Sunil koli
Nuxvomica 3X or 30X 5 drops in 10 ml water at 6 am 10 am 2 pm 6 pm and 10 pm and Bryonia 3X or 30 X 5 drops in 10 ml water at 8 am, 12 noon, 4 pm, 8 pm and 12 be given orally.. Each drug FIVE times. First Nuxvomica to by given. Only one dose Conium 200 is given. Long back one veterinarian had treated with 6 ml.of vitamin B6 as low epidural injection
Sir. Hello there.
Sir one of my friends khilar cow suddenly down..
It's travaled around 90+km from my place...
I thought it's Downer cow syndrome... But my vet inspector told it's due to stress and in shock...
Any homeopathy medison.. to this kind of problem..
naveed akhtar
In Allopathy Imedocarb is the drug used
In Homeo as per Dr.Balakrishna Rao ( the below treatment is given
1. Crotalus horridus 200 When general disorganization after blood, hemorrhages and Jaundice, fever.
Dose: One Dose once in 3 hours for 4 days
2. Ferrum phos 6x: When pyrexia and hemoglobinuria.
Dose: 10 pills every 2 hours for 2-4 days
3. Merc cor 200: When coffee colour urine
Dose: BID for 2 days
4. Kali. chlor 200 + Phosphorus 200
Dose: one Dose QID for 2 days
Red water or haemoglobinhrea are to be first of all differentiated as to be Hamaturia or haemoglobinurea. The treatment of both conditions is different.
Monica Sometimes it does occur when the tight junctions in udder lacteals remain compromised and there is exchange of salts like Na, Cl, bicarbonate etc., due to which the taste becomes alkaline and salty. You may Give the cow 3-4 doses of citrate one table spoon (~10 gms) dissolved in a glass of water and drenched orally.
What Dr. Jasmir Singh said is correct. If sodium citrate is not available use 50 grams of sodium bicarbonate / cooking soda and 100 grams jaggary dissolve in a liter o water and feed by mouth twice a day for 2 to 3 three days
As it has aborted it will have infection in the uterus which is treated as a metritis case
Treatment for Metritis :
Vitamin E as Evion capsules, vitamin E injection (Ephinyl -Roche, Vet AD3E or Vitacept) is advised. Feeding germinated horse gram, after germination they are grinded, cooked and fed, along with the water in which the gram was boiled, this supplements vitamin E and a trace mineral Selenium. Half a kilo daily for 20 days
Levimisole (15 ml) is given s/c inj. once in a week twice. Zinc sulphate (3-5 gm) fed orally to improve the immunity response in the animal. Homoeo drugs like Echinacea 200, Q.Aswagandha have improved the immune response of the animal.
Soak 2 teaspoonful of Jeera(cumin seeds) and 2 tea spoonful of Menthya (Fenu greek) seeds for TWENTY minutes add Jaggary grind them and apply to the hard palate in the mouth and then feed one small tuber of Raddish. Repeat it for 7 to 8 days.
Homoeo drugs: Sepia 30, Pyrogenium 1M. Gunpowder 6, Sabina 30, Secale cornutum 30, Caulophyllum 30, Echinacae 200, Conium 30, Aletris farinosa 200. Mix all in equal amounts and 1 ml of this is mixed with water and given orally three times daily for a week
In acute condition ceftiofur injection plus anti inflammatory NSAID plus fluid therapy is essential and homeo pyrogens 1 m and sepia 200 give excellent result in my practice.only homeo in field conditions farmers think like quack even he/she qualified veterinarian
Arzoo Shaikh
It is difficult to reply your question. Dampness on the floor or in the shed can predispose the condition. I prefer you consult a local veterinary doctor, who can help you in check the THI ( Temperature Humidity Index) of the cattle shed.
Regarding treatment NSAIDS Banamine® (flunixin meglumine) and Asthalin (Cipla) are used along with other drugs.
In Homeo Senega Sulphur, Lobelia inflata are used in Klebsella pneumonia
PLEURO – PNEUMONIA: Inflammation of pleura and lungs. (Dr.D.Balakrishna Rao from his writeup)
Symptoms: The symptoms are sudden loss of appetite, hurried breathing, panting, breath hot, every third or fourth respiration accompanied with a grunt, pulse very much accelerated, sometimes small and hard, at other times full and bounding but always very quick, extremities cold, or one fore and hind leg cold and the other hot, short husky cough, worse when the animal beginning to move; On auscultation a sound may be heard something like that produced by agitating a sheet of thin paper. This form of the disease, if not promptly checked, generally ends in death, in about 8 or 10 days.
A. Aconite 30: It must be used without delay, where the fever is very high, pulse accelerated, breathing hurried dry heat of the skin.
Dose: 10 drops every 1-hour until 4 Doses are taken or until the fever is subdued, they proceed with the next remedy.
B. Phosphorus 30 or Bryonia 30 May be used in alternation with aconite 30: after the more violent symptoms have been subdued and especially if there still remains much difficulty in breathing. Dose: Six or ten drops every three or four hours.
C. Sequilla 30: Is indicated, when there is foam around the mouth, and the animal breathes through the mouth, and lies with the head extended in a straight line with the body.
