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Homeopathy medicine in cattle disease control

Published: January 23, 2015
By: Avr Kumar

It´s been found that some of the homeopathy medicine is effective for prolapse control, etc

what are your experiences?

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Avr Kumar
10 de noviembre de 2020

My HF cow has cervicitis and endometritis problem. Any effective treatment for this problem?

Viswanatha Reddy
10 de noviembre de 2020
Eunus Cervicitis: By vaginal examination with a speculum, the cervical annular folds or ridges will be protruding out of the external os depending on the degree of cervicitis. In few breeds the cervix will be large and one may get confused for a case of cervicitis. First-degree cervicitis is identified with vaginal speculum examination, second and third degree cervicitis can be identified rectally. They are treated as follows. 1. Five grams of M & B antiseptic cream is added to 10 or 15 ml of distilled water and warmed in a container (beaker) in a water bath for 15 minutes to dissolve it to form in to an emulsion. The hot solution (60°C) is infused intra cervically and massaged per rectally (the solution gets cooled to 42 to 47°C during the process of loading in to a syringe and injecting through an insemination sleeve). It is repeated daily for a week or more. 2. Equal quantities of siloderm (a skin ointment), 2% xylocaine jelly/ointment and 1% zinc oxide ointment are mixed and applied externally to the cervix daily using a virginal speculum. In the absence of the above, locally broad-spectrum antibiotics are indicated and the response is good when the ovary or ovaries are round and soft and smooth, preferably with follicles. Homoeopathy drugs: Administer only Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum (AMNN) if the animal shows any straining in 15 minutes time discontinue the use of drug AMNN. AMNN 30 - 5 ml, Thiosinamum 6 - 5 ml, Gun powder 6 - 1 ml, Selenium 30 -1 ml, Sabina 30 -1 ml and Pyrogenium 1M - 1 ml charged to sugar pills (8ml to 100 grams of sugar pills) and about 50 pills have to be fed daily 3 times a day for a week and discontinue for 3 days. Repeat the administration of drugs till the fibrosis disappears. This combination is beneficial to remove fibrosis, softens cervix. In heifers where AI gun cannot pass easily, is advised to be given in last week of the estrus cycle. Metritis: (Pyrogenium 1M, Gun Powder 6, Sepia 30, Sabina 30, Conium 30 equal parts, and 1/6 of them other drugs such as Caulophyllum 30, Secale cornutum 30, Selenium 30, Echinacea 30, in addition for very chronic cases A.M.N.N.30 is added) 40-50 pills TID for 5 days in the for 7 to 10 days and thereafter 3-4 days / week for 4-6 weeks. Deworm. Mineral mixture 60-90 g/day, 60-90 days. Germinated horse gram, grind, boil (if not boiled drop in milk yield is noticed due to proteolytic enzyme) with salt/jaggary ½ to ¾th kg per day 30 to 45 days or feed 150mg sodium selenite & 2 x 400mg Evion caps 3-5days. Livamisole 10 to 15 ml s/c 2 inj weekly once. If CL has not formed inject Folligon/Trophovet to induce heat and GnRH be used on the day of heat but no AI, or inject GnRH and after ovulation when the CL is 12-14 days old use PGF2alpha (Full dose of 2 ml Vetmate)3- 4 times at 14 days interval. Skip 1st heat. In the second heat i/u Lixin, Lenovo or Topical Terramycin liquid or similar drug can be used for 3 successive days. 1-2 cycles rest is a best advice. Soak 2 teaspoonfuls of FENU GREEK seeds and 2 teaspoonfuls of CUMIN seeds separately for minutes grind and mix with Jaggary and feed. Then feed 6 to 8 inches long radish tuber cut longitudinally. Repeat the process for 7 days. Note: Please see vulval lips are thoroughly cleaned, wiped dry, the A.I. gun is sterilized with 70% alcohol / Tr.iodine for one minute before inserted into the sleeve for all intra uterine treatments.
