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New WVEPAH distance learning platform coming soon

Published: July 31, 2020
The WVEPAH is pleased to announce that online courses will soon be available. This new formula will combine online training sessions in synchronous and asynchronous mode. For all courses, a forum will be open for a fixed period of time, during which all participants will be able to ask questions and see the answers provided to their fellow course participants’ questions. This structure, by ...
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Robert Gauthier
World Veterinary  Education in Production Animal Health  (WVEPAH)
World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (WVEPAH)
Influencers who recommended :
Hafez Mohamed, Stephen Adejoro Dr
Stephen Adejoro Dr
4 de agosto de 2020

Congratulations to WVEPH for this E learning New normal post Covid-19 approach, I believe many participants will love to enrole in this programme in Africa and take the advantage of the place utility.
Livestock industry foundation for Africa ,www.lifango.org, a knowledge capitalized Livestock NGO had previously collaborated with your organization on you last training in East Africa and we are still prepared to publicise this new concept and highlight the advantages to Veterinarians and nutritionist in Africa.

8 de agosto de 2022
Stephen Adejoro Dr Dear, We are craving for this new tool. High knowledge coming soon. Congrats
Nabaraj Shrestha
23 de agosto de 2020
May I know what is the coming up topic?
Robert Gauthier
World Veterinary  Education in Production Animal Health  (WVEPAH)
World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (WVEPAH)
23 de agosto de 2020
Nabaraj Shrestha During the first semester of 2021 WVEPAH will give an on-line course on Common disciplines and OIE (World Organization for Animal Health), both in French and English (this is what we call Module I). Please go to our website, on the news, for more details. Robert Gauthier
Nabaraj Shrestha
23 de agosto de 2020
Robert Gauthier Thank you. I already went through the websites and got more information on it. Thank you.
jayanta mallik
15 de junio de 2021

Why I am not.

Robert Gauthier
World Veterinary  Education in Production Animal Health  (WVEPAH)
World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (WVEPAH)
16 de junio de 2021
jayanta mallik. I do not get your comment, what do you mean exactly, do you need more information.
Stephen Adejoro Dr
17 de junio de 2021
Poultry production is economically important Worldwide and it’s a cornerstone for the improvement of livelihood of populations in developing countries. It has been a feature of human society for several years and it’s the most feasible and sustainable of all meat and protein production systems. Poultry plays an important role in the livelihood of rural communities in developing countries. To make poultry production projects viable there is a need to have a strong effort of education and training in poultry sector. Several reports shows that the level of productivity in many developing countries is so poor that it is not viable and capable of feeding an increasing urbanized population. Hence, there is a need for all stakeholders for active participation in strengthening and improving the knowledge in the development of poultry industry. The World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (WVEPAH) is a fully independent non-profit organization developing poultry veterinary courses in many countries in English, French and Spanish. WVEPAH training program aims at improving the practical skills of poultry veterinarians. Due to the global health situation and travel restrictions, the organization has rebranded her training courses to be an online live session from June 1st to October 29th, 2021 with the same quality of certificate issued to participants now at a cheaper fee. This certificate qualifies successful participant to become an international poultry consultant acceptable all over the World because of OIE verification. Livestock Industry Foundation for Africa (LIFA) started to partner with WVEPAH since last year when the first training courses started at Nairobi, Kenya. The training for this session will be an overview of important infectious and non-infectious diseases at different stages of the egg layer’s productions process. Participants will be trained to work up and solve common problems. The course will lay the foundation for more in-depth studies on specific subjects covered in follow up courses. The course will be held in English Language by a team of World class course masters. The students will be provided 8 – 10 hours block of pre-recorded lessons followed by a 2 hours session with the teachers via Zoom. The courses are open to students of all nationalities and not restricted to a geographical area. The course is in full support of the OIE (World Organization for Animal Health). The constant concern for the WVEPAH is to offer participants the best training at the best cost. More information can be obtained at: www.wvepah.net or info@wvepah.org
Stephen Adejoro Dr
14 de agosto de 2022
Livestock Industry Foundation For Africa is now extending the success of her knowledge sharing in Nigeria to six other West Africa countries of Ghana ,Cote D'Ivoire,Liberia ,Gambia Togo and Republic of Bennin . These countries are a mix of Anglophone and Francophone countries. LIFA in partnership with Zoetis Foundation is aiming at sharing knowledge with 3,600 Poultry farmers in West Africa who can now access WVEPAH Distance learning through their link with LIFA Blog.
Alberto Profumo
16 de agosto de 2022
Good morning everyone, I am a Veterinarian specialized in Animal Production who has been working since 1997 with poultry, rabbit, cattle, sheep, goat and pig farms. Now, for a year I have been working at the National Health Service as an Animal Health Veterinarian in Tuscany. If my support and my skills on the subject can be used, I will be happy to give my contribution to the project. Congratulations for the idea. Alberto Profumo from Tuscany - Italy
1 de octubre de 2022
Alberto Profumo Hi, This is Bawindsomde from Burkina Faso. Welcome. I know i ll learn from all you experts. Cheers
Luka Mzumara
Hybrid Poultry
14 de septiembre de 2022

It's excellent, can't wait to learn.

