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Homeopathy medicine in cattle disease control

Published: January 23, 2015
By: Avr Kumar

It´s been found that some of the homeopathy medicine is effective for prolapse control, etc

what are your experiences?

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Avr Kumar
Viswanatha Reddy
11 de mayo de 2015
1. Washing the vaginal cavity and prolapsed part with cold water or preferably with cold light potassium permanganate solution (1:10,000 dilution) can help first degree prolapse to respond when such douching is done for 7 to 10 days. It may relapse after 1 to 2 months. 2. Epidural anesthesia with 2 to 3 ml of Amayl alcohol helps for 2 to 3 months 3. with drawl of fodders like maize when it is flowering stage, few other fodder grasses in flowering stage can have more phyto estrogens which should be withdrawn from feeding 4. If it is known it is due to excessive estrogens in circulation Depot progesterone at the rate of 2mg per kg body weight every alternate week is preferred plus vaginal douching 5, Homoeo drugs like opium 200, kreosutum 200 and Ignatia 200 each 20 pills (30 size pills) 3 times a day for 3 days gives relief for 2 to 3 months. 6. The lying down or sleeping area should have 6 inches slope towards fore limbs 7. Preferred green grass feeding in small quantities or dry fodder in small quantities 8. Incidence of a prepartum prolapse case to become a post partum eversion of uterus is very rare. v.n.viswanatha reddy, Former Professor (animal Reproduction) Veterinary College, Bangalore
Imran farooq
18 de agosto de 2018
Viswanatha Reddy Sir in this season some buffs and cow always in temperature such as 104c• 105c• so plz medicine
Viswanatha Reddy
26 de agosto de 2018
Imran farooQ In summer months to reduce ambient temp in the shed by 2 to 3 degrees centigrade we have to spray water with a micro sprinkler on the hump region and on the lumbar vertebrae if animals are tied in the shed between 10 am to 4 pm. if not we have to spray water for 5 minutes and put on fans for 15 minutes i.e. 3 times an hour between 10 am to 4 pm.Providing free access to clean cool water is a must. You can look in to THI charts in the Internet and now digital Humidity and ambient temperature electric gadgets are available it can be easily read. When humidity goes high the problem is difficult to set right. Some have suggested to try GLONOINE 200 (Homeo drug) but we have not tried to cool down the body. Low roof with poor out of exhaled breath from the animals can be a cause and providing an out let with 2 inch diameter plastic pipe at every 10 feet distance can reduce the effect. If the eye mucosa is pale we deworm the animal preferably in an empty stomach and feed or fodder is fed after 2 hours and increase the mineral mixture at 1 gram for every 10 kg body weight and 5 grams per liter of milk production. To improve iron levels in the blood we advise to feed curry leaves or palak leaves or slowly Inject Iron Dextron by IV route with 5% DNS.
Rajesh chaturvedi
23 de septiembre de 2018
Viswanatha Reddy sir what treatment can be given to eight months pregnant cow with frequent vaginal discharges with foul smell and loss of appetite.
Viswanatha Reddy
23 de septiembre de 2018
Rajesh chaturvedi Please confirm from rectal examination whether the foetus alive or dead on the basis of foetal movements and fremitus, Both willl be absent in macerated foetus when the discharge will be foul smelling. If is macerated foetus Prostaglandin hormones have to be used to knock down CL and estrogen or FSH to be used for softening the cervix to pull out the bone pieces in the uterus with 2 feel long.forceps. At time the bone has to be crushed with long forceps to pull out the broken pieces. In spite of these efforts there are no reports I have come across the animal became pregnant. If it is not a mecerated foetus daily douching the vagina with 2 per cent Hydrogen peroxide followed by douching with light PP lotion. Applying M and B antiseptic cream by dissolving 5 grams of the cream in 20 ml of hot water and when it is warm to be used intra vaginally with AI sleeve and syringe loaded withe medicine. If it not available use Savlon veterinary concentrate diluted 100 times as douche.(Even human Savalon can be used). Dicrysticin (Strepto pencillin) Injection Large vial diluted in 8 ml distilled water is injected daily intramuxscularly for 5 days Homeo drugs Kreosutum 200, Sabina 30 Gun powder 6 30 size pills each 10 pills 3 times a day for 7 to 10 fed by mouth. To Improve appetite liver stimulants and in homeo Nux vomica 30; 10 pills 30 size one dose is advised
Ramani Ranjan Biswal
12 de noviembre de 2018
Can I get a book by Viswanath Reddy on Reproductive disorders in dairy cows
Viswanatha Reddy
24 de noviembre de 2018
Ramani Ranjan Biswal I am not having the book at present. I will be able to send few important chapters of that in reproduction provided you are able to give me your email ID my Email ID is vnvreddy2004@gmail.com
Rajesh chaturvedi
9 de enero de 2019

Viswanatha Reddy thanks, sir. It was case of macerated foetus.

