Efficacy of using Silvafeed® Nutri P plant extract to improve poultry feet quality and welfare Footpad dermatitis (FPD) has become a major issue for broiler industry in recent years. The development of necrotic lesions on the feet can strongly impair the welfare of poultry. Moreover, it can affect animal productivity and the quality of chicken feet, causing important economic losses (May...
We don't have such data because the trials are done with the ingredients that we produce: plant extracts (polyphenols/tannins).
As far as I know, the authors acknowledged in this article also worked with a mixture of enzymes (xylanase, ß-glucanase, cellulase, pectinase, amylase, and mannanase) in a formulation containing barley, but it did not have any preventive effect on footpad lesions.
Olivier Desrues With my experience, the enzymes are improving the digesta and reducing the liter wetness, therefore less or not at all footpad lesions.
Hi Albert,
Yes I understand you can improve digestibility of some feedstuffs. But from what I have seen, it was not useful to prevent footpad lesions (2012 J. Appl. Poult. Res).
Perhaps you could also publish an article to share your experience