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vidya sagar
vidya sagar likes the comment:
I have evaluated a lot of essential oil products in my research lab with little effectiveness in a well balanced corn-soy diet. That said, a good quality pellet certainly aids in improved FCR and especially in hot weather conditions.
Participation in Forum on October 13, 2017
Dear Ibrahim, To reduce stress on the birds.please don't give much space per bird because they may lose energy. Provide sufficient feeders and water or nipples per bird. Otherwise, there will be competition in feeding and watering causes variation in body weight and leads to poor performance. Subclinical diseases are also worst robbers of performance. Correct placement of drinkers is close to ...
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  During the Intestinal Health Workshop, supported by DSM Nutritional Products, Peter Ferket, Extension Specialist and Nutritionist (Poultry) at NC State University, give us details of the impacts of feedstuff processing and the whole feed processing in Poultry.
Participation in Forum on September 21, 2017
During first week of chicks life brooding temperature is most important to achieve proper growth and simultaneously cross ventilation is also must to eliminate ammonia.co2 .H2s to control respiratory diseases.
Participation in Forum on September 3, 2017
1) Ensure proper cleaning and disinfection before arrvial of chicks.2) Procure Good quality Day old chicks from reputed Hatchery.3) Maintain proper temperature,ventilation and relative Humudity.4) Give Balanced chick crumbles feed for proper body weights.5) Crop scoring monitor is must.observe feed and water consumption to prevent dehydration.
Participation in Forum on September 2, 2017
In my experience, the cause of Necrotic enteritis is due to usage of Animal protein (fishmeal, Meat cum bone meal) which leads to mortality and poor performance in both commercial layers and commercial broilers.
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In broilers and layers, it is possible to see this problem. Whenever I obtain the confirmation both clinically and in post-mortem, I advise a treatment with CALCIUM GRIT in the feed plus VITAMIN AD3E in water. I take a sample of the feed to check the level of CALCIUM. The type of CALCIUM in the feed is important. A mixture of COARSE + FINE calcium is advisable depending on the type of birds.
Participation in Forum on July 7, 2017
One ounce of prevention is better than a ton of cure.
Participation in Forum on July 2, 2017
Dear Doctor Is there any leg problems(lameness or swollen Hock joints)and any Breast Blisters do you.notice.Thanks
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April 23, 2017
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