Dear colleagues,
This is a case of a 6000 layers flock, 36 weeks of age. 1.5 months ago the flock was suspected and tested for salmonellosis which came out to be positive. The flock was treated with gentamicin and bcomplex injection for 3 consecutive days. The mortality was reduced for a few days but then it increased again. The post mortem lesions show extremely fragile liver and blackish necrotic mucosa at the duodenal part. Copper sulphate and vinegar was given in drinking water but mortality was not controlled, 15-20 per day.
Please suggest me the best measure for controlling mortality.
Hi if the lot tested positive for salmonella, the birds become portadoas, that means you must be doing a systemic tartamiento every 5 weeks to prevent mortality.
consider working with an organic acid in the diet and for future work in the lift if allowed two vaccines against salmonella in the Levant and a progrm competitive exclusion.