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A study on the efficacy of herbal Methionine (Nutri-methionine) supplementation with synthetic DL-Methionine on the growth performance of Broiler chicken

Published: May 31, 2014
By: Tufail Banday, I.A Baba; A.A Khan, Dr. Madeha Untoo and Dr. Fayaz Ganie* (Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology (K))*Global Manager, M/s Nutricare Life Sciences Saharanpur. U.P (India)

An experiment was conducted for a period of 42 days to assess the efficacy of herbal methionine (Nutri-methionine) supplementation on the performance of broiler chicken reared on deep litter. A total of 135 commercial broilers (Vencobb 400) day old chicks were divided into three treatment groups, each group with three replicates of 15 birds per replicate. T1 group birds were fed with the control diet without any supplemental methionine. T2 group birds were fed with the control diet supplemented with synthetic methionine and T3 group birds were fed with the control diet supplemented with herbal methionine (Nutri-methionine).

A significant (P<0.05) increase in body weight gain was obseroed in the group of birds fed diets supplemented with herbal methionine (Nutri-methionine) when compared with the group of birds fed diets supplemented with synthetic DL-methionine. Cumulative feed intake was comparable between the group birds fed diets supplemented with either synthetic methionine. However, the feed intake was significantly lower in the group of birds fed diets supplemented with herbal methionine (Nutri-methionine). The feed conversion ratio was improved linearly with a significant (P<0.05) improved in FCR in the group of birds fed diets supplemented with herbal methionine (Nutri-methionine).

No significant (P<0.05) variation in the defeathered and eviscerated weight due to supplentation of either synthetic or herbal methionine was observed. There was a significant (P<0.05) elevation in serum glucose levels with a notable reduction in the serum cholesterol levels in the group of birds fed diets supplemented with herbal methionine (Nutri-methionine).

The above results indicated that the herbal methionine (Nutri-methionine) can be used more efficiently than synthetic DL-methionine in the broiler diets.

Keywords: Broiler Chicken; Performance; Synthetic & Herbal Methionine.