AJAYA Kumar Panda
23 de febrero de 2019

Viswanatha Reddy
How many pills should be charged by homoeopathy medicine for teat fibrosis?

jagroop singh
13 de junio de 2019
Viswanatha Reddy sir impaction ka treatment batayen
Vinay Angadi
18 de septiembre de 2019

Viswanatha Reddy Sir, I'm veterinary doctor, please send me info about reproduction my mail I'd is vinayangadi555@gmail.com

3 de marzo de 2018
Which medicine is use for loosmotion of cow
Viswanatha Reddy
28 de agosto de 2018

For non-specific diarrhea (loose motions) we use Homeo drugs Merck sol 200 Antimony crudum 30 and Podophyllum 30 or 200 each 10 pills of 30 size globules 3 times in a day for 3 days. To prevent dehydration ORS of FDC company 1 pocket is dissolved in boiled and cooled water and made up to 1 liter and given to the animal.
There are in the market ready-made antidiarrhoeal drugs with and without antibiotics can be used.
V N Viswanatha Reddy.

Viswanatha Reddy
5 de marzo de 2018
One major advantage of this system against bacteria or viruses no resistance develops. For many ailments no systematic studies were carried out in the usage of homeopathic drugs in livestock. Still it is in its primitive stage of application. For loose motions in cows Merck sol 200, Antimony crud 200 and Podophyllum 30 each 20 pills of 20 size 3 times a day for 3 days has been tried with 80% success
DR-Al Mamun
5 de marzo de 2018
In some cases Homeopathy medicine is more effective..
Bhanderi Babulal
6 de marzo de 2018
Very interesting
Viswanatha Reddy
9 de marzo de 2018

Veterinarians of Bangalore milk union have treated more successfully the below conditions
only with homeo drugs
1.Teat fibrosis / udder fibrosis / where AI gun could not be passed intra uterine due to cervicitis
2.Blood in urine in calves without fever
3.Opacity of cornea due to injury
4.Pre partum prolapse of vagina / cervix
5 Post partum evrsion of uterus
6.Non specific diarrhoea
7.Mild adhesions of fallopian tube
8 Abscess

