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Glutathione supplementation in poultry

Published: November 15, 2019
By: Dr. Meesam Raza

Dear all, It is well accepted that glutathione per se is an integral constituent of the enzyme system in the body of birds, which is responsible for major biochemical processes necessary for the viability of the cells.

I wanted to know can this glutathione be given orally to the birds? If Yes, what doses have been recommended?

Kindly shed some light on the topic.

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Dr. Meesam Raza
21 de noviembre de 2019
What constitutes glutathione? What are the sources?
Dr. Meesam Raza
21 de noviembre de 2019
TEDI Glutathione is the most abundant thiol in animal cells, ranging from 0.5 to 10 mM. It is present both in the cytosol and the organelles. All animal cells are capable of synthesizing glutathione, glutathione synthesis in the liver has been shown to be essential.
Doc Mthiyane
21 de noviembre de 2019

Glutathione in its reduced form (GSH) cannot be used to boost cellular/tissue levels of the anti-oxidant in living organisms, including poultry. The reason is that GSH in the extracellular environment is highly susceptible to oxidation to its oxidized (GSSG, and protein-bound or GS-protein) forms, and is biodegraded by gamma-glutamyl transferases particularly in those tisses with high activity of these enzymes. Instead, since cysteine is the rate-limiting amino acid for GSH synthesis, increasing the supply of this sulphur amino acid or its precursors through enteral or parenteral routes is one of the most effective strategies to enhance GSH levels in living organisms through the synthetic route. However, since cysteine is highly unstable in its reduced (CySH) form and is also toxic at high concentrations, it may not always be practical to use the amino acid as a supplement. Also, cysteine administration is associated with a reduction in tissue GSH consecutive to the production of hydroxyl radicals generated by the autoxidation of CySH into the oxidized form (CySS) of the aminao acid. Hence, the pharmacological use of CySH prodrugs (such as N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), OTC and PTCA), CySH amino acid precursors (e.g. Methionine) and GSH esters is considered a more suitable choice to restore tissue GSH concentrations (Sen & Packer, 2000; Li et al., 2002; Oz et al., 2005). However, some of these are of limited oral bioavailability and may be toxic (Koch et al., 1994; Reid et al., 1994; Sen, 1997; Sen & Packer, 2000). Also, the tolerance of an organism toward an amino acid supply may be limited (Morand et al., 1997). Notwithstanding, Methionine is one cysteine precursor amino acid that has been successfully used to bolster cellular/tissue GSH levels (Hunter & Grimble, 1997; Morand et al., 1997).

Nutritional interventions involving the use of foods containing SAA-rich proteins have also shown to be preferable as a more natural strategy to bolster tissue glutathione concentrations. In this connection, the use of milk by-products, in particular, dietary supplementation with cyst(e)ine-rich whey proteins, has been shown to enhance cellular/tissue GSH levels (Bounous et al., 1989; Bounous et al., 1991; Bounous & Gold, 1991; Bounous et al., 1993; Kennedy et al., 1995; Zommara et al., 1998; Bounous & Molson, 1999; Lands et al., 1999; Micke et al., 2001; Ha & Zemel, 2003; Kent et al., 2003; Grey et al., 2003).

Also, use of anti-oxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E and some plant phytochemicals has been shown to be effective in bolstering cellular/tissue GSH.

However, I believe the most effective drug is N-acetyl-cysteine. On the other hand, the most effective nutritional product is whey protein (or whey protein concentrate).

Hope this is helpful.

Dr. DMN Mthiyane
North-West University, South Africa

Dr. Meesam Raza
21 de noviembre de 2019

Doc Mthiyane N acetyl cystene, cystamine, selenium, vitamin E are there but i want to know the supplementation of glutathione as such in poultry.

Doc Mthiyane
21 de noviembre de 2019
Regarding the dose of administration, kindly seek guidance in the literature. The dose will certainly be dependent on the type of supplement you use, the plane of nutrition of your birds, their age etc, and the environmental conditions. But I suggest you use either NAC or whey protein (concentrate) - you will see phenomenal results.
Dr. Meesam Raza
21 de noviembre de 2019

Doc Mthiyane Well thanks for your valuable comments. Glutathione as such is being used in humans. It's available. I am trying to find it out in case of poultry through literature as well.