Dl-Methionine is the critical amino-acid for poultry. Supplementation of DL-methionine in poultry ration is well established to improve growth and performance in broilers. (Swick et.al, 1990). Methionine must be supplemented in the diet of chi9cken as the poultry birds are unable to synthesize it in the amounts necessary to sustain life and growth. Methionine is required at higher level than normal level to comply with the increased tissue demands when bird is predisposed to fast growth along with high production performance. The growth rate of birds is often inferior when regardless of amino acid balance, the ratio of crude protein with synthetic amino acid is much less than 16:1 (Lesson & Summers, 2001). Methionine may act as a lipotropic agent through its role as a methyl donor and involvement in choline, betaine, folic acid and vitamin B12 metabolism (March and Bieley, 1956; Chen et.al; 1993). Methionine serves as an integral portion of body protein is a precursor for cysteine and an important source of dietry sulphur. The increase in demand for cheap meat has given rise to the use of synthetic compounds in feed. Recently the safety of such practices has been questioned and their use is becoming restricted to many  regions of the world. The DL-methionine supplementation in growing chicken feeds is a common practice especially in cereal and vegetable protein based ration (Swick et al;1990). The synthetic methionine is metabolized into highly toxic comnpounds such as methyl thiopropionate (Baker, 1991) thereby adversely altering the performance of poultry birds. The synthetic methionine is listed among the prohibited synthetic substances (Anon, 1999).
Soaring prices and availability of DL-methionine have forced the researchers to an alternative to replace DL-methionine with an economical alternative in poultry diet. Keeping this in view an attempt is made to overcome the present crises and to validate the claims made on the phytogenic formulation.
The study is designed with an aim to evaluate comparative efficacy of synthetic DL-methionine with Nutri-methionine, a herbal aminoacid developed by M/s Nutricare Life Sciences Shaharanpur, U.P on the performance of broiler chicken. 
One hundred and thirty five day old Vencobb Broiler Chicks were divided into three groups with one control and two treatments having 45 chicks in each group with three replicates of 15 chicks each reared on deep-litter system for a period of 42 days. The research was carried out in the Division of Livestock production & Management, SKUAST of Kashmir.
Three types of corn-soyabean meal based diets were offered to the birds i.e, pre-starter (for first 14 days), starter (from 15th to 28th day) and finisher diet (from 29th to 40th day) (Table 1). All the diets were formulated according to BIS (1992). Group I of birds were fed the basal diet without any supplemental Methionine.
Group II of birds were fed the basal diet supplemented with synthetic DL-Methionine @ 100gm per quintal.
Group III of birds were fed the basal diet supplemented with Nutri-Methionine @ 100gm per quintal feed in the diet III.
All the groups were maintained under similar conditions of brooding, feeding and management. Feed was offered ad.libitum throught the experimental period as mash. Weekly body weight and feed consumption were recorded and feed conversion ratio (unit feed intake/unit body weight gain) was calculated. The mortality of birds was recorded as and when it occurred at the end of experimental period blood was collected from two birds from each replicate group (6 birds per replicate) for blood biochemical analysis using commercially available diagnostic  kits of span diagnostics. Similarly two birds from each replicate group (6 birds per treatment) were selected randomly and sacrificed as per standard methods for determining the dressing percentage and carcass yield.
The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis by the soft ware SPSS 10 (SPSS, 1997). Levels of significance were calculated as per the standard methods described by Duncan (1995).
At the end of experimental period blood was collected from two birds from each replicate group (6 birds per replicate) for blood biochemical analysis using commercially available diagnostic kits of span diagnostics. Similarly at the end of the experiment two birds from each replicate group (6 birds per treatment were taken randomly for determining the dressing percentage & carcass yield. The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis by the software SPSS 10 (SPSS, 1997). Levels of significance were calculated as per the standard method described by Duncan (1995) when ever any effect was found significant. 
The results of the comparative effect of feeding diets supplemented with synthetic and herbal Methionine on the performance of Broiler chicken is presented in the table 2. The body weight of birds fed herbal Methionine (Nutri-Methionine) was significantly (P< 0.05) highest when compared with the group of birds fed diets supplemented with synthetic Methionine and negative control diets (without Methionine).
These results are in accordance with the findings of Kiran Kumari et al (2001) and Kadam et al: (2009) Kalbande et al(2009), Naryanswamy and Bhagwat (2010) who reported that, the live body weight gain of birds at 21 days increased significantly as the level of semi-synthetic Methionine was increased in the diet of broiler chicken. Similarly Naranswamy and Bhagwat (2010) reported that the chicks fed herbal Methionine showed a significant (P<0.05) gain in body weight when compared with control group.