Dose: 10 drops every ½ to 1 hour according to the severity of the symptoms.
D. Homeopathic Combination:
Antimonium Tartaricum 3
Arum triphyllum 3
Bryonia 3
Drosera 30
Ipecac 30
Spongia tosta 30 each 3 ml
Made upto 100ml with Vimerol
Dose: 2-5 ml T.I.D... till Pneumonia subsides
Indications: Dysponea, respiratory congestion, broncho-pneumonia, as a cough sedative, respiratory troubles.
Treatment: 5 ml in a cup of water QID for two days. Followed by 5 ml for two times a day for another 10 days.
As I came to know the suggestions given on homeo drugs is being misused by the non veterinarians and at times the desired results are not obtained so in future I am not going to reply on homeo treatment.
Retired Professor, Veterinary College, Bangalore
satya narayana reddy
Variolinum 30 – 2 drops twice a day weekly as preventive. 2 drops 3 times a day for a week as curative.
Rananculus Bulbosus 30 – Two drop three times a day.
Each drop of medicine is mixed in 5ml water or one ml of drug mixed in `100 ml of water
Hello sir good evening since 25 days ago my cow give birth than hu suffering from anorexia and decrease milk production and my cow can't able to seat to long time please help me
Vishwanath Reddy sir my sahiwal heifer delivered calf on 17/05/22,two days latter milk from her one teat was pink in colour,which was treated by vetlife super 77 powder and British farma homeo medicine mestiout,now her milk is normal,but she is not allowing to milk, although her calf is suckling milk,i used sylicea 1 m 15 drops two times one hour before milking and milkogen tablets 5 two times before milking ,but they are of no use,even after three days. kindly give some advice.
Rajesh chaturvedi
Homeo Sepia 30, Ignatiia. 30 Thirty size pills ten each three times for days
If whether is cool also give Dulcamara 200
If not 25 mg Sequil tablets two numbers to be fed. half an hour before milking for seven days
For Anorexia (Indigestion , Impaction) in cattle I use the below combination of homeo drugs
– Mag phos 6, China 6, Raphanus sat 6, Carbo veg 6, Nux vomica 6, Lycopodium 6, Calcarea Phos 30, Selenium 30 all 3times a day – for one to three days.
If all are not available use Nux vomica 30: When there is mild constipation. Dose: twice a day for 2 days
A cow having fever 106-107 morning 8am to evening but at 10pm when it is checked then 104 comes fever ,she takes only 7liter of water before this disease she used to take 90 liter water per day ,she is unable to raise as paralysis occured hind limbs mainly numb back part ,No sensation in hip and leg hind .
dyspnoea alot with mouth Salivation alot .
Suggest medicine kindly ,
Borax 200 10 pills three times in a day for three days. Repeat weekly once till Vaccination
Vaccination is a must once in four months as the immunity lasts for 100 to 110 days
I suspect there is no proper ventilation where the animal is kept. By this time the animal might have developed BED SORES which are difficult to cure or the animal may die due to toxins released from the wound or the bacteria can enter the blood causing sepsis. Pl contact. Dr.M.Gangaiah +91 98451 14369 as your animal needs English or Allopathy as well Homeo drugs. Better you make a. Video of this case.
Dr. Sudina Kizhakkel, Ephemeral fever can last for three days. Now it may be downer cow. You should have withdrawn feeding mineral mixture in the last two weeks pregnancy. Give 5 drops of. Nux vomica 3x at 6, 10, 14, 18 and 22 hours. Give 5 drops of Bryonia 3x at 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 hours. Five drops in 5 or 10 ml water. Put the animal in slings. Our success rate is 80 to 85 percent. Pl take the help of a veterinary doctor. Nux vomica should be used first. If. 3 X is not available use 30X.
Viswanatha Reddy
Sir, Animal is in slings, it is standing able to walk, only trouble is not able to stand on its own. Can I give homeo simultaneously with meloxicam and OTC. It is + ve for theileria.
Dr. Sudina Kizhakkel
We do use Homeo along with Allopathy drugs.
Dr Balakrishna Rao ( Retd ADAH uses the below homeo drugs in Theilaria
1. Merc Sol 200: It is a good remedy when lymphatic system is affected
including glands.
Dose :One dose BID 2 – 4 days .
2. Phytolocca 200 : It is prominently glandular remedy.
Dose :One dose Q.I.D for 2 – 4 days
3. Conium 200 : Enlarged glands debility lachrymation and photophobia
Dose : one dose Q.I.D for 1 – 7 days
4. Baryta. carb 200 : It is also a very good glandular remedy and can be
mixed with conium 200 and given 1 dose Q.I.D for 1 – 7 days.
Due to anemia animal may not respond so we use Iron dextron IV as slow injection with normal saline or 5% DNS
Syed Attaullah For Lumpy skin disease the homeo drugs suggested are
Variolinum 200
Dulcamara 200
Acid nitricum 200
Calcarea fluor 200
Ocimum sanctum 30
Thuja 30
All above homoeo drugs once a day for 5 days
Suggested by Dr. Manohar Upadhaya 9343345603 Email