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Ayman Mamoun
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Denise Russi Rodrigues (Ohio State University) talked about manipulation of microbiota, use of lactic acid bacteria and mucosal immune response, among other topics, during the 8th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals in St. Louis, USA.
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This important topic has been on my radar as an animal nutritionist. I added the take-home message from this excellent talk to my list below. Thanks for sharing! Some solutions to mitigate the adverse effects of heat stress: 1. Dietary considerations: 1.1. stimulate feed intake by feeding crumble; feed during the cool hours as much as possible; increase feeding frequency; top-dress the feed using ...
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after working in enzyme business for more than 20 years , we are very sure that the success of the enzyme depends mainly on how much you trust in your enzyme producer professionalism and how many true information he gives to you,, by which you can give your customer true matrix values for your enzyme, in the same time he can found the claimed benefits from your enzyme product , unfortunately mo ...
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Prolapse in layers is of concern when birds are either underweight at time of changing from a growing ration to a prelay and then a laying ration. Birds that have a small frame due to underfeeding during the growing phase, and poor uniformity. Overcoming these factors means paying more attention to body weight and uniformity. A good guide is the management guide produced by the breed company you a ...
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The more divalent cations in the diet the less soluble phytate becomes. This is especially true when drinking water pH is high and when phytate concentration is also high. In diets with high concentrations of e.g. Ca (from limestone, drinking water Ca, inorganic P sources, vegetable sources, V&M premix etc), high phytate concentration and more alkaline drinking water then the need for superdosin ...
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Agree with several of these comments so let me put some thoughts about my experience on coccidiosis. Necrotic enteritis would be for another occasion.Let´s not forget that clean houses don´t allow the chicks to develop early immune response against coccidiosis, instead, this will delay the immune response which will typically play an important role of coccidiosis control when ionophore ...
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Atef Abou Zead Thanks Zead for bringing up the question – this has been haunting me for a very long time. From the Chemistry point of View, Calcium Butyrate and Sodium Butyrate has not much difference. For both the pKa is 4.8. However in many markets, often a sales person with the help of the product managements inputs is tempted to promote the Calcium Butyrate by saying Calcium is bivalent henc ...
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I have evaluated a lot of essential oil products in my research lab with little effectiveness in a well balanced corn-soy diet. That said, a good quality pellet certainly aids in improved FCR and especially in hot weather conditions.
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INTRODUCTION For many years, broiler intestinal health was supported by the widespread use of antimicrobial growth promoters (AGPs). These AGPs are antibiotic substances that were added to the feed at subtherapeutic levels, leading to improved animal performance. In the European Union, the use of AGPs was banned in 2006 while the Center for Veterinary Medicine of the US Food and Drug. Administr ...
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Brian Fairchild, Professor at the University of Georgia, discussed recent research on temperature, air speed and humidity on poultry housing conditions and ventilation, during IPPE 2017 in Atlanta, USA.
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