Pullareddy .M
18 de noviembre de 2020
Sir this is Dr .M.pullareddy working as VAS in guntur dist of AP...sir problem was the buffalo (3rd parity) calved 5days back... showing 98F temperature continuously even after administration of mifex and antiprotozoal drugs and also noticed metritis...feed and water intake was normal but giving only half liter of milk..... please suggest the remedy?..
Viswanatha Reddy
19 de noviembre de 2020
Pullareddy .M It needs intra uterine treatment preferably Metricef, antihistamine liver stimulants 3 to 5 days. Homeo Pyrogenium1M, EchinaecaeQ Selenium 30, Sabina30, Calcaria carb 30 Calcaria phos30 all equal amount mix. One ml.mixture in 10ml water 3times daily FIVE days.. Feed half kilo germinated horse gram grind boil with handful salt for 20 days.My mobile 9448052640 vnvreddy2004@gmail.com
8 de diciembre de 2020
Sir cattle me utrus infe ction ke bad titnes ho gya h Homopatic drugs
Viswanatha Reddy
8 de diciembre de 2020
Kavendra Excuse me better you take the help of a person who can understand your problem and can write in English I think the uterus may be infected and we call it as Metritis. After calving or Dystokia or RFM the anarobic bacteria will persist in the uterus for a month. So use Metranidazole 200 ml plus Terramycin liquid topical 60 ml together if the uterus size is large minimum half of above dose is suggested for 3 days. Parental injections of Terramycin LA 10 ml at 3 different sites, plus antihistamines like Avill and lrson who can write cprrectly your p apeiver stimulants are advised. Livamisole 5 ml as SC injection once in 10 days 2 injections only Homeo Echinasae Q Pyrogenium M, Sabina 30, Sepia 30, Gunpowder 6, Calcaria Carb 30, Calcaria phos 30, Urtica urens 30 all equal quantities mixed. The mixture one ml in 10ml water 4 times a day for 3 days then 3 times a day for 7 days.. Good quality mineral mixture 100 grams a day in 3 divided portions. Germinated horse gram half a kilo per day grind and boil with salt or jaggary and cool and feed daily 30 days. During first heat treat intra uterine and skip 2 more heats before AI Alternate way is soak 2 teaspoonfuls of fenu greek (Methi) and 2 spoonfuls of Cumin (Jeera) for 20 minutes grind and add jagary and feed. Then feed one radish of inches long smeared with salt and jagary. do this for 7 days. It needs intra uterine treatment preferably Metricef, antihistamine liver stimulants 3 to 5 days. Homeo Pyrogenium1M, EchinaecaeQ Selenium 30, Sabina30, Calcaria carb 30 Calcaria phos30 all equal amount mix. One ml.mixture in 10ml water 3times daily FIVE days.. Feed half kilo germinated horse gram grind boil with handful salt for 20 days.
8 de diciembre de 2020
Homopatic drugs bta do sir g
Viswanatha Reddy
8 de diciembre de 2020
Kavendra I am unable to understand your question
8 de diciembre de 2020
Cattle me titnus ki Homopatic drugs
Viswanatha Reddy
8 de diciembre de 2020
Kavendra If it is Tetanus we need more details pl contact by phone with Dr. Manohar Upadhayae +919343345603 WhatsApp number. He needs video of the case. His E mail is vetpet2008@gmail.com
Pullareddy .M
11 de diciembre de 2020
Sir The ND cow completed 9th month pregnancy was exhibiting downer cow syndrome ... feeding and water intake was normal.. what may be the etiology?
Viswanatha Reddy
12 de diciembre de 2020
