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Dr. Ebrahim Talebi
Ph.D. I am currently working as an academic Assistant Professor of animal science (Genetic and bio
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As of January 2017, the FDA began a stricter regulation of antibiotics commonly used in the animal-feeding industry. Livestock and poultry producers alike have been accused of overfeeding various antibiotics, largely for growth promotion purposes (i.e., for increased feed efficiency and profitability). The ones the medical industry and the consumer have been most concerned with are those deemed m ...
Article published the April 23, 2021
IntroductionThe hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad axis plays an important role in regulating reproductive activities through hormonal control. Since the synthesis and secretion of androgens is the result of the activity of this axis. It is effective in creating differentiation and secondary sexual traits. Due to the high sensitivity of the reproductive process, it is important to know the factors that ...
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Article published the July 23, 2019
IntroductionNanotechnology is regarded as the ability to manipulate measure, manufacture and make predictions at the scale of 1–200 nm. At the nanometer dimension, materials revealed novel properties, different to those of both, the isolated atom and bulk material that the properties depending largely on the size of the particles from which the material is made.The environmental stress can d ...
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Article published the July 22, 2019
IntroductionRoom temperature is a component of microclimate and has a significant effect on the productivity, health of broiler chickens and consequently on the profitability of poultry production. It is generally assumed that rearing temperature should be approximately 32°C on the first day and be gradually decreased to approximately 20°C at the 6 weeks of age (Leenstra and Cahaner, 1991; ...
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Article published the July 12, 2019
INTRODUCTIONFood has an important role in people's life. Animal protein is one of the essential needs of human nutrition. Poultry has been used as a valuable source of protein in human nutrition in the world for years and animal products, specially meat and poultry liver have played an important role in people’s nutrition. This product is influenced by factors that make it improper nutrition ...
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IntroductionCurrent demand for improvements in production performance (feed conversion rate, average daily gain, speed of growth, etc.) in animal production implies very high needs for metabolizable energy. These needs can only be met with the contribution of fat in the diet.Fats are necessary for maintenance of body temperature, synthesis of hormones, proper functioning of the central nervous sys ...
Article published the June 21, 2019
The research on native/local breeds and getting information is important not only for genotype conservation but also for breeding programmes. A slow growth rate, resulting in a low market weight of sheep, was identified to be one of the factors limiting profitability throughout the world (Mukasa-Mugerwa and Lahlou-Kassi 1995). The efficiency of sheep production enterprises can be improved by enhan ...
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Article published the June 19, 2019
IntroductionCtenophora, a phylum of animal kingdom, is obiquoitous. Mnemiopsis leidyi is one of the species of comb-jelly belongs to Ctenphora phylum. The main habitat of this ctenophore is the east coast of North and South America, which covers the Atlantic coastal zone from latitude 40° North to 46° South (Harbison and Volovik, 1994). The introduction of this species into the Caspian Sea ...
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Article published the June 3, 2019
IntroductionThe pharmaceutical properties of aromatic plants exist in essential oils. They are used to treat diseases traditionally.1,2 Thyme (T. vulgaris) plant grows in throughout of Iran, especially in Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari and Fars provinces.3 The “Avishan or Azorbe,” (Persian name of Thyme) consists 14 species which grow in many regions of Iran.4 Thyme (T. vulgaris) is especi ...
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Location:Shiraz, Fars, Iran
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: Ph.D.
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