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Published: March 8, 2010
By: Opoku Agyeman

I have a 40 acre farm in Ghana, West Africa which I am plannig of turning into a PIG production enterprise. I am actively seeking professional recommendations as how to commence the project on a industrial scale. My goal is to have a farm where i will produce and process to the market. These are the areas that i require suggestions:

1. the number of sow that i need to start a successful operation
2. modern design of housing for the pigs
3. the type of breed that will withstand the tropics
4. equipments required for slaughtering, processing and etc
5. development of feeding on the farm
6. best practices to make this operation an investment winner

I will welcome any comments that will lead me to gathher as much information for me to begin the project.
It is slated to start in july of this year. thanks for all your inputs.


Related topics:
Opoku Agyeman
Brent Clifton
11 de diciembre de 2015
I have been asked by a investor from Ghana to supply information to him about swine production possibilities in Ghana. He would like to tour different facilities from farrow to finish in order to create a business plan to start his own swine production plant abroad. My knowledge of swine production is limited to my boutique operation of less than twenty sows over twenty years ago. I could use any information that I can pass on to this investor. Your comments are all welcome and appreciated... If you have a business plan that your willing to share I would be grateful!
Patrick Mantey Gyamfi
11 de diciembre de 2015
Hello Brent is good to have that business in Ghana to my side what I no is ghana got a lot of local thing that will help you to cut cost so it ll be good to use local things to start
John Olusoji Abiola
12 de diciembre de 2015
I am not familiar with Ghana at all but can give you some hints on pig production in Nigeria, probably you maybe able to convert the monetary aspect to Ghana cedis, can you send me your e mail address so that I will be able to send it to you. Thanks.
Frank Appiah
10 de marzo de 2020
John Olusoji Abiola Hi John, will be glad if you could send me the info on pig farming in Nigeria, via frankappiah2019@gmail.com. Many thanks
John Olusoji Abiola
10 de marzo de 2020
Frank Appiah Okay,I am actually putting up a paper on that and will let you know. Thanks.
Frank Appiah
10 de marzo de 2020
Donald Levis Hello Donald, would be glad if you will be kind to send me this info via frankappiah2019@gmail. Many thanks
Addo Benjamin Armah
26 de septiembre de 2020
John Olusoji Abiola Boss, can you please email it to me at abawitty@gmail.com
Ennin Shadrack
14 de julio de 2023
John Olusoji Abiola pls Mr John pls can you send me the info on pig farming via my address enninshadracck@gmail.com ,thank you boss
Donald Levis
12 de diciembre de 2015
I gave a Powerpoint presentation to the Ghana Minister for Food and Agriculture last July 2015 (in Lincoln, Nebraska) on expanding pork production in Ghana. This presentation discussed numerous factors involved with a successful expansion and sustainable program for pork production in Ghana. If I had your email address, I would be willing to send you a copy of the Powerpoint.
Clement Squire
30 de mayo de 2018
Kindly send me a copy through my email. csquire@corvus-gh.com
Opoku Agyeman
30 de mayo de 2018
Daniel Asare Baah
21 de junio de 2018
Donald Levis I'm a first timer, I guess i'll need a copy dbaah24@yahoo.com Thanks.
Prince kelvin
27 de noviembre de 2018
Donald Levis floatt2@yahoo.com .. I will need help with that power point copy as well .. thank you
Frank Ezo Blay
1 de marzo de 2019
Hello Levis, Hope you are doing well and the family. Please i will need your thoroughly knowledge on pig farm in Ghana.I am ready to invest in piggery but i am at preliminary stage of gathering relevant information per operating cost,ways to go and feeding etc. I think i am at the right place. Please may you kindly assist me.ezobile@yahoo.com is my mail. regards
Kojo Gyamera
27 de diciembre de 2019
Kindly send me a copy of your mentioned PowerPoint presentation. Thanks Kojo
Napari Patrick
9 de febrero de 2020
Donald Levis Hello Sir, I would be glad to get a copy of PowerPoint Presentation. t Find below my email address; naparipatrick@yahoo.com
Joana Marfo
14 de mayo de 2020
Donald Levis please send the presentation to me My email address is joanmarf@gmail.com
Donald Levis
15 de mayo de 2020
Kojo Gyamera What is your email address?
Reji Sam
24 de julio de 2020
Donald Levis could you please send me the powerpoint rejisam30@gmail.com
Addo Benjamin Armah
26 de septiembre de 2020
Donald Levis Can you please email it to me at abawitty@gmail.com
Sola Fatokun
2 de marzo de 2021
Donald Levis , I would appreciate if you could send it to me via my e-mail address: abalawlarry@gmail.com.May I ask you about pig training schools in Ghana which teach pig breeding & other aspects of swine production. Please reply.Thank you. Sola.
Malcolm Rodrigues
1 de diciembre de 2021
Donald Levis, Can you please share with me your presentation via malrodgh@gmail.com
Pedro Urriola
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota
14 de diciembre de 2015
In Ghana, Pig production is an income generating activity that requires investment of resources, capital human, and time for future reward. Such investment has social, environmental and economic implications which must be considered to justify investment. Investment in pig production in Ghana is a venture that requires careful and prudent management of resources to benefit the investor and society. Whiles the project is primarily to generate income for investor, environmental issues have to be taken into account through its design. Pig production has two main phases mainly: breeding and fattening (growing and finishing). The major goal of managing a sow is to obtain a large litter of healthy piglets at birth that will remain healthy till weaning. Let me address the following questions 1. The number of sow that i need to start a successful operation Ans For a commercial pig farming in Ghana, 15 to 20 gilts with 1 or 2 boar(s) will be appropriate 2. Modern design of housing for the pigs Ans In Ghana housing designs are very simple. Structures are always build in the direction of the prevailing wind to enable enough ventilation. Feeders and drinking troughs are usually fixed in pens and in some instance with nipple drinkers 3. The type of breed that will withstand the tropics Ans. Large White Pig and Landrace are the best breeds that withstand our weather 4. Equipments required for slaughtering, processing 1. Building 2. Equipment a. Band saw b. Mincer c. Bone cutter d. Sausage filler e. Bowl chopper f. Thermometer g. pH meter The Meat as a product The following can be consider before and after processing a. Transport b. Labour c. Utility d. Shrinking loss due to smoking e. Cutting loss f. Selling price 5. Development of feeding on the farm Ans Locally available Agro Industrial By-Products (AIBPs) are usually compounded and used as feed for all classes of pigs in Ghana (CSIR-Animal Research Institute have championed the use of AIBPs) Come to the CSIR-Animal Research Institute, Adenta Frafraha, Ghana. We have some facilities that will interest you. Again I can also link you to some of the individual Pig farms we have in Ghana, some in Greater Accra and some in Western region. Thank You Peter
Frank Ezo Blay
1 de marzo de 2019