Viswanatha Reddy The cause for downer cow is imbalance between calcium and phosphorus ratio as well deficiency of Magnesium and potassium. It is also deficiency of energy. Take the help of a veterinarian please as new drugs have come in to market. Since 10 years i am not going into field. I am not a practitioner but a free consultant. If You are able to read Telugu buy Pasu poshan Pancha Sutralu from Dr. Narendra Babu SLB Phrama P Ltd., Pashamylaram 502307 Medak Dist. Telangana. It gives management of pregnant cow. Homeoor downer cow: Five drops of Nux vomica 3x or 30x in 5ml of water or 100 to 120 pills of Nux vomica 3x or 30x is given orally, after 2 hours 5 drops of Bryonia 3x or 30x in 5ml of water or 100 to 120 pills of Bryonia 3x or 30x is given orally. Nux vomica is given at 0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 hour while Bryonia is given at 2, 6, 10, 14 and 18 hour. Entire treatment is only for one day One dose of Conium 200 is advised. OR Arnica 1M, followed by Bryonia 1M and Rhus tox 1M at every hourly with 15 minutes interval between drugs for 5 times. One dose of Conium 200 is advised. Giving an electrical shock with mosquito bat. Duly charged bat is kept on the rump region and to a plastic syringe fix a needle and touch the tip to the skin of the animal and bend the needle to a side that a spark comes from the bat. Touch at different spots to give repeated electric shots.
Naseem Aziz
Bioenergy Consult
18 de diciembre de 2020
Dear Sir what is the most effective homeopathic treatment for FMD disease in Dairy animals?
Viswanatha Reddy
19 de diciembre de 2020
With the experience of FMD out breaks in Bangalore Milk Union which procures 18 Lakh liters of milk a day using Merck sol 200, Borax 200 and Variolinum 200 is very effective in controlling the out break. Active FMD: Mouth has to be washed 4 times in a day with 1tea spoonful of sodium bicarb (cooking soda) in 2 liters of water. Or one table spoon of washing soda (sodium carbonate) in a bucket of water. After 15 minutes smear the tongue with Borogylcerin or 1% tannic acid in glycerin or soaked outer cover of tamarind seeds mixed in honey or glycerin. Merck sol200, Rhus tox200, Borax200, Q. Echinacea, Variolinum200, Zincum metallicum200, and each 10 drops in two tea spoonfuls of water 4 times in a day can be used. Q. Hydrastasis 1 part 9 parts water as mouth wash helps quick healing. Remove the peel for 3 to 4 ripened bananas and smear the pulp with gingili oil or pig fat and feed them 3 - 4 times a day for 5 days. Gruel can be fed. To prevent FMD 20 pills of Borax200 can be fed once a week till vaccination. Small fishes of tanks dried in Sun are powered, mixed in water and sprinkled in the cow shed on the full moon day and new moon day or pig fat is collected in a small earthen pot and hanged in the cow shed, these helps in speedy recovery from FMD cases. For Foot lesions in FMD: Wash with light coloured potassium permanganate solution or turmeric water, at times it may be needed to wash with Hydrogen peroxide. Then apply Homeo calendula lotion and spray Topicure etc sprays or mixture of 60 ml of Neem oil or Hongey oil 10 grams of turmeric powder and 2 tea spoons of slaked lime is smeared to the wound to prevent fly blown wound. To heal the wound Silicia 30 Rhustox 30 Each 5 ml in 500 ml of water and drench 5ml twice a day. For fresh wounds and ulceration Silicia 30 Rhus tox 30 Nitric acid 30 each 5 ml in 500ml of water and Sulphur 200 5ml in 500 ml of water 5ml drenched once a day. Or above each drug 10 pills as one dose. When the animals are limping Bellis P 1M, Hypericum 1M and Belladonna 1M Arnica 1 M each 5 ml in 500 ml of water 5ml to be drenched twice a day. After effects of FMD: Iodum200, Ipecac200, Aralia 200 each 15 pills, Selenium30, Echinacea200, Calcaria Phos30, each 10 pills TID are advised for 7 – 10 days. Can be repeated after 1week. Feeding Annapurna / Capt cook salt 60g/day for 60 days. Fried Til 50g + Jaggary 30g and 50g sprouted Fenu greek (menthya) per day 10days can be fed. Or pig stomach + 1foot long intestine is cleaned made in to pieces, cooked, salt and pepper are added and fed. It is repeated once in 15 days. Indigestion pills one dose. Liver extract injections weekly.
Naseem Aziz
Bioenergy Consult
26 de diciembre de 2020
Viswanatha Reddy thank you Sir for the valuable advise.
Jasmer Singh
25 de diciembre de 2020

