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Biosecurity for poultry

Management of Farm Biosecurity

Published: August 1, 2011
By: Dr. Munawar Ali (Islamabad Feeds Pvt Ltd.)
There are many definitions of bio-security and in simple words we can define it as "keeping the birds away from the pathogens or keeping the pathogens away from the birds"
The word "Bio-security" is most preached word in the modern poultry and live- stock industries but unfortunately most of the time and in most parts of the world it is generally neglected or violated. Bio-security is most important for protection of diseases and profitability for the poultry growers. It is also important for humans especially after outbreaks of highly pathogen Avian Influenza H5 N1.
Bio-security can be divided in three major types:
1.  Conceptual bio-security.
2.  Structural bio-security.
3.  Operational bio-security.
Conceptual bio-security means what you want to do for the protection of your birds. Different ways and methods are designed and new ideas are put in future work.
Structural bio-security means how you make the infrastructure to adopt your concepts and ideas. For example when a new poultry house is constructed, is it rodent proof or not or is there any arrangements for control of wild birds entery.
Operational bio-security means the day to day routine practices to prevent diseases and harmful pathogens. It includes cleaning and disinfection, changing the solutions from foot dips, changing clothes before entering in the sheds and wearing new clean cloths and shoes.
The diseases and pathogens can come to your shed from different sources for example, hatchery, poultry feed, water, equipments, rodents, insects, wild birds, people and vehicles etc. Poultry grower should keep in mind all the above factors for its profitable and successful farming. Chick should be bought from well reputed hatchery because many vertically transmitted diseases can come through the infected day old chicks. Feed and water are also a major source of disease transmission in the flocks. The grower should use clean and sterilized water for the chicks to keep the birds healthy. Rodents can spread many diseases specially Salmonella and other bacterial diseases. The sheds and feed stores should be rodent proof and there should be continuous monitoring for the presence of rodents in the farm area by checking their urination and pings. Bait Stations should be installed in different areas for their control.  Insects can transmit many diseases and an effective control of insect is extremely important. There are many insecticides available in the market and these can be very helpful in controlling insects. Wild birds also play their role in spreading diseases via their pings and physical presence. Most of them are carrier of various highly infectious disease pathogens, for example Avian Influenza. Flock should be protected by putting wire mesh, nets and removing trees near poultry houses. During unloading feed from trucks, some feed is ped on the ground and is the major attraction of wild birds at the farms, so after unloading, that area should be thoroughly cleaned. All the equipments entering in the poultry houses should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
People are the major vector of disease transmission. They can bring the pathogens in their hairs, on their clothes, with their feet and hands. Only authorized persons should be allowed to enter the houses after shower, wearing clean on-farm clothes and shoes. Belongings like watch, camera, cigarette lighter, mobile phone, keys, ring, glasses, pen, pencil and combs etc can easily bring disease in to the poultry house. These should be strictly prohibited to enter in the house.
Vehicles are also a potential source of diseases on the farms. Only necessary vehicle should be allowed to enter in the farm after thorough disinfection of the tyres and body. The driver should observe all the required bio-security protocols.   
"Bio-security should be tailored to the risks faced by the commercial operation and it's important to ensure that bio-security policy does not make it too difficult to complete routine duties. Be aware, if the system does become too complex and unworkable, people will not comply with the program. Keep it simple. Virtually all successful bio-security programs are under pinned by staff training which explains not only what has to be done, but also "Why".
Many companies have proved that even in the face of significant disease challenge, it is possible to maintain their disease-free status and in the competitive world in which we work, a good bio-security program may well be the best investment you can ever make. "  
Please click here to read Part II
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Munawar Ali
Islamabad Group
Islamabad Group
Alloui Nadir
31 de enero de 2013

Dear collegue, thank you for the article, we conducted a study on Biosecurity in poultry farms in Algeria. It is really very difficult to install a system on a farm Biosecurity effective because there has always a risk of seeing pathogenic introduce our farm, due in part to humans or another parameter (animals, food, water, vehicles ......).
You can read the article:

Pr Nadir Alloui
Poultry Sciences Division
Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences Institute
University of Batna

Maqsood Jaffery
2 de agosto de 2011
Thanks for inputs about biosecurity inputs. There is no substitute for biosecurity measures. For qualification to exports we have to meet international standards like HACCP etc where it will be compulsory to produce poultry products pathogen free but at the same time without antibiotic residue. In more than 30 countries antibiotic growth promotors has banned. Being a part of global community we have to observe/ implement these requirements for our poultry products. poultry production meeting international standards will have more dependance upon biosecurity for better performance in pathogen free environment. Maqsood Jaffery
Farook Kahloon
14 de mayo de 2013

Dears I'm facing severe ND attack on breeder farm. Kindly share your suggestion to overcome this.


20 de febrero de 2013

I am intrested in biosecurty planning, how can I start?
Sijish nambiar
agricultural Labour consultant

Dr.muhammad Zahid Farooq
2 de febrero de 2013

Yes biosecurity is the main thing to focus in poultry buiseness.

Jamshaid Ahmad
31 de enero de 2013

its so informative and have remind many things but should written the name of pathogens who are trasmitted through wild birds, insects and rodents.

Rony Ahammad
31 de enero de 2013

Hello Mr. Kamran,
Thanks for your article. its really a good strategy to keep disease incidences away from farming premises.
Biosecurity/bio-safety is not a new issue-- it is applicable for every living beings in this world including human being. So it is in fact a great matter to take into consideration b4 establishing farm/firm with a view to run sustainable or lucrative biz. A good management ensures a good safety /security--so to say prevention is better than cure------taking preventive measures are the first and foremost economic step for profitable business.

Khalid Mahmood Shouq
30 de enero de 2013
"The most costly thing in poultry production is disease and if we can prevent it by good bio security it really counts. Training of farm managers and supervisors is most important in this respect." poultry industry big gun not interested in this area ...they think this is wastage of time and resources......FOOD FOR THOUGHT FOR VETERINARIAN WHOSE R CEO POULTRY GROUP IN PAKISTAN
Dr Kamran
5 de agosto de 2011

Dr Munawar sb,
You have pointed out the most important point in today's poultry production, with every increasing poultry sector there is increasing competition and good bio security gives u an edge on other competitors by reducing infections to poultry flock. The most costly thing in poultry production is disease and if we can prevent it by good bio security it really counts. Training of farm managers and supervisors is most important in this respect.

Dr Muhammad Arshad  Manj
SB Feed
4 de agosto de 2011

sense of biosecurity must b created among the workers bcs they r always cheating u. they r cheating everytime when they r entering the premises, changing their clothes, taking shower,using bath soaps, they pretend to have abath only applying water on the body by simply rubbing water on the body,but not taking actual shower especially in winter provided they have warm water facility. what technique is there to know whether he has taken bath or not ,so it is very important to educate the worker about the importance of biosecurity.

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