Robert Gauthier
World Veterinary  Education in Production Animal Health  (WVEPAH)
World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (WVEPAH)
15 de septiembre de 2022
Please visit regularly the WVEPAH web site for news: www.wvepah.org
Hafez Mohamed
Free University of  Berlin
Free University of Berlin
28 de septiembre de 2022
Dear Robert, good to hear from you. Hope you are in good health and shape. by sure i would like to discuss with you about about New WVEPAH distance learning platform Please let me know what do exactly need from me . Best regards, Hafez hafez.mohamed@fu-berlin.de
Robert Gauthier
World Veterinary  Education in Production Animal Health  (WVEPAH)
World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (WVEPAH)
28 de septiembre de 2022
Dear Hafez, finally we will go back to face to face courses in 2023. We are looking a the possibility of holding a course in Egypt for the Middle East area.
Hafez Mohamed
Free University of  Berlin
Free University of Berlin
29 de septiembre de 2022
Dear Robert Gauthier, I`ll be in Egypt next month and I try to contact several collaegues and frinds I`ll will discuss with them. It will be helpfull , if you can sending me the out line of cours. You can sending me the programm on my e.mail hafez.mohamed@fu-berlin.de All the best, Hafez
Dr. Md. Zaminur Rahman
Tufts University
Tufts University
5 de octubre de 2022
Dear Robert This is your excellency and I appreciate your kind information. I am interested for this program. Would you suggest me how can I will be there as a participant. For your kind information I have been working as poultry consultant and faculty member at the department of Animal production here in a university of Bangladesh. Best regards MD Zaminur Rahman
Robert Gauthier
World Veterinary  Education in Production Animal Health  (WVEPAH)
World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (WVEPAH)
5 de octubre de 2022
Dr. Md. Zaminur Rahman Now tha that the Covid situation is improving, the WVEPAH will offer face to face courses for 2023. Please go to the WVEPAH website (www.wvepah.org) for details on how to participate. We publish news regularly. Regards,
Stephen Adejoro Dr
7 de octubre de 2022
Livestock Industry foundation for Africa NGO is familiar with the WVEPAH B2B training in Africa before covid-19 Livestock Industry foundation for Africa a livestock knowledge sharing NGO on health and nutrition has covered all the agricultural zones in Nigeria sharing knowledge with poultry farmers , veterans and Animal nutritionist on the implications of climate change on poultry health and nutrition in sub Saharan Africa. This initiatives supported by Zoetis Alpha initiatives in Nigeria ,is now sharing the success stories in six countries in West Africa supported by Zoetis Foundation and Rocchifeller foundation. This NGO had promoted and will be more interested to promote WVEPAH in West Africa because of the mutual objectives of improving capacity development in Animal food security in sub sahara Africa. LIFA had reached out to more than 2000 farmers , veterinarians and Animal nutritionist in Nigeria ,and over 1300 participants in six countries of West Africa in 2022. Countries coveted do far in West Africa are a mix of Anglophone and Francophone countries made up of Togo, Gambia, Cote D'Ivoire, Liberia , Bennin and Ghana With a target to reach out to 3,600 participants. So far four countries have been covered teaching the estimated 1,300 participants. For more activities on the programme of livestock Industry foundation for Africa link us on this Blog https://blog.lifango.org LIFA will look forward for organization with mutual objectives on poultry capacity development to complement sustainable Animal health and nutrition in West Africa countries Dr Stephen Adejoro is the founder of livestock Industry foundation for Africa and this NGO is supported for this innovative knowledge sharing in West Africa by Zoetis Foundation and Rocchifeller foundation
Hafez Mohamed
Free University of  Berlin
Free University of Berlin
9 de octubre de 2022
Good Idead. I have been with WVPAH in several countries a round the world. I like to discuss the topic with the entire group. Have a nice day. Hafez-Berlin, Germany
Hafez Mohamed
Free University of  Berlin
Free University of Berlin
12 de junio de 2023
You are welcome
Hafez Mohamed
Free University of  Berlin
Free University of Berlin
12 de junio de 2023
Hafez Mohamed, please sending your questions on my following e.mail hafez.mohamed@fu-berlin.de Best regards, Hafez
Manash Gohain
22 de junio de 2023
I am interested to join this online courses. Please let me know when it starts.
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