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Causes of Immunosuppresive Diseases. Dr. Karel A. Schat (Cornell University)

Published: November 24, 2015
Dr. Schat talks about the main causes of immunosuppresive diseases and about the strategies to prevent and control immunosuppresive viruses. He also gives his opinon about the evolution of Marek`s disease and the results of the use of the vaccines against chicken anemia virus.
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Karel A Schat
Cornell University
Cornell University
Yair Saar
25 de abril de 2016
Dear Prof. Karel A. Schat, Thank you, off course I agree those infectious agent are immunosuppressive, and vaccination and biosecurity is the best tools to avoid the damage. However we cannot ignore the global warming and prevalence of mycotoxins. Those toxic fungal metabolites found in almost all types of agricultural feedstuffs and grains may cause an invalid immune system to the growing bird and young animals. This major concern with regards to feed contamination that presents a genuine risk to livestock animal production is not prevented by biosecurity, but mycotoxins deactivators.
nosheen naheed
25 de abril de 2016
thanks Dr. Karel A. Schat.i want to now about the Infectious bronchitis diseases which is always imuno supresion causes in broiler .why this virus attach on brusa.
Ismet Mamode
Food & Allied Group of Companies
4 de julio de 2016

Apart from the known viral diseases, in most African countries, the immunosuppression is related to the presence of MYCOTOXINS in the feed. The comment of Dr. Yair Saar is quite right. Concerning IBD - Gumboro, the vaccination at the Hatchery with TRANSMUNE has given excellent results in the broilers.
With the vaccination for MAREK'S disease, it is important to respect all the procedures or else there is a big risk of vaccine failure. As far as INFECTIOUS BRONCHITIS (IB) is concerned, the presence of VARIANTS is becoming a serious problem in many African countries.

shibly noman
8 de julio de 2016

you must give ibd vaccine and then give vit e selenium 2hr then ciprofloxacine+paracitmol bp+vit c+ imunnocare 24hr water then fress water next toxinin plus

Tarusenga Munyanyi
24 de julio de 2016
What is important in poultry production of broilers is to make sure you don't allow pathogens to came into your birds.make sure you have biosecurity which means all systems that have potential to bring pathogens should be dealt with maximum attention. Your vaccination will work when there is no pathogens in your birds this will mean a good immunity.will develop against diseases that are problem in your area.let's you have to know your source of diseases where ;how; time;and how to avoid it.many vaccines are all over the world we have to know if they work to diseases that we have .you need to know the strain you are dealing with than using a universal approach diseases do not universal approach
25 de julio de 2016
Mr.Tarusenga Munyanyi-We all appreciate your concern to contain the free access of pathogens in a poultry firm.We strongly admit that they were the tough task.To ensure Biosecurity at firm level we request you to brief the detailed steps to be pursued by each farmer in near future. Please share your experiences and advocate the steps to be followed at firm level by farmers to restrict the entry of pathogens.It would be better further to know the cost economy towards implementing your advice at farmers end.
Tarusenga Munyanyi
25 de julio de 2016
Thanks will do detailed biosecurity concept in future
Tahir Naseem
26 de julio de 2016
Well! agreed to all discussion, but there are some limitations on poultry farms in the field. 1-How to control IB? as it's virus can travel upto 10 KM through air. 2- How to maintain the biosecurity on the farm, regarding feed and feed trucks? As the feed trucks from all over the country are coming in the feed office, and then going to the different poultry farms. Now how can we disinfect the feed bags? 3-How can any farmer restrict the wild birds to enter the farm premesis? 4, How to control feed ingredients
Tahir Naseem
26 de julio de 2016
How to control feed ingredients from moulds and their metabolites, when a commercial feed is being used? Thanks.
Odede R.O.
18 de diciembre de 2016
Through good biosecurity, farm management, vaccination and feeding practices most poultry diseases can be contained. Any disease incidences need to be thoroughly investigated and firm corrective measures instituted.
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