Sanjiv kumar
28 de junio de 2018
Which homoeo drugs use in these conditions
Arun Yadav
16 de julio de 2018
Viswanatha Reddy Sir which homeo treatment used to treat following conditions Teat fibrosis / udder fibrosis / where AI gun could not be passed intra uterine due to cervicitis
Dr.Vividha charate
27 de marzo de 2018
Which homeopath medicine will be effective in Mastitis cases - 1) If the occurrence of case is frequent. 2) If Bleeding is seen in milk.
Viswanatha Reddy
29 de abril de 2018
Dr.Vividha charate It is very difficult to give all details of 8 types of mastitis including blood in milk (Normal milk is white). A write up done for veterinary students recently is added here. Gist from the book Winning the fight against Mastitis: W.Nelson.Philpot, Stephen C Nicerson Experience of Bangalore Milk Union Doctors (23 members) has been clubbed Symptoms in Mastitis (one or more of the below symptoms are seen) 1. Callus formation or crack of the teat pore 2. Swelling 3. Hot or warm 4. Hard 5. Pain 6. Blood or pus 7. Bad smell 8. Milk is watery, curdled, ropy 9. Fever 10. Anorexia 11. Not drinking water 12. Prostrated 13. Drop in milk yield 14. Change in the taste of milk 15. Increased respirations 16. Increased pulse 17. Dilation of pupil 1.Per Acute mastitis: Symptoms develop within 8 to 12 hours. Often follows after calving. a. High fever (103 to 105oF), hurried respirations. b. Don’t eat fodder and may not drink water. c. Severe drop in the milk yield, animal can go dry. d. Animal is quite weak, may lie down. e. Affected quarter swollen, quite hot, painful and very hard. f. Milk is watery sometimes blood tinged. g. Pupil of the eye dilated, sunken eyes, may show severe diarrhea. f. Feet and ears can become cold; animal may die between 12 to 24 hours. 2. Acute Mastitis: Within a day Mastitic udder becomes quite red a. High fever (103 to 105oF), shivers, hurried respirations. b. Don’t eat fodder and may not drink water. c. Severe drop in the milk yield, animal may go dry. d. Animal is quite weak. e. Affected quarter swollen, quite hot, painful and hard. f. In the beginning milk is watery, turns to yellow, scum forms, and may have pus. 3. Clinical mastitis: a. Fever (103 to 104oF), may be noticed or not. b. Eats less fodder, but drinks water. c. Drop in the milk yield. d. Animal is apparently healthy. e. Affected quarter apparently normal. f. First strips of milk with flaky particles, watery sometimes blood tinged. 4. Chronic Mastitis: a. Repeated attacks. No fever. b. Animal will be eating and drinking water. c. Gradual drop in the milk yield. d. Udder looses normal softness and becomes hard e. Milk can curdle, or sticky or has pus. 5. Sub-clinical Mastitis: No symptoms. 15 to 40 cases for every clinical case. Milk appears normal. Only change is detection of pathogenic agent in analysis and increased somatic cell count. Mostly caused by Staphylococcus aureus. a. No fever. b. Animal will be eating and drinking water. c. Gradual drop in the milk yield. d. Udder don’t show any swelling may lose normal softness of udder. e. Milk normal for physical appearance but curdles after boiling or milk clots appear f. Teat pores may show plain or raised callus. g. Mastect or Maastrip test paper can be used, electrical conductivity increases h. SSC over 2 lakhs/ml. 35 to 40% of milking animals do suffer from this. 6. Gangrene Mastitis: Just before calving or soon after it can appear. Can affect 1 or more quarters. Appears in certain months of the year. Caused by Bovine Herpes virus II. Affected quarter is blue and cold to the touch. Progressive discoloration from the tip to the top. Necrotic parts drop off. Cow often dies. a. No fever. b. Animal will be eating and drinking water. c. Gradual or sudden drop in the milk yield. d. Milk emits bad smell Coli forms and Streptococcus bacteria causes the disease e. In early stages udder may be warm, handling the teats the skin can peel off and causes pain. 7. Fungal Mastitis: a. No swelling b. Milk appears yellow and curdled or watery. 8. Haemogalectia: (Still not considered as Mastitis) Caused by Bovine Herpes Virus II. a. May affect one or more quarters b. Udder normal, no swelling is seen c. Milk is blood tinged or blood clots may appear in the milk. 9. Contagious: Mastitis caused by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae, of which other infected cows are the main source. 10. Mastitis caused by bacteria such as Coli forms, of which the main source is manure, as a contaminant Per Acute Mastitis:Treatment: If Initiated within 4 hours after the onset and complete treatment for 3 days if is done there is good chance of total recovery. 