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Avr Kumar
Discussion created on February 23, 2025
It´s been found that some of the homeopathy medicine is effective for prolapse control, etc what are your experiences?
Participation in Forum on January 22, 2015
we found when dairy cows are fed @ 15 kg green grass + 8 Kg Urea treated grass + 3 kg concenterate + 50 g mineral mixture + 50 g Bypas fat + 50g calcium with 2 milkings HFX has perfect reproductive cycles with 20-25 LPD milk production & has post partum problems
Participation in Forum on December 22, 2014
we wish to inform that the usage of citrate oral & IV routes with external application of marry gold powder base ointment + suppport therophy with hoemomedicne is found to be efffective
Participation in Forum on August 30, 2014
Replication of the productivity traits in indigenous animals is the big problem so its need perfect pedigree records where its availability is the problem
Participation in Forum on August 27, 2014
being a dairy person we never found any oxytocin residues in pasteurized milk so once the milk boils it may disappear since it has low heat satbility
Participation in Forum on August 22, 2014
please visit your nearest FSBS in Banglore Dairy
Participation in Forum on August 22, 2014
Pl contact NIANP in your city
Participation in Forum on August 9, 2014
since it is a small operation one can visit & learn the storage technology from near by FSBS team & with regard to AI one can has from your state organized institutes However IGNOU organizing a course called APDF ( Awareness program on dairy farming for rural farmers) so we can have both approaches for the purpose
Participation in Forum on July 19, 2014
in continuation to my earlier comments usage of sexed semen in the breed up gradation will play a vital role so the research institutes/FSBS's has do some work on these lines will help the farmers to have proven progeny
Participation in Forum on July 18, 2014
India farmers has to be encouraged by effective extension techniques in usage of these non conventional substitutes but these are to be supported by the quantification i.e amount of material can safely used/animals & need integration of research work in these lines of safety levels & toxic effects & remedies of toxicity so as to handle overgrazed/overfed
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Location:Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Technical
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