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How to alleviate heat stress in poultry

Published: April 4, 2019
Laurine Faivre, Poultry Manager Asia-Pacific at Phileo by Lesaffre, talks about the use of Phileo’s premium yeast fraction, Safmannan®, helps to achieve positive improvements in survival rates, alongside better growth and feed efficiency, during VIV Asia 2019
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Stephen Adejoro Dr
26 de mayo de 2019
Correct and perfect thank you prof
Youssef Attia
26 de mayo de 2019
Please see works by Attia et al. and heat stress and Habashy et al and heat stress in details the effectiveness of any antiheat stress agents depends severity of heat stress such as duration, temperature and attitude as well as age of birds and genetic makeup.
Oscar Briceño
20 de mayo de 2019

My comment about the replace was for the affirmation that it could be by one forist, but I am in agreement with Joshua and Martin Smith

Oscar Briceño
19 de mayo de 2019
Can you explain how betaine can replace methionine?
Maqsood Jaffery
19 de mayo de 2019
Good discussion about Betain particularly its osmoregulatory roll . Betain is available in 2 forms ( Betain anhydrous like FROM DUPONT & other from AB VISTA & in synthetic form - Betain HCl salt. Please share about efficacy of both forms of Betain, so that proper benefit is availed by use of it.
Stephen Adejoro Dr
17 de mayo de 2019

Contact me privately to send you further studies
I am not a salesman ,but a seasoned poultry technical consultant of over 40 years in the humid tropical climate, where the effect of heat stress is of great concern to our poultry farmers
I am also the founder of livestock industry foundation for Africa ,a knowledge capitalized livestock NGO in Nigeria
You may follow our activities more on www.lifango.org.

Stephen Adejoro Dr
17 de mayo de 2019

Dr Talapaneni
Please read more about Betaine composition and its biochemical reactions as a potent mrthyk donor like methionine and its ismoregulatory roles
Read about Betaine in relation to nitric acid formation and see the role if nitric acid in cardiovascular efficient
Read about Betaine as an enhancement of fertility in breeders because of its sohrodiasic properties ,and study methylation roles of Betaine in the synthesis of ATP ,what of the role of Betaine in fictional intestinal villi morphology after an outbreak of coccidiosis then you will believe my post on the substitution role if Betaine to methionine and choline chloride, if used at a certain concentration.

Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
17 de mayo de 2019
The sales man of Betain wants to replace Methionine, Choline, and now it stops heat stress also. Better if it can replace whole feed
Stephen Adejoro Dr
15 de mayo de 2019

Heat management in open sided tropical houses must focus on palliative environmental measures as mentioned by many contributors on this discussion, and mist critically us the inclusion of potent dietary products in duets to ensure homeostasis, low rectal temoeration and enhance methylation processes.
We in the tropics need to drastically mitigate internal heat liad in very hot climate and in hot seasons
In combination to this management strategy will be the installation of humidifier in the nights to lower night high humidity, while cross ventilation is encouraged for heat blow out from pens.
An NGO in Nigeria Livestock industry foundation for Africa( LIFA) is promoting advocacy and knowledge sharing on the use if osmolites like Betaine in the conventional mitigation if heat stress in the tropical climate.

Stephen Adejoro Dr
14 de mayo de 2019

Over 95 of poultry farmers in the South Sahara Africa will not be able to invest in close environmental houses where the effect of heat stress on poultry is highly compromised
We are very much concern about the bulk of poultry farmers in this region who often load chicken internal heat with moderate to high energy diets with all the detrimental effect on both broiler and layer efficiency production
Efforts are made in this region to use less heat conducting roofing sheets, as well as proactive measures like planting shady trees, white panting water tankers and regular use if ice cold packs
These methods are in long time usages by farmers with minimal paliatives and especially in many regions and seasons when environmental temperatures could build up as high as 39-42*c and with high overnight humidity
It is a usual observation to record very high mortalities early in the morning following such hugh ambient temperature in the day
It becomes partinent to shift our search on to dietary approach to the management if heat stress ,an approach by using dietary products that can assist in creating internal cell homeostasis and product that can maintain ismolytic regulation if the internal cell integrity ,astsrem that will prevent cekk dehydration which is the major cause of mortality in heat stress
We believe that a good product rich in nethyl radical for donation and have the zwitteriinic characteristics and as ismolytic will help maintain water homeostasis+klasibf et am 200302) without affecting metabolism
We in livestock industry foundation believe in holistic solution to the industry chakkabges and thus include the mitigation if heat stress now more devastating with the climate change upsurge
The research team of LIFA has identified Betaine especially with vitamins as mist appropriate for thus role
As an osmolyte Betaine will enable proteins maintain their stability in the presence of uruc acid concentrations and in high salinity
Tissues will then depend on Betaine as osmolyte and organs like kidney liver,intestines and keucicytes enjoy thus benefits +kkasing et am 2002)
Its thus osmoprotective ability if Betaine that often mitigate if heat stress and prevent the acud-base imbalances that may compromise metabolic actions that ultimately impact in broilers performances and layers and breeders performances
Besides all the above Betaine complement recovery from coccidiosis by improving the intestinal vili growth for proper absorption
LIFA in Nigeria will vigorously promote the alternate use of this product in South Sahara Africa
Already efforts are on to promote a Betaine vitamin mineral oremux in Africa for the mitigation of this great threat to the poultry industry if thus region.
I conclude that in the tropics dietary approach to the management if gear stress is nothing but sound wisdom that farmers with open sided housing structures must embrace.

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