Cumulative fed intake was comparable between the group of birds fed diets supplemented with synthetic Methionine when compared with the group of diets fed control diet. However, the feed intake was significantly (P<0.05) lower in the group of birds fed diets supplemented with herbal Methionine (Nutri-Methionine). These results corroborate with the earlier reports of Chattopadhyay et al(2006) who noted higher feed intake in the control birds than birds supplemented with Methionine (DL-or herbal). However, Kalbande et al (2009) observed no significant effect of herbal or DL-Methionine supplementation on feed consumption of birds.
The feed conversion ratio was improved linearly (P<0.05) among the different treatment groups and the group of birds fed diets supplemented with herbal Methionine (Nutri0methionine) showed the best feed conversion ratio. Similar results have been reported by earlier reporters (Chattopadhyay, 2003; Kiran et al; 2012). It was observed that neither DL-Methionine nor herbal Methionine (Nutri-Methionine) supplementation had no effect on broiler mortality. The effect of supplementation of herbal Methionine (nutri-Methionine and synthetic Methionine revealed no significant (P<0.05) variation in the defeathered and eviscerated weight amongst the different treatment groups while the dressed weight was numerically higher in the group of birds fed diets supplemented with herbal methionine (Nutri-Methionine). Similar results were earlier recorded by Chattopadhayay, 2003 and Kiran et al; 2012) in the broiler chicken fed, herbal and synthetic aminoacids.
Broiler chicken fed diets supplemented with herbal Methionine (Nutri-Methionine) showed significantly (P<0.05) serum total protein values than the group of birds fed diets supplementation of Methionine. However, non-significant (P<0.05) difference was supplemented synthetic Methionine or herbal Methionine (Nutri-Methionine). Similar results have been observed earlier by Kiran et al;(2012).
A significantly (P<0.05) higher blood glucose level was observed in the group of birds fed diets supplemented with herbal Methionine (Nutri-Methionine) when compared with the group of birds fed either synthetic methionine or without any supplemental Methionine. There was a significantly (P<0.05) linear decrease in serum cholesterol level with the supplementation of either synthetic or herbal Methionine with the most hypocholestrolemic effect observed with the supplementation of herbal Methionine (Nutri-Methionine). 
The study concludes that 1kg Nutri-Methionine per tone of feed can efficiently replace 1kg synthetic DL-methionine per tone of feed to improve commercial Broiler performance. 
The authors are greatfully acknowledge and appreciate the financial support from M/s Nutricare Life Sciences Shaharnpur for conducting this research work. 
Table. 1. Ingredient composition and chemical composition of basal diet.
A study on the efficacy of herbal Methionine (Nutri-methionine) supplementation with synthetic DL-Methionine on the growth performance of Broiler chicken - Image 1
Table. 2. Comparative effect of feeding diets supplemented with synthetic and herbal Methionine on the performance of broiler chicken.
A study on the efficacy of herbal Methionine (Nutri-methionine) supplementation with synthetic DL-Methionine on the growth performance of Broiler chicken - Image 2
Anonymous 1999. Organic production of agricultural products and indications referring there to      on agricultural products & food stuffs to include livestock products. Official J. European Committees. EU council regulation 1804/1999 pp 22.
Baker, D.H. 1991. Amino acid tolerance of Swine & poultry. In: NFIA Nutrition Institute handbook.
Bureau of Indain standard (BIS). 1992. Nutrient requirements for poultry. In: Animal feeds and Feeding stuffs. Determination of calcim and Magnesium in Mineral supplements IS, 13574.
Chattopadhayay, R.R. 2003. Possible mechanism of hepatoprotective activity of Azadirachta   indica   leaf extract:Part II. J. Ethnopharmacol; 89: 217-219.
 Chattopadhayay,K., Mondal,M.K and Roy, B. 2006. comparative efficacy of DL-Methionine and   herbal Methionine on performance of Broiler Chicken. International Journal of Poultry Science 5 (11):1034-1039.
Chen, F., Noll, S.L., Waibel, P.E and Hawkins. 1993. Effect of folate, vitamin B12 and choline supplementation on turkey breeder performance. Poult.Sci., 72:73.
Duncan, D.B. 1995. Multiple range and multiple”F” tests.Biometrics, 11:1-42.
Kadam, M.M., Gole, M.A and Kolte, B.R. 2009. comparative efficacy of DL-Methionine and semi-synthetic methionine (Nico meth) on broiler growth performance. Poultry Line (9) 49-51
Kalbande, V.H., Ravikanth, K., Maini, S and Rekhe, D.S. 2009. Methionine supplementation options in poultry. International Journal of Poultry Science 8 (6) & 588-591.
Kiran Kumari., Tiwari, S.P., Subhankar Nanda; Saxena, M.J., Ravikanth, K, and Maini Shivi. 2012. Studies on comparative efficacy of herbal aminoacid (Methiorep) supplement with synthetic DL-Methionine on Broiler growth performance and carcass quality traits. International Journal of Scientific and research Publication. 2 (8) 1-3.
Leeson, S and Summers, J.D. 2001. Nutrition of the chicken. 4th Edn; pp:112-125.
March, B and Biely, J. 1956. Folic acid supplementation of high protein-high fat diets. Poult.Sci., 35:550-551.
Narayananswami, H.D and Bahgwat,V.G. 2010. Evaluating the efficacy of Methionine supplementation options in commercial broiler chickens. Poultry Line. 3: 5-7.
Swick,R.A., Creswell, D.C., Dibner, J.J., Ivey, F.J. 1990. Impact of Methionine sorces on performance of broilers growing under warm and humid conditions. Poult.Sci., 69 (suppl.1):194 (Abstr.)
SPSS Base Applications Guide 7.5, ©, 1997. Statistical package for social sciences, Chicago,USA.
Tufail Banday
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir
Fayaz Ganie
Dr. Madeha Untoo
C. Reuben Walker
5 de marzo de 2015

