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Article published the June 14, 2024
An increase in dietary phytate concentration may limit the availability of both phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) as a result of the progressive formation of Ca-phytate complexes along the gastrointestinal tract (Selle et al., 2009). However, inconsistent results were reported regarding the impact of phytate on P and Ca release in the presence of phytase with broilers, presumably due to the differen ...
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Article published the January 12, 2024
I. INTRODUCTIONStephen Jay Gould famously introduced the term ‘non-overlapping magisteria’ in a Natural History article in March 1997, to describe the separation between scientific and religious lines of enquiry (Gould, 1997). From a broiler nutrition perspective, it would be accurate to represent digestible amino acid and metabolisable energy research, and digestible P and Ca research ...
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Aaron Cowieson likes the comment:
Thanks, Aaron Cowieson.
Participation in Forum on August 3, 2023
Pirzado M Zakria thanks for your question. Most exogenous proteases in the market at endo-acting alkaline peptidases i.e. they do not generate free amino acids like an exo-acting protease and they more closely resemble trypsin and chymotrypsin than alternative endogenous proteases like pepsin. They work by improving the solubility of dietary protein which would otherwise escape digestion e.g. pr ...
Participation in Forum on July 24, 2023
Gene Pesti the main benefit of SID systems is that they are more additive in complex mixtures. There is a lot of published work showing that considering basal endogenous loss of the focal nutrient makes LCF more precise. AID systems tend to under-estimate the nutrient concentration in the finished feed because basal endogenous loss has been considered multiple times in the estimation of the dige ...
Aaron Cowieson likes the comment:
Thanks, Aaron Coweison.
Participation in Forum on July 15, 2023
Pirzado M Zakria I think this depends, at least in part, on how homologous the exogenous protease is with the endogenous proteases. With both exogenous amylase and protease there have been reports showing e.g. reduced endogenous enzyme gene expression but these are not consistent. I do think this may be part of the mode of action in some cases but I suspect that the effects are relatively minor?
This member gave a presentation on July 12, 2023
At the following event:
2023 PSA Annual Meeting
Aaron Cowieson likes the comment:
Aaron Cowieson Many thanks for your reply and insights. Some interesting work ahead! I was also curious about potential effects of exogenous proteases on proteins involved in gut-microbial dynamics e.g. colonisation, immune activation, deeper infection, etc. Kind regards Leon
Participation in Forum on July 8, 2023
Leon Broom thanks for your question and nice to hear from you again. Hope all is well with you also. Most of the microbiome-associated research has been done in the carbohydrase space and similar work for phytase and protease is limited. In our work we do see changes in the microbiome function (functional meta-genomics) associated with protease. This is related to changing nitrogen flow dynamics t ...
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Location:Orkney, Orkney, United Kingdom
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Occupation: Research
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