More sustainable broiler meat production can be facilitated by the increased use of cheap by-products and local crops as feed ingredients, while not affecting animal performance and intestinal health, or even improving intestinal health, so that antibiotic usage is further reduced. To achieve this, knowledge of the relationship between the taxonomic and functional microbiota composition and intestinal health is required. In addition, the relationship between the novel feed sources, the substrates present in these feed sources, and the breakdown by enzymes and microbial networks can be crucial, because this can form the basis for development of tailored feed-type specific solutions for optimal digestion and animal performance.
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Has anybody ever fed peas extruded at 300 Fahrenheit being heat extruded? I think it would be like eating raw potato versus french fries.
There are lots of alternative feed ingredients that have not been put into use, especially in Africa, but with the use of beneficial microbes a lot of them can be detoxified and used.
This is a very nice and attractive article but i think it will take a long time to reach to the point that we can know the total microbiota composition and the specific function of each one or group, also to know the end product of each, the synergy or antagonist action between each other. So I think we have to depend on the advanced meta-genomic sequence assembly methods, which can allow us to more understanding the intestinal microbiota composition, grouping , functions, end products and its effects over the different digestibility, gut health and total performance markers.