Can you email the ingredient composition of your herbal methionine?
Where can I purchase a bag to be shipped to a university in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Do you know where I can get a sample bag for research the herbal methionine?

Do you know of a herbal methionine marketed in the U.S. that can be used in organic poultry rations?


Ing. Dragan Ionut
5 de marzo de 2015
Hello. Methiomax (andrograhis indica ,ocimum sanctum azadirachta indica) is good as methionine replacer? There are not contraindication if you use in same feed coccidiostatics ( maxiban or elancoban) or other kind of drugs? All the best Ionut Dragan
C. Reuben Walker
10 de octubre de 2014
Hello; Can you email the ingredient composition of your herbal methionine? Where can I purchase a bag shipped to a university in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Do you know where I can get a sample bag for research the herbal methionine that is composed of different herbs? Do you k now of a herbal methionine that can be used in organic poultry rations? Please email me at reuben33c@aol.com Reuben
Fayaz Ganie
20 de septiembre de 2014

Dear Sergio Valez,

Herbal Methionine is a natural source of active methionine.it is scientifically developed from a specific combination of botanicals,& contains methionine in dipeptide & oligopeptide forms in a readily digestible composition,along with natural enzymes required for conversion of methionine in to L isomer of active form( SAM) for its optimum utilization.nutrimethionine can efficiently replace synthetic DL methionine by mimicking the methionine activity in vivo or within living systems.

• Methionine in dipeptide & oligopeptide form present in Truemeth( Herbal Methionine) is more bioactive & bioavailable.
• Methionine in natural & L-isomeric form present in Truemeth gets easily absorbed & sustains in body for a longer duration of time.
• Precursors(serine & aspartic acid) & intermediates(SAM & MAT) present in Truemeth help to maintain endogenous synthesis of methionine.
• Recyclers(folic acid & phosphatidyl choline) present in Truemeth help to recycle dietry & supplemental methionine for sustained bioactivity.
• Folic acid present in Truemeth spares dietry methionine for protein synthesis instead of one carbon transfer reactions

However,their is a lot of difference in results of Herbal methionine manufactured by different companies.This is largely due to difference in composition & specialist technologies used. 

Sergio Velez
Alimentos CCR
19 de septiembre de 2014
I am considering the herbal methionine. However the starting point is the knowledge of the methione (or methionine activity compund) content of the product. Same applies to Lysine and Choline. Would you please allow me a techical specification sheet for these products. Thank you. Sergio velez
DrFayyaz Ganie
Truevet Animal Nutrition
19 de septiembre de 2014
Dear Tawfik, i could not understand your comment properly! still let me reiterate, Botanical Methionine in broilers have been found to effectively replace synthetic methionine without compromising on FCR or weight gain( suppose if your broiler attains weight of 1500 gms in 25 days with dl methionine, you will get similar or better results with Botanical methionine! the difference will be remarkable in terms of farm econimcs( since botanical methionine will cost you only a fraction of DL-methionine).
18 de septiembre de 2014
This study says that the bird consumes 3200 grams of weight to get to the 1500 conversion rate of 50%, although the typical mixture Dear But this is a loss of farms in Jordan. Is there a feed mixture check conversion of 60% or more even underestimate the losses?
DrFayyaz Ganie
Truevet Animal Nutrition
11 de septiembre de 2014
Dear Dr Ahmed yes infact it is effective! Its simply methionine from botanical sources ( contains natiral methionine & its analogues, for more infor you can mail me on fayaz_ganie@truevet.in
Rony Ahammad
11 de junio de 2014
whats herbal medicine? is it effective ?
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