1. Milk out the contents. Check the pH of the milk. Wipe the teat pore with an antiseptic. With a sterilized syringe inject normal saline in to the affected quarter. Lift the udder up by holding a cloth or gunny underneath the udder and massage the quarter/s. Inject 10 to 20 i.u. of oxytocin intra muscularly and animal lets down the milk, drain out the contents. Sterilize the teat pore with antiseptic swab. 2. If the pH of the milk is alkaline orally administer sodium citrate 30mg/kg body wt in 250ml of water. {Mammidium – Intas; MastiGard feed cake – Neo Spark; Ban Mast 50-Rathna biotec etc,} 3. Antibiotics have to injected intra mammary in water or an emollient and sterilize the teat pore with antiseptic swab and massage the udder. 4. Parentally inject antibiotics, antihistamines and liver stimulants. 5. Few liters of 5% DNS is advised by intravenous injection. Never inject just glucose as it can cause hypoglycemia. This intravenous fluid therapy has to be continued for 24 hours through ear vein. 6. Intramammary and parentally betamethazone or dexamethazone or triampicilan injections are advised. Few animals may abort, if animal is pregnant above 6 months age there is possibility of retension of foetal membranes. 7. To control temperature and pain Novalgin/Esgepyrin/Diclofenac sodium/Melaxicam is advised. Few veterinarians have noticed haemogalectia after Diclofenac sodium injections. Read information on haemogalectia. 8. Above treatments have to be done once in 12 hours for 3 days. 9. Injecting immunoglobulins intramammary increases resistance of the udder tissue. 10. External application of ice cubes or Mammital ointment or ethno veterinary practice like 60 ml of aloes vera sap, 10 to 15 ml of lemon juice, 25 grams of slaked lime and 10 grams of turmeric powder is mixed and application is advised. This has to be done every hourly minimum 10 hours in a day. 11. In acute mastitis cases, homoeo drugs- Mother tincture Echinacea and Apis mellifica of CM potency each 15 to 20 drops-are being used orally 3 to 4 times on 1st day and on subsequent days 3 times a day. 12. Few other homoeo drugs that are used in acute mastitis are Belladonna 200, Phytolacca 200, Pyrogenium 1M, Gunpowder 6, and if the animal is in a lateral recumbence Conium 30 is also used each 15 pills QID or TID for desired number of days. 13. Resque remedy (Impatiens, Clematis, Rock rose, Cherry plum, Star of Bethlehem and Crab apple) each flower remedy 2-3 drops in 10 ml of water 4 times a day give good relief. 14. To increase the immune resistance, feed ground and boiled germinated horse-gram (salt or jagerry is added while boiling). Vitamin C and Levamisole injections are of some help. Homoeo Mother Tincture Withania somnifera (Aswagandha) can be used as immune modulator. 15. Feeding garlic cloves from 2 to 3 bulbs of 2 inch size is also advised. 2. Acute Mastitis: Same treatment as in per acute mastitis can be adopted. If the milk has curdled and dark yellow in colour homoeo drug Kali bichromicum 30 has to be used 3 times a day. 3. Sub acute mastitis: Treatment: 1. Milk out the contents. Check the pH of the milk. Wipe the teat pore with an antiseptic. With a sterilized syringe inject normal saline in to the affected quarter. Lift the udder up by holding a cloth or gunny underneath the udder and massage the quarter/s. Inject 10 to 20 i.u. of oxytocin intra muscularly and animal lets down the milk, drain out the contents. Sterilize the teat pore with antiseptic swab. 2. If the pH of the milk is alkaline orally administer sodium citrate 30mg/kg body wt in 250ml of water. {Mammidium – Intas; MastiGard feed cake – Neo Spark; Ban-Mast 50 etc,} 3. Antibiotics have to injected intra mammary in water or an emollient and sterilize the teat pore with antiseptic swab and massage the udder. 4. Parentally inject antibiotics, antihistamines and liver stimulants. 5. 5% DNS is advised by intravenous injection. Never inject just glucose as it can cause hypoglycemia. 6. To control temperature and pain Novalgin/Esgepyrin/Diclofenac sodium/Melaxicam is advised. Few veterinarians have noticed haemogalectia after Diclofenac sodium injections. Read information on haemogalectia. 7. Above treatments have to be done for 3 days. 8. External application of ice cubes or Mammital ointment or ethno veterinary practice like 60 ml of aloes vera sap, 10 to 15 ml of lemon juice, 25 grams of slaked lime and 10 grams of turmeric powder is mixed and application is advised. This has to be done every hourly minimum 10 hours in a day. 9. These homoeo drugs can be used Echinacea Apis mellifica of CM, Belladonna 200, Phytolacca 200, Pyrogenium 1M, Gunpowder 6, each 15 pills QID or TID for desired number of days. 10. Rescue Remedy (Impatiens, Clematis, Rock rose, Cherry plum, Star of Bethlehem) and Crab apple each flower remedy 10 drops in 10 ml of water 4 times a day give good relief. 11. To increase the immune resistance, feed ground and boiled germinated horse-gram (salt or jagarry is added while boiling). Vitamin C and Levamisole injections are of some help. Homoeo Mother Tincture Withania somnifera (Aswagandha) can be used as immune modulator. 