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Disease Prevention Through Biosecurity

Published: March 13, 2016
By: Paul Walker Thompson
Disease Prevention Through Biosecurity” By: Paul Walker Thompson March 13, 2016 Biosecurity is a big buzz word these days in the Hog Industry, and is of huge importance to the well-being of each farm. There are two aspects to Biosecurity that help us prevent or reduce the effects of disease, (A) External Biosecurity, and (B) Internal Biosecurity. Let’s take a quick look at each of these. (A) External Biosecurity is Disease Prevention Measures such as a fence around the farm with a controlled entrance gate, having your “Dead-Haul –Off” location outside of the farm, and disinfecting all trucks, tractors and objects that come on to the farm. (B) Internal Biosecurity is the things we do on the farm, such as disinfecting our boots at each barn door, and working from the youngest pigs to the older pigs. What Disease Prevention Measures have helped you the most? Have you ever made a mistake in either External or Internal Biosecurity? What disease entrance or spread occurred? I hope that we can learn from each other’s experiences! I look forward to your comments! PWT
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Paul Walker Thompson
Ismet Mamode
Food & Allied Group of Companies
18 de marzo de 2016
Biosecurity is a Science in itself. The poultry industry has put a lot of emphasis on biosecurity and the level is very high in many companies. Investment in biosecurity is necessary and farms do benefit in terms of performances and economic results.
Mawlood A.A. Algraibawi
University of Baghdad
University of Baghdad
18 de marzo de 2016
Thank you so much. Intensification of livestock agriculture , globalization, and global climatic changes has increaed the risk of spread of animal disaeses , this indicate the importance of biosecurity for preventing the spread of animal diseases and production of food safe for human consumption. With regards Dr. Mawlood Al-Graibawi
Yahya Sabah Abdulameer
18 de marzo de 2016
The herbal plant as feed additives is one othe solution which may play a role in preventing many disease and enhancing of immunity . The used some alternative for litter floor rearing to reduce of ammonia is necessary for Arabic area .
Rudra Desai
18 de marzo de 2016
Biosecurity itself is a subject of interest to build up internal immunity through balanced diet and make gastrointestinal system function normally without any disturbance to control all endotoxins and maintain normal physiological functions and not to run behind after metabolic disorder persists. Yes it is possible
Abdul Qader Samsor
19 de marzo de 2016
Dear colleague/s ; its necessary topic every where, specially in our situation that we are dealing with small farms, since I am dealing with cattle husbandry, to reduce the risk of enterotoxins in the gastrointestinal system preventative deworming is very important for prevention of black disease or necrotic hepatitis. this is depend on external and internal biosecurity both. but strategic deworming is good because mostly pastures are infected. thanks Abdul Qader Samsor ,
Mawlood A.A. Algraibawi
University of Baghdad
University of Baghdad
19 de marzo de 2016
Biosecurity : Is the management of all potential biological hazards to production ( infectious agent, toxins, genetic defects, and undesirable heritable characteristics) that could introduced into a flock an external or internal source. The aims of the biosecurity are to control, prevent or eradicate of this hazarda.
mohamed hayman hussien kamel
19 de marzo de 2016
Biosecurity is the most important science today not only healthof animals but also health and welfare of human being inEgypt i am trying to inform veterinary authority to declare a recommendation of what is called Biosecurity liscence which must be present in any farm project.
Rudra Desai
19 de marzo de 2016

As i have already mentioned use REMIX from Shree Renuka Vetmin for GI disturbances and immunity builder and for Estrus synchronization ROSYNCH and for urinary, uterine and udder inflammatory diseases you will get perfect solution all are free from antibiotics and hormones and de worming agents etc turn towards clean green and ethical as well ecofriendly feeds .
Dr Hanamapure
Karnataka India

Tim Nelson
4 de abril de 2016
There are smart syndromic surveillance apps for monitoring and managing regional disease spread
Mike Button
Coventry Group
29 de junio de 2017

There is an awful lot of misunderstanding across the world on biosecurity. Especially what products to use and how to use them. This includes the application. I have been spending a lot of time recently educating on effective biosecurity and exploding some of the myths talked about programmes and products. As the great Joseph Lister quoted "The germ is nothing. The circumstances are everything". Biosecurity for all species is about not creating the circumstances.

