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Ph.D. Livestock Production Management (Scholar)
Scientist (Animal Husbandry), ICAR- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jaunpur Expertise in L.P.M. Expertise in Nutrition (Livestock and Poultry): Feed Formulations
Ph.D. Livestock Production Management (Scholar)
Article published the July 7, 2023
IntroductionThe application of exogenous enzymes in fibrous diets has been found to increase nutrient utilization and subsequently improve the growth performance of broilers [1, 2]. However, the response of different enzymes is not consistent, and it could vary based on the types of ingredients present in the diet. Among the exogenous enzymes, xylanase is commonly used to improve nonstarch polysac ...
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Article published the July 7, 2023
IntroductionPoultry productivity depends on the combined effects of several factors such as the level of nutrients in feed, proper management practices, and the health status of the birds. To keep the enteric infections under control and promote growth, the supplementation of antibiotics in the poultry feed has been a regular practice. However, the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) is restr ...
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AMIT KUMAR SINGH likes the comment:
very good
AMIT KUMAR SINGH likes the comment:
Very informative but sand and cement are easily available doc
AMIT KUMAR SINGH likes the comment:
it is a good article, simple and understood, but I think sand bedding replacement (every 12-14 days as in the article ) needs to be revisited.Furthermore, sand is applicable in big farms.Is there any information about the resources needed for recycling (how much water, electricity, machinery operating cost...).Thank you.
AMIT KUMAR SINGH likes the comment:
Mastitis is easily induced and easily treated and controlled if we prevent or minimize the causes of clinical mastitis. Many owners have no information about the different causes of clinical mastitis except the microbial cause of mastitis. If you start clinical trials for treatment of animals showing mastitis and examine the lesions and ask the owners you will find a great number of causes of clin ...
Participation in Forum on March 5, 2021
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Participation in Forum on February 18, 2021
Stanley Towett Thank you for your supportive comments. Hopefully this article would help our farmers and related communities.
AMIT KUMAR SINGH likes the comment:
i agree, once you share the knowledge to farmers on how they are making mastitis, it is easy to prevent the mastitis and have a much healthier productive cow!!! GOD BLESS
AMIT KUMAR SINGH likes the comment:
This is a comprehensive article which attempts to address one of the major challenges of the dairy industry. Well done Amit. Our challenges as farmers is that some of the animal health professionals do not seem to be aware of these new mastitis management techniques. The lack of knowledge impacts negatively on their provision of services to the farmers.
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Location:Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: Ph.D. Livestock Production Management (Scholar)
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