Introduction In India, current milk production is 163.7 million tones (DADF Annual Report, 2016-2017) Health and welfare of dairy animals is vital to ensure their longevity and long term productivity, to intensify the production, animal production systems are becoming highly mechanized. In recent years, efforts have been undertaken to improve welfare and overall-health of dairy cows by provid...
Well thought article, helpful for dairy farmers, but some of the bedding material like limestone or sand could not be beneficial for cultivated land, because of changing soil condition, thanks.
In addition, it is cost and labor efficient. The organic bedding materials are readily available and absorb moisture. They are compatible with manure handling systems. Sawdust and Wood shavings are probably the most commonly used bedding products for dairy cows.
it is a good article, simple and understood, but I think sand bedding replacement (every 12-14 days as in the article ) needs to be revisited. Furthermore, sand is applicable in big farms. Is there any information about the resources needed for recycling (how much water, electricity, machinery operating cost...).