Mawlood A.A. Algraibawi
University of Baghdad
University of Baghdad
30 de junio de 2017
The prevention and control of endemic diseases within and between farms often based on the adoption of better management practices. However, farmers regularly do not accept recommended measures or do not enroll in voluntary disease control programs. This indicates that a more comprehensive understanding of the influences and extension tools that affect farmers' management decisions is necessary.
ahmet nuri bilgin
1 de julio de 2017

First spreading must be obstructed by not to take away the litter.
Keep it inside the house, apply windrowing method then (if you want to) clean the house.

Livhuwani Mudau
Department of Agriculture  ( South Africa )
Department of Agriculture ( South Africa )
5 de julio de 2017

Biosecurity is a famous term sometimes being used without the full understanding or practice. Working with small farmers, it is rather difficult to get them to practice proper biosecurity. How can one go about encouraging small-scale farmers to implement proper biosecurity?

Mike Button
Coventry Group
5 de julio de 2017

Dear Livhuwani. I totally agree with you. Sometimes it is the small family farm that does not think they need or should do any biosecurity. It is seen by them as something only applicable to the large farms. Although this is a very important area and can have huge economic effects not only for them but also for larger farms.

It is, unfortunately, an education process of why they are doing it to not only protect their family animals but also their neighbors' animals and the countryside in general. In most of these cases, the small farm relies heavily on the income from these animals and any loss or reduction in performance can be devastating to the family. I have found using simple stories about how and why they should try to keep things clean. What to do at the market and how they sell their goods helps. There are many anecdotal circumstances used from today's problems like HPAI and ASF that help. But it is a slow process and many habits and beliefs have to be overcome.

Eros baroni
5 de julio de 2017
Disease pressure is growing as pigs grow in size. The application of very strict hygienic protocols can help reduce disease pressure. Pig producers have to change their mentality, We have less and less antibiotics and diseases are increasingly persistent in breeding, we can only improve by improving hygiene management, improving internal and external biosecurity and applying valid vaccination plans. We have many challenges in the near future, we need to improve and rethink our pigs.
carlito fuentesfina
CBF Consulting
6 de julio de 2017
Our breeding farm has about 1400 sows and the total population averaged at 11,000. We have been practicing biosecurity as we believe that this is important. Talking about biosecurity, should there be a minimum level of biosecurity, and is there level that it could be excessive?
Mike Button
Coventry Group
6 de julio de 2017

I am glad to hear you have been practicing biosecurity. You are right it is very important and crucial to the success of your business. It is hard to say what is a minimum level or as I would describe it as good effective biosecurity and owned by all on your farms. With regard to excessive, again, it should be the right programme designed specifically for your farms and with the right products. I will admit I have seen one or two things in both the Philippines and up in China which I would consider as a little over the top. But would not want this to detract from having a good effective biosecurity programme. I was in the Philippines a couple of weeks ago doing a seminar on biosecurity for swine and yes there is a lot of misunderstanding on what is called good biosecurity and understanding not only the protocol but the products used in it as well.

Eros baroni
6 de julio de 2017
Everyone involved in the breeding, managers, breeders, employees who has behavior, routine communication and a common sense should be understood that the rules and procedures of biosecurity can be easily maintained on the farm, the rules and The procedures that are being implemented to protect the health of our herds and to prevent the entry of diseases into our company. These rules and procedures must be the most advanced protocols in the company and are also the hardest to teach and maintain. The key element of biosecurity is to train yourself and your employees to be aware of the risks of introducing illnesses to your business and managing those risks. Everyone must understand an important fundamental principle that when an illness occurs, the efficiency of pigs worsens, increases the workload and the company decreases profitability. An in-depth understanding of this principle is needed to ensure that biosecurity protocols have been put in place and followed. Training is important, and another important resource in integrating and maintaining biosecurity standards is the veterinarian. This person should be seen as a source of scientific information, biosecurity proficiency instructor, and auditor of your business.
Eros baroni
7 de julio de 2017
Have described that the vet is the guardian of biosecurity, but be careful because he or she becomes a visitor, and therefore a major risk factor for our breeds, especially when one day they visit different herds. So also the veterinarian must follow a rigorous biosecurity protocol. The breeder must be the greatest guarantor of his breeding.
vidya sagar
7 de julio de 2017
One ounce of prevention is better than a ton of cure.
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