ASPERGILLOSIS* It's a fungal infectious disease, caused by “Aspergillus Fumigatus”, in which the typical sign is gasping for breath, especially in young chicks. Sometimes the same organism causes eye lesions or chronic lesions in older birds. brooder pneumonia, mycotic pneumonia, fungal pneumonia, Aspergillus. When the source of the disease is the hatchery, the disease is called brooder pneumonia. In older birds, the disease is called aspergillosis It affects chickens, Turkeys, Ducks
Farmers are more familiar with aspergillosis than with aflatoxicosis, which is a major risk in poultry health and food security. While farmers and consultants work hard to manage brooder pneumonia, they must be conscious of the likelihood of Aflatoxin systemic production and its sequel on health and immunocompetency.
It is advisable that why you embark on treating brooder pneumonia, you should not forget to still place the chicks on a very broad spectrum toxin binder.
This strategic medication and dietary approach will prepare your chicks for a very healthy and optimal performance.