12. Feeding garlic cloves from 2 to 3 bulbs of 2 inch size is also advised. 4. Chronic mastitis: Treatment: 1. Milk out the contents. Check the pH of the milk. Wipe the teat pore with an antiseptic. With a sterilized syringe inject normal saline in to the affected quarter. Lift the udder up by holding a cloth or gunny underneath the udder and massage the quarter/s. Inject 10 to 20 i.u. of oxytocin intra muscularly and animal lets down the milk, drain out the contents. Sterilize the teat pore with antiseptic swab. 2. If the pH of the milk is alkaline orally administer sodium citrate 30mg/kg body wt in 250ml of water. {Mammidium – Intas; MastiGard feed cake – Neo Spark; Ban Mast 50 - Rathna biotec etc,} 3. Antibiotics have to injected intra mammary in water or an emollient and sterilize the teat pore with antiseptic swab and massage the udder. 4. Parentally inject antibiotics, antihistamines and liver stimulants. 5. Above treatments have to be done for 3 days. 6. These homoeo drugs can be used Echinacea 200, Phytolacca 200, Pyrogenium 1M, Gunpowder 6, Sulphur 30, Carbo veg 30, Silicia 30, Aurum Muriaticum Natro Natum 30 and Thiosinaminum 6 each 15 pills QID or TID for desired number of days. 7. To increase the immune resistance, feed ground and boiled germinated horse-gram (salt or jagarry is added while boiling). Vitamin C and Levamisole injections are of some help. Homoeo Mother Tincture Withania somnifera (Aswagandha) can be used as immune modulator. 8. For very hard udders tripsin, streptokinase, and streptodartase enzymes can be injected in to the udder. 9. In one report 0.5 ml of Sulphur CM homoeo drug mixed in distilled water was injected subcutaneously for recurrent mastitis. 10. Hard udder can be rubbed twice with pig fat 250gms mixed with one small bottle of Iodex can soften the udder in next lactation more milk can be obtained provided there was few ml milk was coming before this treatment. 5. Subclinical mastitis: Treatment: 1. Each animal’s milk from each quarter has to be tested once in fifteen days. Animals which had mastitis in earlier lactations or in this lactation, has to be tested once in a week. In case of doubt the milk has to be tested every alternate day. 2. Sodium citrate is orally administered at the rate of 30 mg/kg for one day. Now a product Ban Mast 50 a micronized coated material as sodium citrate is being sold by M/S Rathna Bio-tech Pvt Ltd, Palamaner, Chittor District, Andhra ( rathnabioteck@yahoo.co.in) which prevents use of Sodium citrate in the rumen and better utilized in the small intestines. 3. Intramammary administration of antibiotics infusions for 3 to 5 days advised. 4. Pulsatilla 200 has been used. (Not advised if AI was done in the last 75 days can cause Early embryonic death) 6. Gangrene mastitis Treatment: 1. The affected part of the udder is removed surgically and properly dressed. 7. Fungal mastitis: Treatment: 1. Ampicillin plus Grisiophilivin has to be injected intramammarily. 8. Haemogalactia: Treatment: 1. Antibiotics plus Stadrin like drugs are infused in to the udder. 2. Drugs like Revici containing n-butyl alcohol and sodium citrate (10ml) is injected intramuscularly. 3. Homoeo drugs like Hamamelis 200 and Bufo 200 each 15 pills TID is used in the first 2 weeks of calving. 4. Injecting 1500mg of progesterone IM once is advised. 5. After 15 days from calving, Hamamelis 200, Arnica 6 and Ipecac6 each 15 pills t.i.d. are used. 6. Drugs like Revici 10ml is injected intramuscularly once a day. 9.Mammillitis: Inflammation of teat which falls of at the base of the teat. Treatment: 1. Ethno veterinary practice is 5ml of Datura alba or Datura metal leaves juice is mixed with a spoonful Maida (Maida is a wheat flour from the Indian subcontinent. Finely milled without any bran, refined, and bleached, it closely resembles Cake flour) powder and applied to the teat to prevent sloughing. In the absence of the above Soframycin skin ointment is used it may help to prevent sloughing. 2. Homeo drugs Aconite 200 (if fever is there), Ruta or Apis mel 200, Merck sol 200 each 10 pills 3 times a day till recovery. 10.Warts on teats - Contagious so one has to wash hands thoroughly before milking next cow. Such warts are not seen in buffaloes. 1. Autohemotherapy – Drawing 20 ml blood from Jugular vein and injecting 100ml IM and 10ml SC once a week for 5 to 8 weeks. 2. Excising few warts washing several times in normal saline and triturating in normal saline in sterile conditions and store in refrigerator. One ml of supernatant fluid is injected SC once a week 3. Warts with a stalk respond well for Causticum 200 when used 3 times a day for 10 to 15 days Dr. V N Viswanatha reddy, Former Professor Veterinary college, Bnagalore
Surbhi Sahu
8 de mayo de 2020

