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Pat Welch, MSc, PhD, PAS, DACAN
BS (microbiology), MS (Physiology), PhD (Nutrition/Biochemistry)
Live production nutritional services consulting Disease management utilizing water sanitation and litter management techniques Ammonia meter sales and service (calibrations)
BS (microbiology), MS (Physiology), PhD (Nutrition/Biochemistry)
Pat Welch, MSc, PhD, PAS, DACAN likes this technical article:
KEY POINTSBirds ‘reproductive cycle is controlled by changes in day length called as Photoperiod.Birds perceive this photoperiod in two ways:a) Through retinal of the eye to visual cortex and pituitary glandb) Through harderian gland (UVA specific light) which triggers reproductive systemBirds are not “stimulated” by the entire period of light, but rather by two important parts o ...
Participation in Forum on May 20, 2019
Good overview of Mintrex chelated trace minerals. It has been shown that Mintrex trace minerals are significantly more bioavailable than inorganic trace minerals. Reduced mineral dietary intake and lower excretion to the environment … best of both worlds.
Pat Welch, MSc, PhD, PAS, DACAN likes this technical article:
Introduction From the beginning of commercial poultry production, maximizing profit has been the main goal. Profit equals the best feed conversion, days to slaughterer, slaughter weights, livability, and uniformity for the least amount of money. The poultry industry is willing to take less in performance if it maximizes profits. An example of this is with coccidiosis control. Producers will pick t ...
Pat Welch, MSc, PhD, PAS, DACAN likes the video:
Dr. Frances Yan, senior research scientist at Novus International, underscored the benefits of using protected benzoic acid in broilers subject to Eimeria challenge, as part of her presentation at the International Poultry Scientific Forum (IPSF) during IPPE 2019.
Participation in Forum on March 11, 2019
Any chance of getting pdfs of your IPPE presentations?
Pat Welch, MSc, PhD, PAS, DACAN likes the comment:
Dr. Robert Renema, thank you very much for your comment. I totally agree with your initial assessment and even more, how well you, Dr. Robinson and other researchers at your University have published several times, in this stage of the photostimulus, we're doing an ovarian management where the feeding must be very tight and especially post photostimulation to avoid deaths associated with ovarian o ...
Participation in Forum on February 19, 2019
Excellent and thorough review. Lots of good information!
Pat Welch, MSc, PhD, PAS, DACAN likes this technical article:
1. Drinking Water as a Vehicle of DiseasesWater is essential to life. An adequate, safe and accessible supply must be available to all. Improving access to safe drinking-water can result in significant benefits to health. Every effort should be made to achieve a drinking water quality as safe as possible [1].Many people struggle to obtain access to safe water. A clean and treated water supply to e ...
Pat Welch, MSc, PhD, PAS, DACAN likes the comment:
Dear Badal Singh,Generally, the choice of probiotic species depends on the production type.In broilers, most of the time, the feed is pelleted and the high temperature kills most of vegetative forms of probiotic bacteria. it is why sporulated bacillus are mostly used in such a production: Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, etc...They are resistant to feed pelletization process.These strain ...
Pat Welch, MSc, PhD, PAS, DACAN likes the comment:
in our farm prolapse was the highest causes of mortality but after we change our Ca(Supplement with raw calcium carbonate in feeder) sources the problem was reduced then can you see your Ca source?
equalizer Statistics: Forums(5)
Location:Laurel, Mississippi, United States
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: BS (microbiology), MS (Physiology), PhD (Nutrition/Biochemistry)