Hello, These lesions appear in broilers beginning with 20 days of age. It is random and exclusive to 30% of the farm not 100%. Initially I thought the black content (found in the gizzard and in the crop, until the duodena, but not in the cecum) was digested blood. Now I don't know what to think. The chick are not eating, not drinking, first with low mortality, now more... the feed is from the same place as all the farm, and every one is from the same hatchery, and treatments, so every aspect is the same in all the farm, except this. Why doesn't it cover all the farm, only 30%? and were did it come from?
See album: Black content and Gizzard errosions
Since feed is from same source for other healthy farm, mycotoxin should be excluded. I suggest your case either fungal infection as candida or adenoviral infection also you can suggest colstridium infection ( colstridium colinum)
I think you must return to the history of Newcastle Disease vaccination and examine other lesion searching for confirmation for newcastle, since this viral disease makes degeneration to RBCS and makes the blood more watery darken in its colouration.
If you vaccinate against newcastle with killed vaccine and live vaccine and the immune system of birds is strong I think you cant notice any mortility but the poultry will be off food and water and you can notice greenish watery diharrea and, in some advanced cases, like your case you can notice dark reddish watery diarrhea.
If you want to know if its mycotoxin you must examine the ration for mycotoxins and noticing the poultry when eat if scattered feed on littre and prefer to eat it from it.
Thank you and good luck!
These signs remind me of 2 diseases: Clostrydium and coccidiosis (maxima, necatryx- only in breeding and pullets)
I agree with previous colleagues´ suggestions but, in most cases, gizzard coilin layer health is related to duodenum - pancreas health its easy check after postmortem put together gizzards and duodenum loops. I don´t have a proper explanation but it seems that disturbances in duodenal digestion destroy some essential ingredient also vitamin absorption needed for coilin layer osmotic nutrition. Adeno, another frequent reason I see.
I've uploaded some photos, maybe it will help. - the fish meal is excluded (we don't use this in our feed).
yes, we do prepare our feed, and we checked our storage (some discussion here) all in all, it hasn't changed since the last flock...same issues. I don't believe the problem came from the storage bunkers in the farm, but from the mill... Yes also taken into consideration adenovirus serotipe 1. If it came from the mill (processing factory ) why did it appear in only 25-30% of the farm. From a batch of feed we can cover some 40-50%, depending. Although farms between them don't share the same batch, they share however the same supplier. From 5 different farms with the same supplier, 2 of them have this problem (25-30% of a farm not all).