Absolutely correct no need of using any hormones for today's breeds, thanks to the genetic and nutrition technology we could reach the tremendous potential of the chicken where we are seeing 2kg plus body weight in 34 days in broilers and 340 eggs in commercial layers. It's, in fact, our responsibility to educate, create awareness how could we achieve this. It's not a consumers mistake for what they are thinking about the usage of hormones because what they are seeing country birds or backyard poultry will grow 1kg in 70 days so they are under that impression, so it's poultry industry responsibility to educate consumers.
There is no need for whatsoever reason adding growth hormone to poultry fed. Even though due to ignorance of the public health implications would do that. It is important to educate the major players in poultry industry, more especially in the under developed nations.
Nutritionist required to search good sources of protein and energy reduced days from 40 growth pattern above 2kg is a tremendous improvement in poultry industry but for faster growth hormones therapy by enzymes can reduce.