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Visceral gouts

Published: October 20, 2014
By: Dr. K. M. Ehasanul Islam

Postmortem findings:

1. Severe visceral gouts
2. Swollen kidney (with deposition of color urate crystal)
3. Proventicular ulceration
4. Normal liver
5. Notmal intestine

Clinical findings:

1. Number of sick birds is 1-2%
2. Mortality 4-7%
3. Most of birds look normal


1. Different age group of birds (7 to 34 days)
2. Mortality starts after 12 days of age
3.Total number of birds 1800000 (6 houses each 30000)
4.Commercial feed from two different companies (feed treated with Toxin binder)
5. DOC vaccinated with IB vaccine (spraying in farm at 0 days age)

Lab Test result:

Negative IB and ND (Titre level below than normal for IB)

My findings were .....

1. Due to ochratoxicosis
2. Due to IB vaccine failure so what could be the possible causes and what is the disease?

Related topics:
Dr. K. M. Ehasanul Islam
Dr.Sanjay Gavkare
20 de octubre de 2014
Dear Dr. Islam, One must rule out the non infectious causes like,nutritional,managemental,toxins etc. If we try to figure out the most probable infectious cause please look for IBV variant (nephro strains) / Chicken Astro virus(CAstV) involvement .I assume when you say ND and IB negative that's merely on serological fiinding (low titres). Tissue samples to be submitted for laboratory investigations.The test like,Virus isolation,SN,PCR would be helpful.
Fethiye Coven
20 de octubre de 2014
Dear Dr.Islam, Salt poisoning may be a reason. Kind Regards
Gabriela Barbeli-Petu
20 de octubre de 2014
Hi, maybe you should consider the possibility of water deprivation, vitamin A defficiency, excess of Calcium, high protein diet, mycotoxins. Also the infectious causes, astroviruses(avian nephritis viral infections). Did you observed some grow retardation also? All the best!
Dr. K. M. Ehasanul Islam
20 de octubre de 2014
Thank you dear Gabriela Barbeli -Petu for your comments. For your concern i want to mention that feed contain 22% CP and calcium level 0.45% and also mycotoxin free. Bird are suffering in water deprivation or not is also questionable, because its close house and same problem in six houses. At last farmer get good body weight that is around 1.5 to 1.6 kg in 33 days in where FCR is 1.5. And about Astro virus infection i can not make sure?
Dr. K. M. Ehasanul Islam
20 de octubre de 2014
Dear Dr. Sanjay, Thank you for your opinion.I also think so. But problem is In my area in Srilanka the testing facility is very rear. With the help of one senior Technical manager of a renounced company we already test our dead bird sample from two different lab . With thanks Dr. Islam
Dr. K. M. Ehasanul Islam
20 de octubre de 2014
Dear Dr Coven, Thank you for your opinion.
DR amila
20 de octubre de 2014
DR. Islam, why did you suspect IB Vacc Failure?? what are the tests you have done to check feed.??
Abdelaziz Abdelfatah Abdelmotii Ebrahim
20 de octubre de 2014

Hi Sir, 

From my experience in IB renal form in our area, I think your case do not belong to your case as IB renal form have a very big mortility and other lesion. 
I think your case is related to stressfull dissorders like nutrional disorders, water deprivation or other dissorders may be the case but not viral disorders to treat this case you must remove of the case at first as in the following: 

- you must analyse your feed content and your water content
- dont use any antibiotics in this case as most of it have aside effects on the kidney
- use good dirutics and honey as 1 cm on litre for about 4 days which make flushing of kidney

thank you
dr abdelaziz

you must analysis your feed and your water contents

amanat ullah
20 de octubre de 2014
HI DOCTOR .. I have gone through experience of such problem( visceral gouts) in KSA breeder as well also in broiler flocks i have done some things to minimize this problem and after some time it finished. 1.first of all check your water quality and its deprivation .i used iodin in drinking water of birds 250ml per 1000 liters of water . i got good result... 3. if there is more salt concentration and TDN in water then u should change water or manage its proper filteration and purification. 2.use some type of antbiotics such as doxycycline and colistin combine in drinking water .it will be v helpful for birds and am sure if u do it u will get good result. 3.there should be feed analysis also . if u need more help or discussion u can contact .(amanatullah1987@yahoo.com)
Eric Gingerich
Diamond V
21 de octubre de 2014
I would suspect the feed for high calcium as well.
Dr. K. M. Ehasanul Islam
22 de octubre de 2014
Dear Dr. Amila, Hope u are well and i want to inform u that as......... 1.In Srilanka some area this types of problem already some veterinarian and big broiler farm operator find out that after giving IB vaccine those types of Visceral gout's problem arise. In addition to that one Journal(2006) mention that in China some strain of IB virus produce those types of Proventiculus Ulceration. 2. For the feed matters i want to clear that, This problem start with one feed(top class broiler feed in Srilanka) , their after one poultry expert suggest to the farmer its may be due to feed problem so, you kindly change the feed. Thereafter farmer totally replace feed with other company broiler ready feed continue it in addition to medicinal support. but problem still remain. Problem in that time only in that particular farm, other not a single area/single farm(for both company feed) we can not find out that problem. Both company feed treated with high quality Toxin binder(like Elitox,Mycofix, etc) Every raw materials( mainly maize, soya, fishmeal ect) tested in lab for mycotoxin where mycotoxin level less than 30 ppb. So, i think u get the points. With best regards Dr. Islam
Dr. K. M. Ehasanul Islam
22 de octubre de 2014
Dear Dr. Abdelaziz, Thank you sir for your kind suggestion.That sample is already check. Rest of the bird also already sold out. With thanks Dr. Islam
Dr. K. M. Ehasanul Islam
22 de octubre de 2014
Dear Dr. Amanat Ullah, Thank you sir.I got your email. I will send u Email.
Dr. K. M. Ehasanul Islam
22 de octubre de 2014
Dr. Eric Thank you for your opinion. I take it under consideration and i will check all analysis report. With thanks Dr. Islam
Mridul Borah
23 de octubre de 2014
May be Iodine compound will be of help. You try one. Providone iodine may be used. Also try to use water acidifier 3-4 times the normal dose. I believe the problem will subside. Of course, if the kidney is severely affected anti-gout treatment (Allopurinol and Vitamin-A) needs to be done. In India my treatment in such cases is Safegard-0.5ml/lit water for 48 hours Allopurinol (10%)- 1gm/5kg body wt once daily X 3-5 days Vitamin A (100000 IU/ml)- 10ml/ 100birds Antibiotic if required. Thereafter I recommend acidifier for regular use. However for preventive purpose acidifiers I use is 1ml per 2-3 liter water and have seen it works in the farms with prior history of similar conditions.
Dr. K. M. Ehasanul Islam
23 de octubre de 2014
Thank you Dr.Mridul Kumar Boarah for your nice suggestion, but in Srilanka Some of your mentioned medicine not available here. With thanks, Dr. Islam
cherukuri choudary
1 de noviembre de 2014
Visceral gout may be due to nephrotoxicosis which can be avoided by changig the feed and and also giving electrolytes in drinking water for a period of five days.
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