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Article published the November 24, 2023
INTRODUCTIONIn line with the tremendous progress that has been made in meat-type duck production, digestibility and balance experiments are necessary to fill the dearth of information on the nutrient digestibility of widely used feedstuffs. Digestibility experiments for the evaluation of nutrient disappearance along the gastrointestinal tract align with the need for precise feed formulation to mat ...
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What is the problem of finding E.coli and Clostridium perfringens in the feed after pelleting? Is it the simple presence or concentration of these bacterias? The reason for my question is that, in the gut of healthy birds we found concentrations of up to 10E4 or even higher of E. coli and C. perfringens without causing any problems. According to Disease of Poultry 14th Ed. 2020, the presence of E. ...
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This is an interesting review. However, there are two or three important dietary interactions that have been overlooked. First, it is mentioned that methionine is necessary for the synthesis of choline, but I couldn't find anything on the re-methylation of homocysteine by betaine to form methionine. The re-methlyation of homocysteine is accomplished by betaine in the feed or that is formed in the ...
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INTRODUCTIONDemand for poultry source foods is increasing, particularly in developing countries (1), and this is driven primarily by population growth (2, 3). To keep pace with the growing request for poultry products, farmers now use antibiotics at minute doses to reduce the incidence of enteric pathogens, improve feed conversion ratio (FCR) and body weight gain (BWG) in broiler chickens (4). Des ...
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Nice study and findings. It would be interesting to see if the inorganic P source, MCP here, could be completely removed by higher dose of phytase, especially during the finisher phase.
Article published the October 3, 2023
1 | INTRODUCTIONDue to the impact of climatic changes and other global events such as conflict, the Covid‐19 pandemic, recession, and supply chain issues, conventional feed ingredient prices are continually increasing. The effect of these constraints is felt largely in developing countries that are coming under huge pressure to source raw materials such as corn and soybean meal (Abro et al., ...
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Welcome to discussions on this new paper regarding the “ideal protein” concept in animal nutrition. Thanks for your participation!
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Dietary fat and oil are potential alternative energy sources for fast growing broiler chickens (Meng et al., 2004). Nevertheless, hampered fat digestion and absorption were reported in young broiler chickens with incompletely developed digestive tract (Al-Marzooqi and Leeson, 2000). Addition of emulsifier and lipases to a diet is one strategy to improve energy utilization and subsequent growth per ...
Article published the February 25, 2022
Dietary fat and oil are potential alternative energy sources for fast growing broiler chickens (Meng et al., 2004). Nevertheless, hampered fat digestion and absorption were reported in young broiler chickens with incompletely developed digestive tract (Al-Marzooqi and Leeson, 2000). Addition of emulsifier and lipases to a diet is one strategy to improve energy utilization and subsequent growth per ...
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Participation in Forum on February 21, 2022
Well written…Good work !!
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