Viswanatha Reddy can we treat mastitis if its 1 month old? It has become hard and there is no milk secretion.

Arun Yadav
19 de julio de 2018
Sir which homeo treatment used to treat following conditions Teat fibrosis / udder fibrosis / where AI gun could not be passed intra uterine due to cervicitis
Viswanatha Reddy
3 de octubre de 2019
Arun Yadav Fibrosed teat canal / In cervicitis where AI gun don’t pass easily to do AI: Aurum Muriaticum Natro Natum (AMNN)30 - 5 ml, Thiosinamum6 - 5 ml, Gun powder6 - 1 ml and Conium 30 - 1 ml Calcaria flour 30 - 1 ml charged to sugar pills and these pills have to be fed daily 3 times a day till the fibrosis disappears. If the animal shows any straining in 15 minutes time after giving pills discontinue the use of drug AMNN. Knuckling the thumb or stripping the teats has to be avoided. Full hand milking has to be adopted.
Viswanatha Reddy
31 de julio de 2018

Homeo Drugs used for certain conditions by Bangalore Milk Union Route Veterinary doctors

1. Fibrosed teat canal / In cervicitis where AI gun don’t pass easily to do AI: Aurum Muriaticum Natro Natum (AMNN)30 - 5 ml, Thiosinamum6 - 5 ml, Gun powder6 - 1 ml and Conium 30 - 1 ml Calcaria flour 30 - 1 ml charged to sugar pills and these pills have to be fed daily 3 times a day till the fibrosis disappears. If the animal shows any straining in 15 minutes time after giving pills discontinue the use of drug AMNN. Knuckling the thumb or stripping the teats has to be avoided. Full hand milking has to be adopted. Daily applying the fruit pulp of Noni fruit to the surface of fibrosed teat resolves it.
1a. Fibrosed udder: Calcaria carb30 -5ml, Carbo animalis30 -5ml, Aur. mur. nat. natum30- 1/4ml, Thiosinaminum30- 1/4ml. Above mixture 1/2ml in 3ml of distilled water is indicated weekly once intramammary, 4-6 weeks. Contents of udder have to be removed before next injection. Better response for next lactation. To 250 gm Pig fat (it should be lukewarm) 20 gm of Iodex ointment is mixed for external application only to the udder and not to the teats. Soon after applying the hands has to be washed thoroughly. Can be used for fibrosed knee or stifle joint where good bedding is advised/ 6inches thick sand bed has to be provided.
2. Blood in urine: Withdrawing water from drinking makes the calves to lick soil, they develop pot belly. After withdrawal followed by providing water is a cause for this. Eating few varieties of fodders, plants like break fern is also a reason for this. Not feeding quality mineral mixture is the other reason. Provide water, mineral mixture and avoid access to such fodders/plants which cause problem. Hamamalis30 and Kali chlor30 each 10 pills TID for 5 to 7 days is advised.
3. Opacity of cornea or eye injury: Eupharesia30 and Symphytum30 are mixed and given 20 pills TID daily till recovery. The eye has to be protected from sunlight with black or blue colour cloth. Chloromycitin apppli caps can be applied twice a day, daily till recovery.
4. Prepartum prolapse of vagina/cervix: To half a bucket of cold water few crystals of Potassium permanganate are added and dissolved so that the bottom of the container is visible and the solution should have a light pink colour. Too dark colour will cause further irritation and prolapse. Prolapsed part is washed with 4 liters of water per time. Homoeo drugs Opium200, 10 pills 3 times a day are fed for 3 to 5 days. Carbo veg30/200 is given if there is used eversion of rectum and Ignatia30 if the animal is excitable, dose each10 pills 3 times a day are fed for 3 to 5 days. The hind limbs are elevated by 6 inches when the animal is lying down. Try to feed small quantities of dry fodder more times in a day or reduce green fodder intake. Withdraw fodders or plants which have been identified to cause prolapse due to more phytoestrogen content. Injecting Progesterone 2mg/kg body wt. Once in a week till calving can be practiced.
5. Eversion of uterus: Two handfuls of rice are soaked in water for 15 minutes, decant the supernatant, to that mix the juice from the leaves of touch me not or the juice of entire plant of touch me not and smear to the everted part. To that animal 20 pills of Podophyllum30, Sabina200, and Ignatia30 each one dose. The other line of treatment is injections of 20ml of Duvadilan (Dupharlabs) or Bricanyl (Astra zenac) can be administered. The hind limbs have to be elevated. Try to feed small quantities of dry fodder more times in a day or reduce green fodder intake.
6. Chronic diarrhea: Merck corrosive200, Antimony crud200 and Podophyllum30 10 pills each TID, for 1 to 3days advised.
7. Mild adhesions of fallopian tube: Thiosinamum6 - 5 ml, Calcaria carb 30- 1 ml and Conium 30 - 1 ml Calcaria flour 30 - 1 ml charged to sugar pills and these pills have to be fed daily 3 times a day till the fibrosis disappears.
8. Abscess: Calcaria sulph 6x and Hepar sulph 6x each 20 pills TID, 7-or more days. Silicia 30, one dose of 10 pills once in a week.
V N Viswanatha Reddy
Retd Professor Veterinary College, Bangalore.

Gulshan Narang
31 de julio de 2018

Hf crossbreed cow repeat breeding and 2-3 time A.I. after no pregnant and not come in heat. Sir, please give me best solution of this my dairy farm in Rajasthan.

Viswanatha Reddy
1 de agosto de 2018

Dear Gulshan Narang,
In India the situation is different many farmers have 1 to 10 animals and management can be better provided he knows what is correct management. In many instances, it is the female folk manages livestock and also as homemaker.
If a veterinary graduate can examine the animal on the day of estrus and thereafter once a week for 3 more times and has to asses the uterine tone, tubularity and consistency as well ovary length, height/breadth and thickness and ovarian structural changes and by recording them as black and white, the farmer has to maintain estrus dates and AI dates. and interpreting it is possible to know reasons for repeat breeding.


1. By proper steaming up of the animals during dry pregnancy period, giving 150 mg of sodium selenite and 400 mg of vitamin E, restricting the body score between 3.50 to 3.75 / 5.00 scale. Use ecbolic drugs after calving. By challenge feeding during postpartum period and concentrates are fed 3 to 6 times a day at the rate of 2.00 to 3.00 kg + 50 to 60 per cent of milk yield. Use of two doses of PGF2 alpha around day 20 to 28 after calving and 12 days later or adopt ova synchronization or pre-synchronization ova synchronization method to prepone postpartum anoestrous. It is preferred to restrict forward breeding in graded animals (F2 generation).

