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Published: August 9, 2020
By: Gangadhar Behera

ASPERGILLOSIS* It's a fungal infectious disease, caused by “Aspergillus Fumigatus”, in which the typical sign is gasping for breath, especially in young chicks. Sometimes the same organism causes eye lesions or chronic lesions in older birds. brooder pneumonia, mycotic pneumonia, fungal pneumonia, Aspergillus. When the source of the disease is the hatchery, the disease is called brooder pneumonia. In older birds, the disease is called aspergillosis It affects chickens, Turkeys, Ducks

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Gangadhar Behera
Stephen Adejoro Dr
9 de agosto de 2020

Farmers are more familiar with aspergillosis than with aflatoxicosis, which is a major risk in poultry health and food security. While farmers and consultants work hard to manage brooder pneumonia, they must be conscious of the likelihood of Aflatoxin systemic production and its sequel on health and immunocompetency.
It is advisable that why you embark on treating brooder pneumonia, you should not forget to still place the chicks on a very broad spectrum toxin binder.
This strategic medication and dietary approach will prepare your chicks for a very healthy and optimal performance.

Peer Hansen
Eye-Grain ApS
10 de agosto de 2020
Very interesting. Aspergillus is definitely good to watch. We suggest a machine that can eradicate both the aspergillus fungus including the spores as well as Aflatoxin and other Mycotoxins, i.e. the TOXI-SCRUB using Ozone to eradicate all fungus and bacteria including the Mycotoxins. That is an efficient help and increases the economy. It can be used in combination with Mycotoxin binders for maximum safety and profitability.
Stephen Adejoro Dr
10 de septiembre de 2020
Peer Hansen This is interesting Peter please send me more littererature on soavet@yahoo.com I want to see how we can preach ADVOCACY for this to hatcheries in Africa
Akos Mesterhazy
Cereal Research Non-Profit Ltd.,Hungary
Cereal Research Non-Profit Ltd.,Hungary
24 de octubre de 2020
Occurrence of aflatoxin become regular in hot and dry seasons, lower occurrence wa in 2007, high in 2012 and medium in 2017. Natural aflatoxin contamination reached 3-400 ppb in maize (2017). As A. flavus is a regular component of fungi in the soil and sporadic infection can be seen yearly, the sword of Damocles is over us. However we detected high differences in aflatoxin contamination between hybrids both at natural and artificial regime and we think now that the prevention is the best way to reduce aflatoxin contamination. An, maybe the cheapest. Besides the 300-400 ppb in the most susceptible hybrids, other produced only several ppb, or lower than the detection limit of about 0.6 ppb. Now we developed a screening system for Aspergillus resistance, resistance to aflatoxin together with Fusarium graminearum and F. verticillioides resistance and their toxins DON and fumonisins. Hybrids were identified with low infection severity and toxin contamination to all three fungal species, but most of the hybrids varied in resistance to these fungi. When we think about toxin management starts when the truck arrives in farmyard with 300 ppb aflatoxin, 30 ppm DON and 60 ppm fumonisin, no management is possible. However, the screening of the existing hybrids can brin rapid improvement when highly susceptible hybrids are not allowed to be registered or withdrawn from commercial production. After three years testing we can decide it and that will result is a short tim significant improvement in food and feed safety. By the way, this can secure lo aflatoxin level also when more and more hot yeras will follow. On the other side we found a toxin overproduction in about 5-10 % of the hybrids tested, this means that at the same infection severity one can be at average or lower, several ones may have 2-3 fold higher aflatoxin contamination. This means that without toxin control no cultivar or hybrid can be introduced into commercial production. The work is not easy, but highly profitable, the screening cost may bring in an epidemic year 3-500 fold revenue. We should be aware that at present knowledge no immunity against these fungi exists, but the toxin exposition could be kept at a tolerable level growing low rik hybrids.
Akintunde Akintoye
1 de junio de 2022
Good day everyone, please i have a question. Is there any effective tretment for Aspergillosis in chicks?. I have witness 5 farms with severe Brooder pneumonia that almost wipe out their Flock. Nystatin and copper sulphate was used but no improvement.
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