24 de julio de 2017
Very important a quantity of the food eat a day. If not eat don't receive a quantity of calcium and phosphate and vitamin d.
25 de julio de 2017
Any toxic problem this type of mortality and leasion are notified?
Food & Allied Group of Companies
29 de julio de 2017
In broilers and layers, it is possible to see this problem.
Whenever I obtain the confirmation both clinically and in post-mortem,
I advise a treatment with CALCIUM GRIT in the feed plus VITAMIN AD3E in water.
I take a sample of the feed to check the level of CALCIUM.
The type of CALCIUM in the feed is important.
A mixture of COARSE + FINE calcium is advisable depending on the type of birds.
9 de agosto de 2017
Since I started formulating my own feeds, I have observed that the leg problem I was experiencing with the broilers has reduced. I use DCP 18%. I use 2.5kg DCP to 490kg feed. The experts can advise as to whether this is the collect amount I use. Thanks for the educative article. Gedion Mutambo, Broiler Farmer.
9 de junio de 2019
Thnks too much informative but I think this problem started at any age but growing age is more required to observe
22 de julio de 2021
The information is very useful, thanks.