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Participation in Forum on January 2, 2016
Currently, I don't know the sow herd for Ghana but I can assist with the following information 2. Single sow herd of 100 sows belonging to a farmer in Kumasi 3. Foreign investors are welcome and contacting the appropriate ministries or institutions make the establishment of business easier. 4. It is easier if you start from the start since I don't have information regarding rental facilities, th ...
Participation in Forum on December 18, 2015
The pig industry in Ghana is very lucrative but one need to know his target market. One might be interested in only buying weaned piglets to fatten and sell his fatteners to slaughter facilities or one can start from having the sows and boars to produce his own weaners and fatten to sell later to slaughter facilities. You can also start from maybe owning a 50 sow unit to produce our finished pigs. ...
This member had joined Engormix
September 1, 2015
equalizer Statistics: Forums(2)
Location:Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Animal Nutritionist