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Nimer Natsheh
Nimer Natsheh likes the comment:
oumed gerjis MSH vaccinated flocks become MS PCR positive and stay that way for the life of the flock and this maintains immunity (also this is why you should not use routine/prophylactic antibiotics on flocks- the immunity will be impaired). If your lab can do PCR it can also differentiate MS field strains from MSH by PCR MAMAs (gel electrophoresis) that have been published (Kresinger et al). The ...
Participation in Forum on October 17, 2021
thank you, can you advise me to what extend protect against S.Gallinarum?
Participation in Forum on April 29, 2021
it is an excellent information for field vet.
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Chris Morrow (Bioproperties) commented about the problems that arise from mycoplasma infections in layer farms and explained the benefits of a live mycoplasma vaccination program, including costs and profits.
Participation in Forum on January 23, 2021
it is an excellent vaccine for protection against MG with a good titer.
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During IPPE 2020 in Atlanta, USA, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Lecompte (University of Prince Edward Island) explained his recent work on essential oils and IBDV, in a study where they evaluated the effects of this additive pre- and post-challenge.
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Greg Mathis (Southern Poultry Research) talked about the importance of letting birds develop immunity and the use of alternative anticoccidials, during IPPE 2020 in Atlanta, USA.
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Highlights from the conversation with Michael Kogut, Billy Hargis, Ricardo Rauber, Carlos De Oliveira and Luis Carlos Farias, who joined Fernando Vargas for this roundtable, during the 1st PoultryUniverse Coccidiosis Congress in Curitiba, Brazil.
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Kannan Ganapathy (University of Liverpool) talked about the epidemiology, prevention and control of this disease, during Avicolas Porcinos 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Participation in Forum on March 20, 2018
Dr.Nimer Natsheh / JOVAC - Jordan:Birds death at the end due to secondary infection either by bacteria or virus.Regarding geese, no clinical signs appeared on the bird.Recently research work that AIV - H9N2 vertically transmission to the geese progeny.Regards
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Location:Amman, `Amman, Jordan
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Veterinary Doctor
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