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Feed enzyme application: challenges in bird's physiological perspective

Published: August 4, 2021
No common feedstuff is 100% digested. In practice, 10-15% are excreted in faeces without bringing any means to bird requirement and in addition cause potential anti-nutritional effects. Thus, there is no doubt poultry benefits the most from use of exogenous enzymes and is becoming a norm to utilize the undigested parts and to overcome the adverse effects as well. However, the biological realit...
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Aminul Islam
BioGreen International Limited
DR.R.N.Sreenivas Gowda
Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University
Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University
5 de agosto de 2021
Use of exogenous enzymes and is becoming a norm to utilize the undigested parts and to overcome the adverse effects as well. It depends on the selection of feed ingredients to be incorporated in the feed .Underdeveloped digestive capacity brings potential benefits for exogenous enzyme usages, such as protease, lipase, and amylases. The birds physiology varies with the age This is scientifically proven the benefits of such enzymes generally diminish with age and responses are usually greater during early life. Therefore selection of enzymes are important as per age and the type of ingredients used in the feed. However it is beneficial and cost saving if properly designed by a nutritionist.
Aminul Islam
BioGreen International Limited
9 de agosto de 2021
DR.R.N.Sreenivas GowdaThank you sir
Nelson Ward
22 de agosto de 2021
DR.R.N.Sreenivas Gowda, you make good points on enzyme supplementation. We developed Victus™ Broiler multi-enzyme supplement several years ago based on bird physiology, changes in nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) over the growout, and the need for debranching enzymes (Ward, 2013). While also including phytase, protease and amylase, the Victus NSP enzyme composition coincides with feed changes. It is our best enzyme additive for feed cost savings, and bird performance often exceed expectations. In addition to bird physiology, knowing ingredient NSP composition is essential in the quest to gain more from feed enzymes. For example, arabinoxylan is the most abundant NSP in corn, while virtually none exists in SBM. On the other hand, the pectins are the most predominant NSP in SBM, while corn contains only about 10% as much. And with respect to oligosaccharides, SBM levels are about 12-fold higher than in corn. Thus, the two primary ingredients in North American poultry diets bear striking contrasts in fiber composition. As the ratio of these ingredients change, it makes sense that the enzymes and levels reflect these changes. This leads to another point. In this same feed, the SBM provides about 70% of the total NSP in the starter, which declines to about 50% in the finisher. Particularly important is that arabinoxylan (the NSP degraded by xylanase) contributes only about 20-30% of the total NSP in corn/SBM feeds. Stating the obvious, if xylanase alone is fed, 70-80% of the total dietary NSP goes ignored. Last point is this. An enzyme supplement can benefit from debranching enzymes, such as arabinofuranosidase, glucuronidase, and several esterases (Ward, 2021). Corn arabinoxylan is heavily branched with various structures that shield the xylan chain from xylanase, and this limits this enzyme’s capability to provide a return on investment. In addition to bird physiology, an understanding of ingredients and their contribution to the final NSP composition is important to a more effective enzyme supplement program. A 1-enzyme strategy for corn-based feeds can disregard 80% of the NSP, and limit the energy we may recoup from our feeds.
Ikechukwu agbakuru
8 de agosto de 2021
I am interested in this topic will like more light in this area of nutrition.
Sumit Sipany
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
18 de octubre de 2021

The basic nutrients that poultry birds require for maintenance, growth and reproduction include carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins. The energy and protein are the most important as well as expensive nutrients in poultry diet. Maize and soyabean meal are the conventional feed ingredients commonly used in poultry industry because of its nutrients composition and digestibility. In recent year skyrocketing prices of conventional protein sources like soyabean meal, has leads to increase in feed cost and production cost of chicken. Today's biggest challenge in poultry industry is optimising feed cost by using alternative non-conventional protein sources like DDGS, Maize Gluten, Rapeseed Meal, Groundnut Cake, Cotton Seed Cake, Guar Meal, Sunflower Meal, etc. There are some limitations in using such alternative ingredients due to poor nutrient digestibility and presence of anti-nutritional factors like non starch polysaccharides (NSP's), phytate and protease inhibitors. Anti-nutritional factors are inhibiting normal feed digestion, & thereby bird's health results to compromised performance.

Use of exogenous enzymes like protease, xylanase, mannanase, phytase, etc. gives flexibility in using alternative ingredients without compromising bird's performance by reducing anti-nutritional effects and improving nutrients availability.

PROMAXYL-a is a comprehensive solution designed through extensive research and substrate consideration over the lifetime of the birds. It is combination of Protease (Acid, Alkaline and neutral), endo 1,4-ß- Xylanase, endo 1,4-ßMannanase, a Amylase and 6 Phytase for more nutrient release. PROMAXYL-a targets the major anti-nutritional factors increases the digestibility and utilization of nutrients in poultry by improved utilization of phytate phosphorous, non-starch polysaccharides, starch, proteins and amino acids. It gives flexibility for using non-conventional feed ingredients. It will provide up to 115 Kcal/ kg energy and 3 % protein of total CP present in feed. It enables producers to naturally enhance the growth of their birds, lower feed cost and maximize profits.

Shuvendra Patel
12 de diciembre de 2021
Yes intresting
Aminul Islam
BioGreen International Limited
26 de diciembre de 2021
Shuvendra PatelThanks
Dr. Fiodor S. Marchenkov
Kronos -Agro private company
27 de octubre de 2021
Yes, it is very interesting
27 de octubre de 2021

All are good articles. Well explained about the usage of Enzymes. Excellent.

A R Hari Rao
17 de noviembre de 2021

Interesting and useful info.

VERA owusu
17 de noviembre de 2021
21 de junio de 2022
Interesting. Thanks
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