Hello Pedro,
Hope you are doing good. Your write up is very informative. Please, I currently want to go into pig farm in western region-Takoradi. Can you kindly assist me to get some vital information as per pig farm operation?
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Gloria Oforiwaa
18 de diciembre de 2015
The pig industry in Ghana is very lucrative but one need to know his target market. One might be interested in only buying weaned piglets to fatten and sell his fatteners to slaughter facilities or one can start from having the sows and boars to produce his own weaners and fatten to sell later to slaughter facilities. You can also start from maybe owning a 50 sow unit to produce our finished pigs. I am with the ministry of Food and Agriculture in Ghana, Ga-East Municipal Assembly (Accra). You can pass by our office and we will be more willing to assist you with the economics, production plan, action plan etc. Regards Oforiwaa
Clement Squire
30 de mayo de 2018
I am starting a piggery by August so I will definitely pass by. Is it the one at Abokobi?
Prince kelvin
27 de noviembre de 2018
Gloria Oforiwaa can I please have your email or contact . I’d love to pass by sometime for a thorough discussion on pigfarm in Ghana .. Thank you
Mavis Mensah
22 de diciembre de 2015
This is my email address efuablue7@gmail.com or efuablue@yahoo.com. Kindly send me a copy of the write up on how to start a commercial pig farm in Ghana. I have started a pig farming and the major challenge is with the start up capital and assessing cheaper sources of feeds and so Gloria, I will be visiting the CSIR Office for more information.
Tiriweumambo Chikumbu
30 de diciembre de 2015
Some interesting input from contributors. Can some one assist with some statistics on pig production in Ghana. 1) current national sow herd 2) The largest single sow herd 3) Ease of Licensing and permits for foreign investors 4) Farm rental possibilities 5) Source of specified genetics for breeding stock 6) availability and cost of feed meals per tonne. I will assume the above can form a framework within which to make an investment decision. Weumambo
Gloria Oforiwaa
2 de enero de 2016
Currently, I don't know the sow herd for Ghana but I can assist with the following information 2. Single sow herd of 100 sows belonging to a farmer in Kumasi 3. Foreign investors are welcome and contacting the appropriate ministries or institutions make the establishment of business easier. 4. It is easier if you start from the start since I don't have information regarding rental facilities, this does not mean it does exist 5.Research Institutions e.g. Animal Research Institute,Livestock and Poultry Centre (University of Ghana), and the Nungua Farms (Ministry of Food and Agriculture). Breeds are mostly crosses of large White and Landrace
Tomi Olatunde
2 de enero de 2016

