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Kb Bohara
Participation in Forum on February 16, 2022
I have no no noexperience IB QX control because I did not work with layer breeders any where. I do have good experience of prevention and control of IB in Broiler Breeders and commercial broiler flocks in my command areas for 20 yrs I investigated a number of IB outbreak in my initial stages in the farmers fields and I Designed a a new vaccine and vaccination schedules for my breeder flocks and al ...
Participation in Forum on July 27, 2020
Theoretically I can see the potential benefits of such products in foreseeable future. But difficult to jump on conclusion and go for use without having reliable research carried by a independent third party research organization with a scientifically acceptable research method for a verification of small experimental research findings of a researcher directly or indirectly associated with a phar ...
Participation in Forum on January 10, 2020
Chronic gastrointestinal disorders have been seen as one of the biggest emerging public health problem in all societies around the world.This seems a most complex health problem with so many factors are considered as to be responsible causes. So many types of system of medicines for example Ayurvedic,Allopathic Functional medicine etc practitioners working hard and trying to be best effective ...
Participation in Forum on December 15, 2019
Dear Paulino A short sweet to the point and very relevant article . I appreciate ability and quality of yours for selecting very relevant topics of the day. There is urgency of need for meaningful adoptive research on this prime subject by such potential and independent professional individuals and institutions. I like it thank you so much. Dr k B Bohara
Participation in Forum on November 21, 2019
I fully agreed to Mthiyane’s explanations that it is better not to use glutathione as such rather consider to use its pre-cuser products (more natural way) in poultry as a source of animal protein for human consumption.
Participation in Forum on September 19, 2019
In my professional life, Avian spirochaetosis has been one of the major challenges for poultry Breeder flocks under intensive poultry breeding practice. I am still depending on clinical diagnosis without isolation and identification for treatment and control. Use of appropriate antibiotic very artistically designed treatment plan is only effective tool available and used successfully till today wh ...
Participation in Forum on March 15, 2018
I fully agreed with Mr Steffen Hansen's comments here that the problem in front of our generation to be addressed is that we have to preserve nature's biodiversity in this planet,ways out to increase food production ( 30 to 70 percent by 2030 -2050)without violating animal welfares and rights, and be able to deliver a safe and quality food products in a affordable prices. So under such circumstan ...
Participation in Forum on January 24, 2018
Dear dr Yubraj I think this issue is very very important not only fron economic but also from sustainability point of views . We all know that biological diversity in this beautifull planet is based on symbiosm and no stalk-holder has right to violate the rule of game You have have sweetly and shortly discussed the basics of Innet defense system of our (animal)body. I have a strong feelings that ...
Participation in Forum on December 29, 2017
Hi Dr Marie I had no opportunity yet read your research report in detail so by the way may ask you a small query ? Is the component of algae you extracted acts itself as re-enforcement raw material or it stimulates body system to produce effective re-enforcement raw materials at the site? From precision nutrition research studies I understood clearly about basic raw ramaterials of re-enforcing ...
Participation in Forum on December 28, 2017
I had gone through a number of studies published in human nutrition and reporting health benefits of seaweed algae and fresh seaweed algae are one of the popular items of all big supermarkets nowadays in advanced countries. I myself was suffering from IBS for years and tried seaweed algae regularly for a couple of months as sup I found it very beneficial.Now you have gone into further de ...
equalizer Statistics: Forums(10)
Location:Kathmandu, Bagmati, Nepal
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Followers (2)
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