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PhytriCare® IM is a plant-based premix with a high flavonoid content. It has been developed to prevent a too high inflammatory state in sows, laying hens, and dairy cows....
Heat stress related production loss, compromised welfare and cattle mortality are global concerns, which are increasing in the context of climate change and increase productivity of the cows. Cattle response to heat stress varies, based on individuality and thermal environment. In this article I intend to describe heat stress monitoring, in individual and herd basis, making use of thermal indices, as well as physiological and behavioral changes occurring in the heat stressed cow. 1....
Heat stress related production loss, compromised welfare and cattle mortality are global concerns which are increasing in the context of climate change and global warming. To maintain the welfare and performance of livestock, monitoring the effects of climatic extremes is important. Farming systems are becoming increasingly automated and remote/automated monitoring of animals is an ultimate need to overcome the limitations of human observation for continuous characterization of cows...
Introduction Downer cow syndrome (DCS) is defined as lateral or sternal recumbency that persists for longer than 24 hours [1], or that persists for longer than two weeks despite of treatment [2]. The incidence of this syndrome ranges from 4.5 to 14% [3]. Downer cow syndrome can be seen in all stages of the animal’s reproductive cycle but the majority of all downer cows are diagnosed shortly after parturition. A multitude of metabolic, infectious, toxic, degenerative and...
Listen and watch as Philip Metcalfe of Metcalfe Farms in Leyburn, North Yorkshire shares his success with ReaShure-XC from Balchem. While using ReaShure-XC, Metcalfe Farms found improvements in: Milk yield (+2.3 kg/day). Transition into the milking herd. Metabolic diseases. Overall cow health. All cows can benefit from ReaShure-XC...
Netherlands Farm Finds Success with NitroShure™. After introducing NitroShure the farm improved fiber digestion, more adequate amounts of fast energy, optimal energy and nitrogen efficiency in the rumen, savings on out-of-pocket feed costs, and better protein utilization...
Dr. Ryan Ordway, Global Director of Strategic Accounts at Balchem, speaks about the new developments and studies in transition cow nutrition
Introduction Suboptimal milk yield limits the U.S. dairy industry’s productive competitiveness, marginalizes efforts to reduce inputs into food production, and increases animal agriculture’s carbon footprint. There are a variety of circumstances in a cow’s life which result in hindered productivity including heat stress, rumen and hindgut acidosis, feed restriction, and psychological stress associated with normal animal practices (i.e., pen changes, weaning,...
Mepron® delivers highly concentrated rumen-protected DL-methionine precisely where it benefits dairy cows most. Hear what Dr. Mubarak Ali from Evonik Animal Nutrition has to say about it...
INTRODUCTION Early detection of mastitis is considered to be the best method to allow the cows the best chance for prompt recovery. Most farms base mastitis detection on visualization of clinical signs such as swollen quarters or altered milk. However, on large farms that have hired workers for milking it may prove challenging to have good mastitis detection. Therefore, new technologies are being constantly tested to automatically detect mastitis in the milking...
INTRODUCTION Milk conductivity has been evaluated for mastitis detection in the past without a clear picture of how it works. The information shown in this descriptive study shows the normal variation that occurs throughout the lactation in dairy cows. MATERIALS AND METHODS Data from different farms was used for this study. All farms had milk meters equipped with conductivity probes (Afimilk, Israel). Cows were automatically...
Throughout 2022, the Animal Nutrition & Health team intensified the focus on helping global agriculture meet the challenge of feeding an ever-growing population, sustainably. And that challenge will only be met with a commitment to improving...
Balchem has also taken a lead role in educating nutritionists and producers by developing the Real Science Lecture Series and Real Science Exchange podcast series. Providing the industry with access to the top scientists and researchers in the...
In mid-June this year, I realized a professional visit to Spain, where I lectured at a national conference organized by one of the country’s most popular dairy newspaper, Vaca Pinta, followed by a week of lecturing and consultancy for large scale dairy farms with MSD, realized in different regions of Spain. Among the visited regions were Talavera, south of Madrid, Galicia, in the northwest of the country, in the Atlantic coast and then the regions close to the cities of Girona and...
Maxime Briche and Laurine Faivre from Phileo by Lesaffre, explain how Digescan™ provides a digestibility measurement indicator by combining the easy-to-use field tool and the performance of a digital tool
Calves can maintain body temperature within a certain range of temperatures called the thermoneutral zone without the need for additional energy. When temperatures drop below the critical low temperature (lower of 10°C), calves must use stored body energy to support essential body functions and maintain their body temperature. ...