Christine Padovan
26 de marzo de 2023
Doc Mthiyane Dr. Jimmy Gutman, a glutathione expert does not recommend NAC to boost glutathione in the body: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSe_3aVZXio It has a level of toxicity being a drug and NAC-induced glutathione levels reach a rapid peak and decline within hours. Whey protein is a benefit as is bay leaf water, cilantro and avocado. Dr. Staninger never recommended NAC for our detoxification and viral protection. Only direct reduced glutathione supplements and the aforementioned food items. It would be great if University of Georgia in their bird flu studies would introduce small amounts of Bay Leaf water to birds (especially eagles) and see what dosages are beneficial to recovery.
Christine Padovan
26 de marzo de 2023
Dr. Meesam Raza Dr. Jimmy Gutman, a glutathione expert does not recommend NAC to boost glutathione in the body: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSe_3aVZXio It has a level of toxicity being a drug and NAC-induced glutathione levels reach a rapid peak and decline within hours. Whey protein is a benefit as is bay leaf water, cilantro and avocado (naturally high in glutathione). Dr. Staninger never recommended NAC for our detoxification and viral protection. Only direct Reduced Glutathione supplements and the aforementioned food items. It would be great if University of Georgia in their bird flu studies or a researcher such as yourself would introduce small amounts of Bay Leaf water to birds (especially eagles) and see what dosages are beneficial to recovery. Glutathione is well documented since 1970 for prevention and recovery from pneumonia and other viruses (also new studies on Covid). It is also the master detoxifier. I believe we can save more animals, birds and other wildlife with its benefits.
Doc Mthiyane
21 de noviembre de 2019
Read carefully my first comment above. You cannot supplement glutathione as such in poultry. It will NOT work. Instead, use its precursor supplements (NAC or whey protein)
Kb Bohara
21 de noviembre de 2019

I fully agreed to Mthiyane’s explanations that it is better not to use glutathione as such rather consider to use its
pre-cuser products (more natural way) in poultry as a source of animal protein for human consumption.

Christine Padovan
26 de marzo de 2023
Kb Bohara It is widely documented by Dr. Jimmy Gutman, a glutathione expert that precursors such as NAC are NOT to be used, as it is partly a synthetic and you would have to take massive amounts to get the needed levels of Glutathione up in the body - for it to come crashing down a few hours later. It is better as we have done - taking a reduced glutathione supplement (standard adult dose 500mg; ill with virus or for detoxification: 1000mg to 2000mg daily). You can boost production in the body with whey protein, bay leaves, avocado, cilantro - but best is a daily supplement as food cost may prohibit supplementing with food. As Dr. Raza said above, and the industrial toxicologist and researcher, Dr. Staninger said - animals have glutathione in their cells. I am working with vets on saving animals from poisoning. We can save birds from Bird Flu and other viruses and toxicity by figuring out the dosage that would be beneficial to them. Glutathione is water soluble like vitamin C. Why would you use a drug to create a natural element? Researchers in animal and bird welfare can take Bay Leaf water (high in glutathione) and start giving small doses to ill birds and see what amount is most beneficial.
Ganesh Kumar Dahal
Guybro Chemical
22 de noviembre de 2019

Although use of Glutathione (GSH) for human consumption have been documented well but for poultry industry a thorough research must be carried out to avoid negative consequences.

Glutathione is highly susceptible to oxidation in the extracellular environment so it would be unstable while supplementing through water / feed and may be also toxic if high concentration is taken by birds, so it may not be practical to use as a feed supplement to animals in my opinion.

Dr. Fiodor S. Marchenkov
Kronos -Agro private company
22 de noviembre de 2019

Dear Dr. Meesam, what reason is to use GSH in poultry? Improving DWG and FCR? No reason, because GSH is antioxidant, and that's why it can decrease biological oxidation and generation of ATP. Electrone-transportation chain is free-radical depending process, no reason to limit it in poultry! Another matter are pets. Antioxidants can increase the life time of pets. About 2GSH=GSSG. There is enough GSH inside the birds. And it is possible to run GSSG back into reduced form (GSH) by special enzyme, glutatione reductase. But it is another story.

Dr. Meesam Raza
22 de noviembre de 2019

Dr. Fiodor S. Marchenkov Yes there is a natural pool in birds /poultry but the interesting fact is that we have not modified its genetics to that level as we have modified the growth or egg production. Intense selection had definitely caused a very good amount of stress. And maybe in some conditions, intrinsic production might not be in accordance with the requirement. That is the reason N acetyl cysteine, mithione, cystamine etc are supplemented. Thanks for your interest.

Guillermo Roberto Herrera Garcia
14 de enero de 2020

What is the reason? Because in humans it works, and not in poultry, or it would not be efficient? Excuse my ignorance, but I had also thought about it for use in salmon.

daniel severino
23 de febrero de 2020
Thank you on having all as a vision to griwth and technically its a learning on as we having some more extra aspects on from you all and mark up ticks on our board of Agromux team A very well detailed comments may not be the same but the sounds tells A2) apart from having commented on as above am asking this ppatform if may allow us to have a group that chat on whats on poultry technicals such that we mire people in Africa being interested in how this Agromox has taught us on how we should ne ooerating chickens and feeding as well So are are not affording to be always or able to get through to emails so may you helo on thos to have a follower on aop under Agromix and we need some of the orosucts and medications .vaccines etc that we should be using so may you assist Regards Daniel
Alberto Medina Castro
29 de noviembre de 2020
I would like to know the dose of gluthatione precursor for poultry nutritional information
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