Thanks a lot.

Naseem Aziz
Bioenergy Consult
26 de diciembre de 2020
Yes what is the homeopathic remedy for FMDV
4 de enero de 2021
Dear sir, Please suggest homeopathic treatment for degnella disease of Buffalo.
Viswanatha Reddy
5 de enero de 2021

In Degnala disease the symptoms vary depending on the toxin produced by the organism. Generally, the immunity system is stimulated and a toxin binder is used orally Use Pentsulphate 30 grams orally after dissolving in water. Toxin binder has to be used at 50 grams per animal Enrofloxiacin long acting one ml per ten kilo body weight as IM injection to overcome secondary invaders. You have to use liver stimulants.
Homoeo alone may not help. To Remove toxins Echinacea 1M is used one ml as a dose in water orally. There is every possibility of secondary invaders coming into play so Pyrogenium IM is used. Depending on the season Dulcamara or Arsenicum album 30 or 200 is used three times a day orally.

Dr.Jibachha Shah
15 de enero de 2021
Sunil koli
3 de febrero de 2021

Repeat breeding cattle homeopathy treatment

Sunil koli
3 de febrero de 2021
Milk let down problem in buffalo homeo treatment
Viswanatha Reddy
4 de febrero de 2021
Sunil koli Homeo drugs Sepia 30, Ignetia 30 Dulcamara 200(Dulcamara is used in rainy and winter seasons) each drug 10 pills three times daily seven days. Sequil 25mg x two tablets orally half hour before milking 10 days
Sunil koli
4 de febrero de 2021
Buffalo 4monts pregnant but udder edema going to for leg treatment homeopathy
Viswanatha Reddy
4 de febrero de 2021
Sunil koli I am.not able to understand the question. My WhatsApp no 9448052640 send photos please
Sunil koli
4 de febrero de 2021
Frist calved buffalo milk let down problem and liking leg and not give milk Homeopathy treatment
Sunil koli
4 de febrero de 2021
Thanks sir
Sunil koli
4 de febrero de 2021
Gagarin mastitis homeopathy treatment
Viswanatha Reddy
5 de febrero de 2021
Sunil koli Lachesis M Echinasae Q, Rescue remedy and Antibiotics, antihistamines and live stimulants
Digvijay Kadu-Patil
6 de febrero de 2021
Sir...... My cow infected by lumpy virus....... Which treatment is suitable in this disease..... O cow aaj seat bhi nhi kr paa rhi..... Kya karana chahiye....
Viswanatha Reddy
8 de febrero de 2021
Digvijay Kadu-Patil Homeo drugs for lumpy Skin Disease Variolinum 200 Thuja 30 Dulcamara 200 Acid nitrum 200 One dose daily for 5 days tried at our farm For wound use Arka distillate . Hastens the healing process,no secondary infection For calves or adult animals Feed FORTY pills daily ONCE Five days. Apply externally boiled and cooled urine of GIR cow urine or ARKA. If any wound is leaking with pus or pus and blood inject Intramuscularly Dicrysticin Veterinary dose daily once for 3 days To prevent use same drugs FORTY pills charged with above mixture once in 15 days one dose only. Buy Thuja 30 10ml, Variolinum 200 10ml, Dulcamara 200 10ml, and Acid nitrum 200 10ml. Sugar pills 450 grams 20 or 30 size.Add all FOUR homeo drugs to 450 grams sugar pills. Use them by mouth. In place of Gir cow you can use any local or nondescript hump. Usrced cow urine. It is preferred animal going for grazing.
Viswanatha Reddy
8 de febrero de 2021
*Lumpy Skin Disease* @ Home made economical remedy # Add 100ml Coconut Oil + 5 Camphor(Kapoor) + 50 gms Turmeric powder +1 lemon ... *Mix well and make as a paste*?? Very effective/ low cost *tick and fly remedy* for Cattle .. *Can apply on skin lesions of LSD also
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