINGInbreeding is the mating of closely related individuals, whose relationship is more than the average relationship of the population. The example ...
remove_red_eye 39093
forum 5
Article published the November 13, 2012
A breed is a group of related animals with similar characters like general appearance, size, features and configuration etc. Often, breeds resemble each other with slight morphological differences, but because of constant inbreeding in one locality, independent breeds have evolved. In general, the cattle from drier regions are well built and those from heavy rainfall areas, coastal and hilly regio ...
remove_red_eye 87723
forum 20
Discussion created on September 20, 2012
What are the different methods to control broiler chicken as it a burning problem at present?
Article published the September 13, 2012
The environment can be defined as the combination of external conditions which have an impact on animals and humans. Perhaps the most important physiological response of poultry to the environment is the constant maintenance of a homoeothermic state during exposure to extreme ambient temperatures. Environmental stress causes adverse effects on performance of poultry.There are different types of st ...
remove_red_eye 16271
forum 12
Participation in Forum on July 4, 2012
A very informative useful article about Brooding of Chicks. It will help in reducing the early chick mortality. Regards, Dr.M.T Banday
equalizer Statistics: Articles(11)Forums(8)
Location:Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: Professor & Head
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