Importance of air quality control in poultry farms Air quality control in poultry production is key to maintain animal welfare , which is closely related to productivity and absence of diseases. When the air components are not in harmless concentrations for the animals, stress appears and makes the birds prone to suffering from certain diseases. In farms, one of the main compounds that w...
In practical terms, how could air quality be measured? Will there be any values? Especially its measurement in automated sheds and with a population of more than 100 thousand birds in the environment?
Alireza Talebi Dear Maria Soriano Air quality includes at least a few more items than just ammonia level. If you have data for optimal air quality regarding to at least for the following items, please share with us
*- O2 volume (per KgBW) at different altitudes *- Ammonia *- Co2 *-Co *- Dust *- Air flow (m/s) *- Calm air spots *- Level of air flow with respect to litter level (5 Cm in broilers and 15 Cm in breeder farms) *- Volume of entrance air according to the Hight of poultry house. *- How often the whole air should be change. *- Air temperature at entrance, middle and at the end of the house. Any way, thank you very much for providing argument about such subject