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Rose Whelan
EVONIK ANIMAL NUTRITION WE’RE SCIENCING THE GLOBAL FOOD CHALLENGE BECAUSE IT’S ALL ABOUT LIFE The greatest global challenge is to ensure food security. Eight billion human lives depend on it. However, it matters how we source animal protein. BECAUSE IT’S ALL ABOUT LIFE...
Article published the July 5, 2021
I. INTRODUCTIONCommercial poultry diets are routinely supplemented with methionine (Met) sources to precisely meet their Met+Cys specifications. Globally, dry DL-methionine (DL-Met, 99% purity) is the most commonly used Met source followed by methionine hydroxy analogue products (MHA-FA liquid, 88% purity and dry MHA-Ca, 84% purity) and L-methionine (LMet, 99% purity). During recent years, numerou ...
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The 2021 Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals is now accepting abstract submissions, meeting registrations, and hotel reservations. The deadline to submit abstracts is Monday, August 30, 2021. Register now for the symposium to secure your spot. The 2021 symposium will be held at the Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark. Book a room online or by calling (314 ...
Participation in Forum on March 29, 2021
Dr Valeriy Kryukov this is indeed a very interesting finding! My understandign was that the sulfur amino acids could support xenobiotic detoxification through the glutathione and the glutathione-S-transferase system. However, this is downstream of cytochrome P450 so I was not aware that dietary methionine affected this earlier step. Could you please share a citation for your paper, I would lov ...
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Dr. Andreas Lemme In this case D is my short hand for digestible Lys or digestible Met, not the l or d form of the amino acid. Sorry for the confusion. Best regards, Mike
Participation in Forum on July 21, 2020
Joaquin Armando Paulino Paniagua this is excellent information. For the moment we still do not have exact requirements for all essential amino acids in all the different conditions. This is obviously a lot of scenarios and nutrients to test so it will be some time before we can have very specific answers. I like your approach to ensure there are no limitations in essential amino acids while these ...
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Amin, as an example, when I do a consulting to a poultry or swine company, before designing the diets by productive stages, I evaluate the challenge that it has: viral, bacterial, fungal (mycotoxin) or parasitic (coccidia, tapeworm or worm), then evaluate the low, medium or high challenge level, then increase the nutritional requirements recommended by the genetic house in a range of 0 to 5% or gr ...
Participation in Forum on July 21, 2020
Juarez Donzele Hi Prof. Donzele, thanks again for your comments. They are relevant and interesting, as always. I agree that the ideal protein ratio is dynamic. Understanding amino acid requirements in these conditions will allow us to utilize low crude protein diets, while being assured that supplementation of the essential amino acids is not limiting. For this reason, I also see a high value in c ...
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Dr. Rose Whelan, excellent review, not only for the review but also for the subject matter presented. This review has some fundamentals that I have been discussing on several occasions here at Engormix. One of them is the fact that the nutritional requirements of birds are normally carried out in environments with less immunological challenge, compared to the environment of birds in field producti ...
Participation in Forum on July 21, 2020
Mohammad Hosein Shahir I couldn't agree more, but unfortunately don't have the answer. As I have also responded below, there is really a lack of dedicated research to look at BCAAs in broiler nutrition as it pertains to immune function. I hope there is more in the field for us to review soon.
Participation in Forum on July 21, 2020
Hossien Mohammadzadeh thanks for your question, it is an excellent one! I say this as I still have the same question as you pose here. I was hoping to include more information on the BCAAs in this article however, the information for broiler immune function related to leucine supplementation levels is really limited. Hopefully more research is conducted to elucidate the specific need of BCAAs whe ...
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Location:Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany
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Professional Title: Senior Manager Animal Physiology Research
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