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Abdelaziz Abdelfatah Abdelmotii Ebrahim
dr of veterinary medecine
im doctor abdelaziz im specialized in veterinary medecine and in chicken disease i have 2 specialized lab in egypt in diagnosis of avian disease
dr of veterinary medecine
Company topics
#Marek´s disease
Discussion created on July 1, 2021
General immunodepressed bird
Discussion created on January 31, 2021
Discussion created on May 24, 2020
Participation in Forum on August 2, 2018
I think I.B is very important disease affect many country The situation is very bad if accompanied by avian influenza H9
Photo posted on January 3, 2018
B.C bronchial cast at tracheal bifurcation from my poultry secrets book
Discussion created on January 3, 2018
Very important lesion in I.B
Discussion created on April 20, 2017
Complicated CCCRD
Participation in Forum on April 9, 2017
I think avian influenza h9n2 is very dangerous disease when appears in area that infectous bronchitis is endemic From my experience in dealing with virus is to vaccinate the layer to obtain good maternal lmmunity Thank you
Participation in Forum on April 3, 2017
I think avian flu H9N2 in middle east represent avery big problem in avian rearing and i think using of killed vaccine in layer is very important and from my field observation through my lab in egyptian market the vaccination in broiler is of no value as this virus can enter farm from one day as i see Thank you
Participation in Forum on February 8, 2016
there is an old example about poultry eating is called poultry eat for calories and poultry is grain eater so in modern rearing and introduce for poultry pellets feed which called afast food having high level of energy so it leads to high body weight gain in broiler of about 2 kg meat of eating 3.250 kg feed at about 32 days but we notice that the immunesystem of this birds will be not goo ...
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Location:elmansoura, Ad Daqahliyah, Egypt
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: dr of veterinary medecine
Followers (49)
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