2. Newborn calves should be fed with colostrum within 15 minutes. Rough maize powder is fed from day 5, calf starter (27 kg dry Lucerne/Fenu greek fodder at flowering stage, 32 kg Soya bean cake/ ground nut cake, 38 kg wheat bran, 2 kg mineral mixture, 1 kg salt and 100 gm vitamin mix. Calves consumed colostrum lately grow slowly, with under developed genitalia (UDG) and don’t mature earlier to 30 months, there after also they do commonly become repeaters. UDG cases are treated by deworming, feeding mineral mixture for 4 – 6 weeks; inject depot progesterone (Proluton depot/ Duraprogen) 250 mg IM and skip first heat.

3. By proper hygiene at the time of calving and rest is needed for two normal cycles, which had partum or postpartum complications.

4. Proper record keeping is necessary. i) The intensity of heat. I) duration of heat, iii) degree of relaxation of sacrosciatic ligaments, iv) quantity and quality of mucus discharge, v) quantity of urine passed around AI time, vi) on the day of heat, 3, 10 and 17th day the tonicity, tubularity, consistency of uterus as well on these days. Length, height/breadth, thickness of the ovary and size-and the consistency of follicle (cyst) CL are recorded. These will help in deciding the case is a repeat breeder or not and planned treatment can be done.

5. Avoid excitement around the time of Al, giving 15 minutes rest before and after AI, gliding the AI gun over the clitoris massaging of clitoris after AI is necessary.

6. Maintaining proper LN2 levels, proper hygiene at the time of AI, and in any intrauterine treatment is most needed.

7. In early heat semen is deposited intra cervically and in the late mid / early late heats 1/2 the semen is deposited i/u and rest is deposited intra cervically while withdrawing the AI gun.

8. Semen is preferably thawed in warm water at 35.5 to 37oC for 30 seconds using a thermometer to check the temperature of water, should be used as early as possible and thawed semen should not be carried in the pockets, over ice cubes for AI.

9. The animal should be getting its share of dry matter and other nutrients depending on the milk yield and fat per cent. Feeding less Dry matter can be a major cause for repeat breeding.


1. Using double sheath AI and doing Caslick's operation in pneumo-vagina cases.

2. Using Povidone iodine solution into ipsilateral horn to further regress a regressing CL and doing AI next day.

3. Using pre or post-AI antibiotics in the second heat. Mucus discharge is collected for isolation and antibiotic sensitivity.

4. In the third heat, treated with GnRH/hCG/Bromocryptin/ Vitamin C injections during heat. On day 3 and 10 injecting antibiotics intramuscularly or PGF2 alpha on day 10 to 12 of heat and in the induced heat antibiotics are used according to the antibiotic sensitivity and inseminated in the following heat.

5. In the next heat endometrial biopsy is collected and tubal blockage is tested and relieved if uterus is free from infection.

6. Animals suffered from Foot-and-Mouth disease, if show heaving symptom homeo drugs, Ipecac 30, Iodum 200, each 10 pills TID is given for 7 days and repeated after a week. Alternately Entodon injections and colossal iodine is given orally or feed 30 gm iodinated salt twice a day for 60 days. They are fed with a handful of overnight soaked (later grinded) Fenugreek seeds (Trigonelle foenum) and 50 gm of fried, cooled and pounded Til / Gingilly seeds (Sesemum indicum) along with jaggary, for 10 days and may be repeated after 15 days.

7. Animals going down in their body condition in the early postpartum period can be fed daily with 2 kg of Ash guard (Cucumber lemo) and 100 to 200 ml of sesame oil or Gingilly oil in 4 divided for 10 to 15 days.

8. Check for acidity of rumen and correct it with sodium bicarbonate other mistakes can be feeding more rice polish or wheat bran or feeding finely powdered grain.

9. Check for uterine involution and infection of uterus and treat accordingly.

10. Check sub-clinical mastitis and treat accordingly.

11. Heifers with under developed genitalia are to be dewormed and fed mineral mixture, need be treated with Depot progesterone 250 mg and one immediate heat has to be skipped. Dr.Pachegoankar Deputy Director AH from Maharastra is of strong opinion to deworm on full moon day and 2 days prioir to full moon day which causes more death of worms with Allopathic or Ayurvedic or Homeo medicines

12. Using homeo drugs Sepia 200, 0.25ml, Conium 30, 0.25ml, Iodum 200, 0.25ml and Calcaria carb 200, 0.25ml. This mixture of 0.25ml in 5 ml water given orally3 times a day for 3 days can force either cows or heifers of cattle or buffaloes,in to heat provided you have dewormed, mineral mixture was fed and ovaries are bulged Using Cyclomin 7 having trace minerals once in 3 to 4 days one bolus at a time for 4 to 6 weeks can give still better results.

V N Viswanatha Reddy
Former Professor of Animal Reproduction,
Veterinary College, Bangalore

Dr. N.r.sarker
14 de agosto de 2018

Very good information for us, and it would be helpful for the practitioners and researchers also.

Viswanatha Reddy
26 de agosto de 2018

Imran farooq

In summer months to reduce ambient temp in the shed by 2 to 3 degrees centigrade we have to spray water with a micro sprinkler on the hump region and on the lumbar vertebrae if animals are tied in the shed between 10 am to 4 pm. if not we have to spray water for 5 minutes and put on fans for 15 minutes i.e. 3 times an hour between 10 am to 4 pm.Providing free access to clean cool water is a must. You can look in to THI charts in the Internet and now digital Humidity and ambient temperature electric gadgets are available it can be easily read. When humidity goes high the problem is difficult to set right.

Some have suggested trying GLONOINE 200 (Homeo drug) but we have not tried to cool down the body.

Low roof with poor out of exhaled breath from the animals can be a cause and providing an outlet with 2 inch diameter plastic pipe at every 10 feet distance can reduce the effect.

If the eye mucosa is pale we deworm the animal preferably in an empty stomach and feed or fodder is fed after 2 hours and increase the mineral mixture at 1 gram for every 10 kg body weight and 5 grams per liter of milk production. To improve iron levels in the blood we advise to feed curry leaves or palak leaves or slowly Inject Iron Dextron by IV route with 5% DNS.
v n viswanatha reddy

Dr. M.N.balakrishnan Nair
28 de agosto de 2018
I do not have any experience with homeopathy and therefore not able to comment
Dr. Jibachha Sah
7 de septiembre de 2018

Thanks, Dr. for sharing your experience, most valuable add homeopathy in veterinary practice. Every practitioner should be trained.

vinod tholia
24 de septiembre de 2018

Sir, please suggest homeopathic medicine for 8 month aborted buff has no milk up to 200 gram daily.i trie to silicea 1m ,ignetia 200.Buff all over fit like eating, normal utrus.

Lakhwinder Kumar
16 de noviembre de 2018

Vinod kumar please try oxytocin, 2ml daily some day. Vitamin H, 20ml daily. Galog 2 bolus evening and morning 10 day.

Dr Alok Bajpai
7 de octubre de 2018
Valuable information on Homeopathy in Cattle disease has been provided by Dr Vishwanatha Reddy , So thankful to you
Pratik Bhajankar
11 de febrero de 2019

My Gir cow has frequent prolapse problem 2-3 times in a month. Just 2 months before got abortion still facing same prolapse problem. Any homeo medicine to prevent this problem. Please help.

Viswanatha Reddy
23 de abril de 2019

Pratik Bhajankar
I had not opened the dairy cattle forum for the last 2 months
For prolapse in homeo, we use opium 200 30 size pills 10 3 times a day for 5-7 days
If there is rectal prolapse also we use carboveg 200 dose as above
if cow or buffalo is excitable we use Ignatia 200 as above
Keep the front legs lower by 6 inches from that of Back legs
feed fodder small quantities several times in a day
now it is aborted get it treated for that first

Rajesh chaturvedi
2 de marzo de 2019

Vishwanathan, Sir: my cow suffered from fetal maceration while pregnant for the 2nd time after 10 months of nondelivery the macerated fetus was removed in presence of a veterinary doctor, but even after 3 months of operation, she is unable to conceive again and come to heat in every 9-15 days. She had been provided many antibiotics, intravaginal, orally and through injections, but intravaginal discharges like ripe mucous did not stop. Please suggest some homeopathic cure for it.

Viswanatha Reddy
23 de abril de 2019

Rajesh chaturvedi

Your cow may not become pregnant as deep layers of uterus would have been affected. Merck Sharp dome co METRICEF may be used. Ask the company people to help you. No homeo drugs will help now.

Rajesh chaturvedi
9 de julio de 2019
Viswanatha Reddy thanks sir,I tried many antibiotics in vain but mucous discharges are yet there after 9 months of operation.
Hari Venkata Prasad
7 de marzo de 2019

My cow had been fallen and it not standing for 1 week sir, can you specify the medicines so that my cow stands? There is slight swelling in the both front legs of the cow. When we try to make it stand, it will stand for a while and again it sits back. it can not stands by its own. Please help me with this issue.

Viswanatha Reddy
23 de abril de 2019

Hari Venkata Prasad

Since last 2 months, I had not opened the dairy cattle forum.
By this time your animal may be alright h 10 pills
we use commonly Arnica 200 Rhus Tox 200 Hypericum 200 each 10 pills 4 times a day
these pills each 20 are put into 150 ml water Avoid shaking allow them on there own
Give orally 15ml every half hour
Contact Dr naveen PK 9447829703

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