Dear All,

Happy New Year to all.
It is interesting to read that swine production is picking up in West Africa; The basic breeds for production id Large White & Landrace. Also for equipments the small scale could be expensive , i rather advice to improvice. When ever you decide to go industrual, then we could be of help. Basically we are a consultation company for industrial production of pig meat; we organise also short paid working orientation programs for interested serious farmer groups At our collaborator farms in Europe.The short working orientation courses are tailored to help proper start- ups.

4 de enero de 2016
Hi, Am from Arusha Tanzania, would like to join the short working orientation courses, Please send me email adress for the contact person, then i would like to know if there is possibility of exporting from Tanzania to Europe/Asia market if i managed to raise pigs in large scale for commercial purpose, currently i had been discouraged with one of my friend that Asian and Europe never imports pork meet from African countries , is this true.?
Tomi Olatunde
4 de enero de 2016
Hello Mr. Felix Please kindly leave your message on the fb page; and we shall contact you with more information. Basically in Porcine Reproduction systems.
Amegbe Frank Nyarko
26 de noviembre de 2016

I have started a pig farm in my village and I need support to dig bolehole water and a tricycle to convey food for my pigs. Thank you.

Amegbe Frank Nyarko
26 de noviembre de 2016
Please I want to know the most popular pig breed in Ghana. Thank you.
Laari safe steven
19 de mayo de 2017

I am well impressed with the varied ideas you suggested to leading a successful piggery. I am now confident of becoming a better starter. Ghans-west Africa

Bhrigu kalita
30 de junio de 2017

Hello, my name is bhrigu and I am from india. We have a pigarry farm seens last 10 years. But I am facing so many prooblems, so I need your help. I am waiting for your comment
Bhrigu kalita

John Olusoji Abiola
18 de julio de 2017

@ Bhirgu, What type of problem is that? Share it and let us now how we can help.

20 de septiembre de 2017

I am trying to setup a small scale pig farm with the intention of expansion in a few years. I plan on starting with 2 pregnant sows and 1 (4-5 months old) boar. kindly advise on what I have to do successfully establish my farm.

Yemi Adesina
5 de marzo de 2018

Thank you very much for this very useful information.

Clement Squire
30 de mayo de 2018
Do we have specific agencies that assist in funding piggery projects in Ghana?
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