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Discussion created on November 14, 2024
"A Critical Perspective on Statistical Issues in Estimating Nutrient Bioavailability in Animal Bioassays" reviews the complexities and potential errors in calculating relative bioavailability values (RBV) for nutrients in animal feed, especially using the slope-ratio method. This method, frequently applied in poultry nutrition research, often lacks rigorous statistical validations, leading to unre ...
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This is an interesting review. However, there are two or three important dietary interactions that have been overlooked. First, it is mentioned that methionine is necessary for the synthesis of choline, but I couldn't find anything on the re-methylation of homocysteine by betaine to form methionine. The re-methlyation of homocysteine is accomplished by betaine in the feed or that is formed in the ...
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Aaron Cowieson (DSM) talks about enzymes, amino acids and feed formulation in poultry nutrition, during this Engormix interview.
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Hello Alvaro:In this study, we made the decision to use an available P level that would be based on a consistent standard - the breed management guide. Arguments can be made (and I make this argument on a regular basis) that in general, management guides recommend available P well in excess of the actual hen requirements. However, the guide is a consistent standard or point of reference. In our cu ...
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According to EFSA 2018 report we designed conducted an experiment comparing MHA and DLM in practical farm condition with 6000 broilers ( 49 days trial ).A broiler house was divided in two equal parts , each ˜c3000 birds. We replaced 65 part of DLMET with 100 part MHA in this trial. Results indicated that body weight and FCR were the same in both groups confirming 65% RBV of MHA.
Participation in Forum on August 11, 2023
Rahat MobeenThe most important problem dealing with the estimation of the RBV on MHA is the inappropraite statistical approach used in most studies as Luiz noted above. Please check out "Kratzer et al (2006) Poul Sci - Appropriate statistical methods to compare dose responses of methionine sources".In most studies, the common plateau has been fiited for both MHA and DLM, which is incorrect approac ...
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Alireza rostamkhani The methodology used for determining the comparative Biological Value where this lower "potency" was found is wrong and it was revised by the main research group.Please, check on "Kratzer et al (2006) Poul Sci - Appropriate statistical methods to compare dose responses of methionine sources".EFSA will review their position in the future, since they also have used an obsolete me ...
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This review examines the relative bioefficacy of 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio) butanoic acid (HMTBA) and DL-methionine (DL-Met) which includes chemical, metabolic, nutritional, and statistical aspects of its bioefficacy. The chemical, enzymatic and biological differences and similarities between these two products are explained and the evidence and reasons for HMTBA relative bioefficacy to DL-Met in mo ...
Participation in Forum on August 11, 2023
Dr. Fiodor S. Marchenkov Could you please share the reference(s)?
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Dr Valeriy Kryukov this is indeed a very interesting finding! My understandign was that the sulfur amino acids could support xenobiotic detoxification through the glutathione and the glutathione-S-transferase system. However, this is downstream of cytochrome P450 so I was not aware that dietary methionine affected this earlier step. Could you please share a citation for your paper, I would lov ...
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