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ibrahim ahmed
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
consultant to industrial poultry projects ( Technical advices on all aspects of poultry production -breeder ducks - breeder turkey - pigeon- breederchicken colored and white - rabbit and feed lot sheep ....), specialization in Nutrition, incubation ( duck - poultry hatching...
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Participation in Forum on March 3, 2009
Dear sir, Congratulations, very good article about Maintaining Fertility in Broiler 
Participation in Forum on February 14, 2009
Dear sir, Thank you for your nice article. As flocks ages mating frequency decreases, fertility decreases, and embryonic mortality increases. This can be avoided by nutritional management as addition of essential fatty acids as omega 3 and/or omega 6, or by spiking younger male at the age of 40th week. Shell quality can be improved by controlling the egg size and increasing Ca in feed and pay att ...
Article published the February 12, 2009
When a problem occurs in hatchability, usually it can be categorized as a hatchery, egg handling, or breeder flock problem.If the problem has originated within the breeder flock, it is probable that it happened at least 6 weeks earlier, assuming 5 weeks of incubation and 1 week of egg storage.This delay in identifying a problem is costly and may even make it impossible to determine the cause if th ...
remove_red_eye 11115
forum 6
Participation in Forum on January 27, 2009
Dear sir, A usefull article, and it gives great insight to improve the quality of end product by making minor adjustments in feed. Thank you.
Participation in Forum on January 27, 2009
Dear sir, Using of spices extracts and essential oils will be the concept of tomorrow. We allready apply it in different fields (ducks- turkey- broilers), it gives more profit. Thanks & best regards.
Participation in Forum on January 27, 2009
Dear sir, The most important aspect of poultry meat is its eating quality. This fantastic article is more useful for the producer, processor, retailer and consumer, all have specific expectations for the quality attributes of poultry. Thanks.
Participation in Forum on January 27, 2009
Dear sir, Thanks a lot for your kind presentation.
Participation in Forum on January 15, 2009
Dear sir, Thank you for your excelent presentation about Avian Reovirus Infections. However we would like to see reovirus in waterfowl (ducks). Till now we have no vaccine or any treatment. And also some special differences in the control and diagnosis. Thank you and best regards, Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed
Participation in Forum on January 12, 2009
Dear sir, thank you for your presentation of an excellent article and very good information that is fruitful and prospective to applicable trends. Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed
Participation in Forum on January 1, 2009
Dear sir, The article is a good effort in understanding the causes of lower hatchability in broiler breeders. There is no findings of light color eggs (lower hatchability). I think the light color occurs during/after the attack of disease like Avian Influenza, ND, IB and EDS. Also, there is nothing about dietary factors (fat, fatty acids. C/P RATIO AND CALCIUM PHOSPHOROUS RATIO).
equalizer Statistics: Articles(1)Forums(14)
Location:Gizah, Al Jizah, Egypt
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine