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Microalgae in Layer Diets Create Functional, DHA Enriched Eggs

Published: April 17, 2015
I. INTRODUCTION Omega-3 PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) are commonly known for their health benefits to the consumer. This family of essential fatty acids provides a host of health benefits. There are three types of fatty acids in the omega-3 family: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Each of these omega-3 fatty acids is considered essen...
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Chetna Chadha
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Maheswar Rath
17 de junio de 2015
nice to read the article. i raise one point enriched egg is a new concept in egg industry .Good work and findings are published showing the various important nutrients made available through enriched chicken egg. A person getting normal egg and other getting enriched eggs as a priced egg. Do all consumers need to avail the enriched egg beneficial for health or any specific group of human need such enriched eggs.How consumer can identify the enriched eggs while paying more price per egg? Do the chicken is able to metabolise the fortified nutrients for passing on the the egg yolk? if yes what is the relationship established between feed content and egg contents of particular healthy nutrient? Enriched eggs can one day become common egg if special marketing is not important. Do the normal fat contents of eggs are bad for health so that there is need to focus on Omega-3 fat in egg. Microalgae in layer diet is not a bad idea subject to cost effective criteria. Normally chicken eggs are having balance nutrition for human being irrespective of breed , nutrition,health of bird. However genetic stocks need to be developed which can produce enriched eggs in response to dietary levels of all micro nutrients. Happy to see the article and it is good.
20 de junio de 2015
Nice article
james kishlar
21 de junio de 2015
Interesting Abstract, however, until the cost of producing micro-algaes becomes more economical, way too expensive for chicken meal supplements.....unless you have found other wise. If so please advise.
Adam Naylor
22 de junio de 2015
Hi Maheswar - thank you for your comments. In regards to the DHA enriched egg concept the aim is to develop high DHA eggs to provide a healthy value-added product. The result has a benefit for the consumer and the egg producer who can command a premium for the product. James - the use of microalgae can be economical when it comes to the development of functional foods (eggs, milk and meat).
basira ibrahim
23 de junio de 2015
It's quite a nice one. If this is practicable, then poultry farmers will produce their products at much cheaper cost. Hoping to see the article.
Barry Cohen
Barry Cohen
2 de septiembre de 2015
The National Algae Association is the first non-profit algae production trade association on the world. Some of our members are current growing algae as a chicken-feed and cattle-feed supplements with good results. We are made up of commercially-minded algae researchers, algae producers and equipment companies. Commercial algae cultivation and harvesting equipment can be co-located at any feed-lot to make feeds onsite. Health benefits for chicken and cattle are amazing. For additional information contact: info@nationalalgaeassociation.com
Sataluri Satagopa Raja Ayyangar
Synergy Biorefineries Pvt
2 de septiembre de 2015
Region wise different Algae will grow with respect to environment conditions.Selecting suitable algae will make cheaper other wise special type will cost more. However rather than feeding with contaminated foods ie, with pesticide residues, and G.M crops it is better to grow algae locally and feed to animals.
Barry Cohen
Barry Cohen
2 de septiembre de 2015
Algae can grow in many different regions, environments, indoors and on acreage. Some major issues is the quality of the water the algae is actually grown in and quality of nutrient and CO2. HP for Omega 3 EPA/DHA astaxanthin is the highest value algae grown but their are other algae used high in protein and omega 3's for animal feed supplements. Egg yokes have a orangish color and high in Omega 3'.. There are also many different other co-products that can be made from algae. www.nationalalgaeassociation.com
Jacob Hamidu
4 de septiembre de 2015
Has anyone done any work on algae in tropical regions by growing and feeding them to layer chickens and is there any published paper out there. It appears this might be a cheap way to make omega-3 eggs rather than flaxseed oil is expensive and has to be imported.
Hossan Md. Salim, PhD
6 de septiembre de 2015
Hi We use Chlorella as liquid and Powder form in the broiler diet in replacement of AGPs and found good results in case of performance and to enhance the immunity. However, we are wondering the feed cost that may increase by using Chlorella. In general, it is a good product that we can use in replacement of AGPs as it is a natural antibiotic.
Mete Aydın
2 de mayo de 2022
Hossan Md. Salim, PhD Hi Hossan Mete from Türkiye. What dose can I use chlorella in broiler and layer rations? Sincerely
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